F-Class Destiny Hunter

Chapter 15:

Chapter 15:

Chapter 15

Shin Sooah's thoughts kept going to that man, Seo Gangrim. She felt worried for him, thinking, ‘Seo Gangrim seems strong, but I'm concerned about him going alone…’

*Tock tock*

As she was lost in thought, the sound of knocking reached her ears. When she opened the door, there was a person standing in front of her.

"Ah, Shin Sooah-ssi. Hello."

The person was the one she had planned to go hunting with today. Since there was still some time until the appointed meeting time, it seemed like he had some other business.

"Hello. Do you need something?"

She asked while observing the expression of the other person, who seemed somewhat unhappy for some reason.

"Well, I'm sorry, but... Can we cancel our plans to go hunting together today?"

"Is something wrong?"

After struggling to answer the question for a moment, he finally spoke carefully, "Well, another person asked me to go hunting with them... I'm sorry."

"It's okay. Who are you going with?"

"Well, I'm going with Seo Gangrim-ssi."


When Seo Gangrim was mentioned, Shin Sooah became puzzled. Wasn't he always going alone? After thinking for a moment, she spoke up, "If possible, can I also go with you?"

"It might be, but... let's go together for now."

Shin Sooah wanted to have a conversation with Seo Gangrim as she was bothered about him. As the two came down to the lobby, Seo Gangrim was already there. The other person approached him and spoke, "Hello, Seo Gangrim-ssi. If it's alright, can one more person go to the Fire Hell stage with us today?"

"Is that person her, Shin Sooah-ssi?"

"Yes, yes. Originally, I was supposed to go with her..."

Seo Gangrim glanced at Shin Sooah and said, "Shin Sooah-ssi, it would be a bit difficult for you."

"Why would it be?"

Seo Gangrim didn't say anything, and just glanced at the man as if asking for a moment of privacy. The other person hesitated and then left. When the two of them were alone in the lobby, Shin Sooah spoke first, "I thought you liked to go alone, but that seems to have changed now, so why can't I go with you?"

"Well, I need to clear the second stage as soon as possible, and right now, Shin Sooah-ssi's skills are insufficient."

At Seo Gangrim's cold words, Shin Sooah's eyes widened slightly. Nevertheless, when she spoke, her voice was very calm, "I don't think I'm that weak."

"That might be true, but in the next stage, your abilities will be weakened. The second stage had a fire attribute."

Shin Sooah looked blankly at Seo Gangrim as if asking what he meant. He continued his explanation, "The first stage had the gold attribute, which is the opposite of your wood attribute, Shin Sooah-ssi. You must have felt it, too."

Shin Sooah nodded in agreement. When they entered the first stage, she had felt suffocated and heard an alert sound, saying, [The energy of gold 'overcomes' Shin Sooah's element.]

According to the attributes within the Demon World, elements of places or persons could either be beneficial or detrimental for a person.

The second stage had the fire attribute, while Shin Sooah had the wood attribute. Finally, Shin Sooah understood what Seo Gangrim meant.

"Indeed, the second room will be disadvantageous for me."

Last time, at the building, Seo Gangrim's fire grew into fierce flames by burning Shin Sooah's wood. In such a dynamic relationship, when encountering a fire attribute place, Shin Sooah's ability would naturally be at a disadvantage. The trees Shin Sooah had grown would serve as good firewood for the fire attribute demons.

"If I go with the current Shin Sooah, I feel like I'll be held back. That's why it's difficult to bring you along."

It also meant that her skills were insufficient, so she couldn't accompany him. Although what he said seemed hurtful, Shin Sooah didn't show much displeasure.

‘Why did he speak so bluntly when he could have given other reasons and politely declined?’

It wasn't a problem if he refused, and just say he had more people with him. In fact, it would have been smoother to let it pass without any issues. However, Seo Gangrim explained in detail why he couldn't take her with him.

‘Is he giving me clues?’

Seo Gangrim was acting coldly, but he was actually giving her clues about the next stage. Thanks to that, she would be able to prepare before going to the next stage.

Seo Gangrim looked at her silently for a moment and then opened his mouth, saying, "Do you understand now?"

"Yes, to some extent. And there's something else I'm curious about..."

Seo Gangrim stared at her as if asking what it was. After hesitating for a moment, Shin Sooah spoke up, "Are you close with Dok Gojun?"


Seo Gangrim's eyes widened slightly, as if she hadn't expected to be asked that question.

Shin Sooah hesitated for a moment before continuing, "When I asked to go together with you on the first day, you said it's more convenient to go alone."

"That's right."

"And after that, you went with Dok Gojun."

Seo Gangrim didn't deny it. And that was the truth. He remained silent for a moment before speaking up, "Yes, we are somewhat close. so what are you trying to say?"

"Oh, no, I just... I thought it would be nice to go hunting with you next time."

After saying that, Shin Sooah glanced around. The person who was supposed to go with Seo Gangrim was still lingering nearby, waiting for their conversation to end.

