F-Class Destiny Hunter

Chapter 114:

Chapter 114:

Chapter 114

Just then, the woman seated beside Seo Gangrim abruptly stood up.

As she went up to the podium, Yu Sun-min continued. With a gentle smile, he said, "I know many of you work hard for Seong-eung Church. Today, I will Awaken someone who devoted themselves especially this week."

'Was that woman getting her Destiny today?'

As if expecting it, she knelt and assumed a praying posture. Yu Sun-min held his hand above her head.

"Now you'll be able to see your Destiny too."

The moment he finished speaking, her eyes snapped open. As Yu Sun-min said, a Destiny Window floated before her.

The woman cried out in excitement, "I, I see it...! I see my Destiny! But... but..."

The elated voice quickly dampened.

Tearfully, she said,

"I, I'm... Insect Third-class..."

Lamenting sounds came from the hall. She awakened only to get Insect Third-class.

Seeing her tear up, Yu Sun-min gently patted her shoulder.

"Don't worry. No matter how unfair our Destiny, when our god descends..."

With a soft smile, he continued gently, "We will reach even higher than those born with Divine-class."

The woman seemed moved by his words. Though her tears still flowed, they were no longer of sorrow.

Yu Sun-min comforted her tenderly, "How much you must have suffered. Born with the wrong Destiny, we lived with much disadvantage even before the Day of Awakening, and now after."

Like a revolutionary protesting an unjust society, his voice was filled with resentment and urgency. Twisting around, he shouted to the crowd,

"But no more! When our god descends, we'll reclaim everything stolen from us! Believe in Seong-eung Church!"

"Believe in Seong-eung Church!"

The excited crowd started screaming fervently. Crying, laughing, it was pure chaos. Everyone was excessively frenzied, that normal people would find it strange since it wasn't a sermon that could shake emotions to such an extent.

Just then, a notification popped up before Seo Gangrim.

[A curse is about to be cast on 'Seo Gangrim'!]

As expected, the curse triggered. Despite the message, however, Seo Gangrim wasn't worried. He was prepared for it.

[Curse neutralized by 'Curse Tracker's' effect!]

['Curse Tracker' tracking curser!]

'Curse Tracker' tracks who placed the curse while neutralizing its effects. The notification told Seo Gangrim who cursed him, though he already knew. Yu Sun-min, he really have a cult-like ability.

[Ability] Voice of Brainwashing

[Rank] Dragon Third-class

[Description] Hypnotizes target when the ability is activated and command is given. The higher the target's magic power, the higher the resistance. Accrues karmic debt when used.

Yu Sun-min had the ability 'Voice of Brainwashing'. A type of curse ability.

Due to Seo Gangrim 'Curse Tracker' and high magic power, it had no effect on him. But it would be devastating to the unawakened or weak awakened. If normal people entered and listened to a sermon, they couldn't leave. This was why the church grew larger and larger.

Pretending to pray, Seo Gangrim closely observed Yu Sun-min's Destiny window. 'Voice of Brainwashing' and his basic stats were high. Dragon Third-class, over Level 40. A skilled one despite no god. And he also had other noticeable abilities.

[Ability] Physiognomy

[Rank] Spirit First-class

[Description] Can read parts of the target's Destiny Window by looking at their face.

Yu Sun-min also had the ability to read Destiny, and it was even stronger than palmistry. Just by looking at someones face would give gave a general idea of the person Destiny.

Seeing that power, one thing came to Seo Gangrim's mind. Right now he was borrowing Kim Je-neung's face. If Yu Sun-min used Physiognomy on him like this, whose Destiny window would show?

It'd be great for Seo Gangrim if Kim Je-neung's came out. But if his appeared, or he couldn't activate it...

His identity might get exposed, so he had to be careful. Fortunately, Yu Sun-min didn't even glance at me and said in a strong voice, "For Seong-eung Church to grow further, we desperately need your efforts. I pray more of you awakened next service! Have faith!"

"We have faith!"

"We have faith!"

That concluded the service, but the crowd remained immersed in emotion even after Yu Sun-min left.

The teary-eyed person beside Seo Gangrim said, "What do you think, Je-neung-ssi? Aren't you glad you came?"

"Yes, I am."

"Hurry and recruit 5 people, Je-neung-ssi. Then you can Awaken, too."

Seo Gangrim smiled lightly and nodded.

The people around pulled him to his feet.

"Alright, then let's have a meal. Now that you're here, we should eat together as a family."

