F-Class Destiny Hunter

Chapter 120:

Chapter 120:

Chapter 120

"Yu Harang, are you okay? Wouldn't it be better to use a wheelchair?"

"I can walk on my own now. No problem."

Despite her words, her legs were shaking as if she had just learned to walk, like a toddler.

As they watched, wondering if she would stumble, Father Yohan spoke, "Fortunately, there's no issue with the function, even though there's no muscle. Being a hunter, your recovery is relatively fast."

Father Yohan assisted Yu Harang with rehabilitation training, but it was because of her own efforts to recover this quickly.

Yu Harang smiled confidently.

"I'll be walking properly soon enough. Who do you think I am? I'll get used to other things quickly too."

Although she said that, Yu Harang seemed a bit nervous. Even if she pretended to be calm, she must be feeling anxious. After all, she had spent almost her entire life confined, striving to become a god. In her past life, too, it also took some time for her to get used to society.

"By the way, Seo Gangrim, what happened to my followers?"

Yu Harang asked with a worried expression. She was unable to check the news as she didn't know how to use a smartphone. Her change of heart was not for her own life, but for the safety of her followers.

"All your followers have been safely released. Don't worry."

"That's a relief! And... what about Father?"

"He chose to become a god."

It wasn't wrong to say that a ghost is a god, too. Yu Harang blinked her eyes, and her face seemed to show a bit of relief mixed with slight hint of sadness.

"I see. Father eventually became a god..."

"Yeah. So, don't worry about Yu Sun-min and just do whatever you want."

In response to that, Yu Harang nodded her head. Then, with a determined expression, she said, "After getting used to walking, I want to go to a Demon realm. Wouldn't it be helpful for you if I become stronger quickly?"

"Forget about that. Focus on your studies first."

"Studies? I've learned most things anyway."

Yu Harang was the type often referred to as a genius. With a Divine-class Destiny, she was an outstanding talent. Despite being confined to the church, she had learned numerous disciplines, and even though she was at middle school age, teaching her something at at that level would likely be boring for her.

However, even a person like Yu Harang doesn't know a lot of things. For now, getting accustomed to society should be her top priority. Due to spending almost her entire life in confinement, Yu Harang's knowledge of everyday matters was quite limited.

"Just play for now. Playing is learning, and others will play with you."

After that, there were things Yu Harang had to do, too. Yu Harang, meanwhile, seemed to be secretly eager to play. In the midst of this, a growling sound echoed, seemingly from a hungry stomach.

Yu Harang, looking a bit embarrassed, spoke, "By the way, is there a market nearby? The food I had yesterday was really delicious. Is there more?"

"What did you eat yesterday?"

"It was red, like blood. There was a chubby, finger-like object immersed in red liquid. It was also so hot..."

It was the first time Seo Gangrim had heard someone describe tteokbokki like that. He needed to explain things one by one now. But before that, he had to figure out what to do with her clothes. They were adorned with excessive decorations, giving off a false religious leader vibe.

Seo Gangrim turned to Shin Sooah and said, "Um, Shin Sooah-ssi, I have a favor to ask."

"Yes, what is it?"

"Would it be alright if I entrust Harang to you today? Harang doesn't have any clothes or belongings... Could I ask you for a favor?"

It seemed better for Shin Sooah, a woman, to accompany Harang rather than Seo Gangrim, a man.

She readily agreed, saying, "Of course. Gangrim-ssi, aren't you coming along with her?"

"No. There are many things I need to prepare. Issues with the house and all..."

"Are you planning to leave the hotel?"

Seo Gangrim nodded. With the increased number of people, and considering the future, they needed a proper place to stay.

Shin Sooah, looking concerned, said, "I have around a few hundred million won for now, should we use this to find a house?"

"It's okay. I'll take care of it."

With the items obtained from the Demon Realm and selling the spirit pearls, Seo Gangrim had accumulated a considerable amount of money. He had around a billion won, enough to buy a small building, but it wasn't a substantial amount.

Since they had to stay somewhere, Seo Gangrim wanted to buy a proper building. However, he didn't have that amount of money. Selling the rare-grade items he acquired would bring in some money, but he hesitated because they were valuable.

Now that Yu Harang has joined them, the financial issue would be resolved soon. After all, in their past lives, Yu Harang was in charge of securing funds. However, some immediate funds were necessary.

While Seo Gangrim was pondering on ways to make money, someone knocked on the door. Lately, there were occasional visits from fans or reporters. Fortunately, it was a hotel staff after he checked through the door lens. When he opened the door, the staff lowered their head apologetically.

"Seo Gangrim-ssi, I apologize for disturbing your rest. Someone has requested to meet you, and..."

'Someone requested to meet me?'

Glancing to the side, Seo Gangrim saw a woman in a business suit. Normally, if it was an unapproved visitor, the hotel would block them, but going to the extent of accompanying them...

"Who is it?"

"I'm the secretary of the CEO of Eusung Group. The CEO would like to meet Seo Gangrim-ssi."

It indeed wasn't an ordinary person if it was from Eusung Group, one of the well-known major corporations.

Whilst observing the secretary's expression, Seo Gangrim asked, "What is the matter?"

"You can find out when you meet with the CEO. If you come right now, I will escort you."