"It seems like I've taken up too much of your time. Well then, I'll be going. Thank you for the advice."

Shin Sooah gave a slight nod and left. Seo Gangrim, meanwhile, looked at her retreating figure with a complex expression in his eyes.


***Read at ***

"Give me a menu and a water bag. Also, some healing potions," Seo Gangrim said to the Tou.


When he placed the order, the Tou swiftly moved and brought the items. As he watched it carrying a single water bag while grumbling, Tou tapped the menu, and said, "Ot? Oh ot."

The menu board had various food names written on it. The food here had special effects, so consuming them provided various benefits. For example, the cold green tea sold here increased water attribute resistance when consumed. It was also one of the recommended items to have before going to the second stage, and it would be a useful item for Shin Sooah.

"Ot, oh?"

"No, never mind."

After a moment of contemplation, he left the cafeteria. It was a bit awkward to show favor to Shin Sooah in the current situation.

Seo Gangrim thought he was handling it calmly, but she continued to approach him as if they had an already established relationship. It wasn't necessarily a bad thing, but it wasn't good either, since it would be best to maintain a certain distance and only go hunting together when necessary.

His mind became a bit complicated about Shin Sooah, but he ultimately decided to focus on his immediate tasks at hand. Seo Gangrim then gathered his items and headed towards the lobby.

As Seo Gangrim was checking my equipment before entering the Demon World, the second door suddenly opened and someone struggled to come out. It was Dok Gojun. He looked quite worn out, with his clothes charred in places and he was covered in blood.

"Ah, Seo Gangrim-ssi."

He staggered towards Seo Gangrim when he saw him and asked, "Are you forming a party and going hunting again today?"

"That's what I'm planning."

"Isn't that a bit cowardly?"

For Seo Gangrim, it was quite refreshing to hear the word ‘cowardly’ coming from Dok Gojun's mouth.

Seo Gangrim stared at him, as if asking what he meant, to which he only smiled and said, "We made a bet on who would clear it first. But since that day, you've been going on parties... Don't you think you should act alone to be a worthy main character?"

Dok Gojun's sounded slightly disappointed.

"Um... It's not like that, but I thought it was an obvious thing even without saying it. In that case, Dok Gojun-ssi, why don't you get a party and clear it?"


Dok Gojun looked at Seo Gangrim with slightly disappointed eyes which Seo Gangrim quite liked. But soon, he smiled as usual, saying, "Well, there are protagonists with that kind of style too."

After saying that, Dok Gojun walked towards the direction of the statue, dripping blood but with a carefree attitude. He seemed to have a broader perspective than Seo Gangrim had expected... Dok Gojun seemed to have a wide knowledge in unexpected areas. Still, in the end, he would be disappointed in Seo Gangrim. Because Seo Gangrim will make it so.

At that moment, Seo Gangrim heard someone hurriedly coming down from the second floor.

"Seo Gangrim-ssi!"

The owner of the voice was Cheon Goonam. He seemed somewhat excited for some reason as he approached Seo Gangrim with light footsteps.

"I cleared the first stage yesterday!"

This was faster than in his previous life. Seo Gangrim thought it would take Cheon Goonam another two or three days. Cheon Goonam smiled and said, "Didn't we agree to have a party together when I clear it?"

"I said I would think about it."

"So, have you thought about it?"

Seo Gangrim looked at Cheon Goonam with his hands in his pocket. Seo Gangrim looked him up and down as if evaluating him, making Cheon Goonam a little uncomfortable.

"What element are you, and what ability do you possess?"

"My element is water and I have an ability called 'Water Bullet.' I create bullets with water and shoot them..."

Seo Gangrim thought he would lie again just like what he said about his rank like last time, but this time he honestly revealed his abilities. In response to his answer, Seo Gangrim pretended to contemplate for a moment and nodded, saying, "Alright, let's go together."

Upon hearing those words, Cheon Goonam's face brightened up immediately. Seo Gangrim then felt someone’s gaze and quickly turned around, only to find Dok Gojun staring at him. Seo Gangrim had a strange feeling as if he was being observed for some reason.

"Let's go right away. Did you prepare your equipment?"

"Oh, I'll go to the cafeteria and get some water!"

"Let's go together."

Seo Gangrim felt like Dok Gojun would follow him again if he were alone, so he went with Cheon Goonam. While heading towards the restaurant, Cheon Goonam looked at him with a bright smile and started a conversation, "To be honest, I was a bit surprised."

"What about?"

"You accepted more easily than I expected."

He took the water bag offered by a Tou.

Seo Gangrim responded, saying, "I am looking for people who would be suitable to go with me, but there weren't any with good abilities. It seems like water attribute would be good for the second stage."

"What's the second stage like?"

We returned to the lobby and stood in front of the second door. As I grabbed the doorknob, I spoke, "It's called the Fire Hell."

And it would be hell for Cheon Goonam as well.


TL’s note:

The sudden change of point of view is very confusing for me, so I want to maintain a third person point of from now on.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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