Their faces shone very brightly. But who knew how these shining eyes might change. Seo Gangrim nodded and followed them.

On the way to the cafeteria, and once inside, as expected there was no sign of Yu Harang. She must be imprisoned somewhere.

Seo Gangrim got up before the food came out.

"Huh? Je-neung-ssi, where are you going?"

"I'm feeling a bit nauseous from the drive up... I'll take a quick walk."

"Oh dear, go get some fresh air then."

They let him go without much suspicion. And as he exited the building, Seo Gangrim noticed that there was no one monitoring them.

Once outside, Seo Gangrim messaged Kang Dohyeon.

[Infiltrated Seong-eung Church. Nothing so far.]

[So you went alone after all huh. What about that Shin Sooah?]

[Safer by myself.]

After all the goal wasn't to destroy Seong-eung Church, but save Yu Harang. Entering alone gave various advantages. He could be stealthy with 'Invisibility' or 'Thieving Rat'.

[I'll find Harang then get out immediately. Handle the rest afterwards.]

[Giving me all the troublesome work huh. Contact me when you're done.]

Seo Gangrim left the messy wrapping up to Kang Dohyeon. All he had to do was find Yu Harang and escape.

After making sure no one was around, Seo Gangrim activated his ability.

[Ability 'Invisibility' activated!]

Nothing beats 'Invisibility' for searching. The downside was it was only activated while holding breath, lasting max a minute.

Seo Gangrim swiftly searched around the building. From what Shin Sooah said in his past life, there was a hidden passage outside. It had to be around here somewhere.

"Good work today, everyone."

Seo Gangrim heard Yu Sun-min's voice nearby while searching around the building.

Seo Gangrim saw him and some people gathered near a door behind the building. To which they opened the door and went inside.

Keeping distance, Seo Gangrim followed Yu Sun-min.

The interior was dark with stairs leading underground, which was unexpected for such a tidy looking building.

Heading down, Seo Gangrim began hearing voices.

"Damn it, let me out!"

"Waaah... Please let me go home!"

He heard people screaming. There were some who were locked up behind bars.

Looking at them, Yu Sun-min murmured, "Still not brainwashed yet, I see."

Seo Gangrim heard Yu Sun-min characteristic gentle voice. His expression was completely different from on stage.

A prisoner cried out angrily, "Why am I locked up here? What did I do wrong?!"

"What you did wrong... your Destiny was too good."

Yu Sun-min's eyes shone coldly.

As the guy looked at him incredulously, he continued quietly, "Seong-eung Church has no need for people with good fortune and strength."

"What? Why? I could help Seong-eung Church if I'm strong!"

"We have no need for the strong. Only the weak can be desperate."

Yu Sun-min's voice seemed to reverberate once.



The guy seemed to resist at first then collapsed limply. Yu Sun-min shifted his feet as if annoyed.

"It's so annoying when they have good fortune. Hard to brainwash them well."

The prisoners seemed to be those who weren't brainwashed well. But after being locked up and hearing Yu Sun-min's voice everyday, they would crumble eventually.

Having finished his business, Yu Sun-min asked the follower while heading back upstairs, "How is Yu Harang doing?"

The instant that name left his mouth, Seo Gangrim's lips felt parched.

The follower calmly replied, "Same as usual. Everything is fine."

"Good to hear. Bring her meals as normal."

"Yes, sir."

Saying so, the follower left.

'Was he going to Yu Harang now?'

The follower re-entered the building and headed to the cafeteria. The cafeteria, the last time he'd seen it, was bustling with people.

Seo Gangrim could trail him in stealth with 'Invisibility' but there were too many eyes, and few places to hide and.

'I'd have to use the second method.'

Seo Gangrim quietly tailed him, taking an item from his pouch.


"Is the food ready?"

"Yes, it is."

Hearing the follower, the kitchen workers hurriedly replied.

Dishes were already arranged on the tray. With familiar motions, he picked up the tray and left the cafeteria.

The follower went deeper into the building. Unlike the exterior, the interior was quite complex and spacious.

As he made his way up the stairs, he caught sight of something in the mirror and frowned.

"What the hell, is that a rat?"

A white rat was reflected in the mirror. The rat quickly scurried away when the follower looked back at it. Instead of chasing it down and catching it, Shindo just cursed once.

"We need to set some rat traps. Geez."

Grumbling so, he continued on.

The white mouse that escaped carefully peeked out, watching the follower.

'He's not chasing.'

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