It seemed like he had to go in person to hear the story. Since he was already interested in Eusung Group, there was no harm in meeting them. Turning to the people inside, he said, "I'll be back in a moment. Take care of Harang for me."

"Go ahead, Seo Gangrim-ssi."

Following the secretary, he exited the building. Outside the hotel, a luxurious foreign car was waiting for them. With many people around the hotel, all eyes were quickly drawn to Seo Gangrim.

"Let's go quickly."

Thinking about the hassle of more news popping up, he felt annoyed. Silence permeated during the ride in the sedan until Seo Gangrim's smartphone faintly vibrated.

[**Emergency** - A divine message has come to the chosen ones. The opening of the second Great Demon Realm is predicted.]

It was an urgent news flash. The second Great Demon realm appeared sooner than in his past life, but in a way, it was expected. In his previous life, it took a long time to conquer the first one, so the second one opened several months later. Considering the timing, it was likely that the second one would emerge around this time.

As Seo Gangrim checked other news to confirm the information, he felt vibrations again, but this time it wasn't from his smartphone.

[The item 'Fate Guide' is activated!]

Simultaneously with the news, the 'Fate Guide' started operating.

'Could it be that I would see illusions again, like last time?'

However, perhaps due to him not being under the effect of the boundary at the moment, the 'Fate Guide' only displayed messages.

[An incident occurs in the second Great Demon Realm.]

[A conflict involving deception and loyalty arises among the Ten Gods.]

[A conflict or dispute may arise in human relationships.]

Seo Gangrim stared at the message in silence. It was a somewhat cryptic divination.

"Conflict in human relationships" included both allies and enemies. In other words, it was uncertain whether friction would occur with allies or enemies. The second Great Demon realm was a personal battle.

There was a possibility of friction with allies, but it wasn't expected to be significant. The second Great Demon Realm had lower difficulty and lower risks.

'So, was there a possibility of friction with my allies?'

The 'Fate Guide,' which hadn't activated when he encountered Shin Ara was now activated. This suggested that there might be more important events involving key figures, perhaps even Baek Young.

"We've arrived."

The car came to a smooth stop without any vibrations. As he stepped out, Seo Gangrim saw the imposing building of the Eusung Group. Following the secretary's guidance, they entered, and a man's voice greeted them.

"Oh, Seo Gangrim-ssi. Come on in."

Yang Euseong, the CEO of the Eusung Group, welcomed Seo Gangrim warmly. He was in his late thirties, which was a relatively young age for a CEO of a major corporation. Even before the Awakening Day, the Eusung Group was already a large enterprise, but it had further expanded its scale by adapting well to the changes.

"Please, have a seat."

He gestured towards the sofa on the other side. Yang Euseong reclined comfortably on the sofa, smiling leisurely.

As Seo Gangrim took a seat, Yang Euseong spoke again. "I didn't expect to meet you like this. Personally, I wanted to meet you as a fan."

Though he spoke in a friendly manner, Seo Gangrim wasn't particularly pleased. After all, this CEO didn't summon him for purely personal reasons.

"What would you like to drink? Coffee? Green tea?"

"I'm good. I'd like to hear your business first."

"Direct and to the point, I like it. The approach of a Great Demon realm conqueror is different, isn't it?"

Yang Euseong spoke casually, but there was no smile in his eyes. It seemed he wasn't pleased with Seo Gangrim's attitude. Tilting his chin slightly, he asked, "Seo Gangrim, do you know why that is? Nowadays, hunters and the Manshins are more famous than most celebrities."

Seo Gangrim was well aware of it. People were enthusiastic about the achievements of the Manshins, and they had more interest in hunters and Manshins than any other profession.

Yang Euseong grinned and said, "So, here's the thing. I'd like to appoint you as an exclusive model. What do you think?"

It was something Seo Gangrim had somewhat anticipated. Regardless of whether it was the Eusung Group or other companies, there was a trend of hiring hunters and Manshins.

Instead of accepting, Seo Gangrim posed a question, "Isn't Seong Eui-gyeol already an exclusive model for the Euseong Group?"

"Yes, that's correct. However, there have been various issues. He disappeared suddenly during a legal dispute."

Seo Gangrim had advised Seong Eui-gyeol to quietly go to prison if he valued his life, but it seemed like he had ignored Seo Gangrim's advice. Seo Gangrim wondered what Dokgo Jun had done. It would be nice if he had confined him, but who knows. Seo Gangrim hoped it's as bad as imprisonment.

"Well, even if that's not the case, I really wanted to work with you, Seo Gangrim-ssi. You're a talent that's attractive in many ways."

"My reputation is far from ideal, unlike Seong Eui-gyeol."

"But you're getting even more attention. Isn't that more important than reputation? And if you're concerned about your reputation, it's an even better opportunity for you, Seo Gangrim-ssi. We can create a reputation for you. We're also offering a generous signing bonus."

"Signing bonus?"

To his question, Yang Euseong gave him a look as if he had caught a big fish. He confidently said, "Yes, I've prepared around 3 billion."

Yang Euseong spoke of the amount as if it were an ordinary sum and took out a business card from his pocket. Holding out the card to Seo Gangrim, he said, "How about it? Will you sign a contract with me?"

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