F-Class Destiny Hunter

Chapter 29:

Chapter 29:

Chapter 29

What he took out was an egg that was slightly larger than a regular egg. The unusual thing about it was that it had a round mouth attached to it, and its sharp teeth was currently grinding, as if wanting something.

[Item] ???'s Egg

[Rank] ???

[Description] It hatches after being carried for a certain period of time. Its form changes depending on the food given. It is still unknown what will come out.

‘I'm glad I obtained this egg.’

Awakened individuals often referred to this unnamed egg as the Unknown Egg, and this could be obtained in many places within the Demon World, but the rank of such area was at least Dragon-rank. Hence, obtaining it was difficult, so it was one of the items that went for billions in the auction market.

‘But for now, it doesn't have any immediate benefits. I’m more in need of a better weapon right now...’

After opening the shop window, Seo Gangrim quickly scanned through the weapon category. The weapons he liked couldn't be purchased with the current spirit pearls he had. Hence, he explored further into the shop instead, and he found that the auction system was active.

"It wouldn't be a bad idea to sell something on the auction house and use the money to buy a weapon."

The sword provided by the Destiny Protection Bureau was just an average item. It wasn't bad to use in the First and Second stages, but it fell short from the third stage onwards. Moreover, using ‘Sword Unsheathe’ with an average sword would inevitably reduce the ability’s effectiveness.

By now, awakened individuals would be appearing outside as well. The faster ones would have already established their sects. If he used the auction to sell the unknown egg to them, he could make money in a short period of time, but...

"The auction will take a long time. It might be sold for a low price as well."

Even if awakened individuals appeared, they were a minority. Moreover, there would be few people who recognized the value of a good item, so there was a high probability that the auction price would be low.

"For now, let's buy a weapon to use in the Fourth stage."

He decided to temporarily buy a Human-rank sword from the shop, since he could obtain weapons in the next stage as well.

"With that out of the way, I now need to focus on raising the Unknown Egg."

The egg whose contents were unknown. Seo Gangrim lightly touched the edge of the egg with his finger. As he did, the mouth of the egg opened wide and sharp teeth appeared.

- Snap!

Before the teeth could bite his finger, Seo Gangrim quickly pulled his hand back. The egg gnashed its teeth and tore at the empty air like a hungry beast.

"It's more ferocious than I heard."

He'd heard that some of these eggs were so voracious that they left no bones behind when they’re done eating. To prevent any accidents, Seo Gangrim carefully wrapped the egg and placed it inside his embrace.

"Now, let's go find some food."

As he heard the sound of the egg's teeth grinding, he headed outside. The door to the Fourth Stage had already been opened without him realizing it.

"Sooah would be in trouble in this stage, so I have to go with her. But before that..."

Instead of entering the Blade Forest, Seo Gangrim entered the Fire Hell. He could hear the egg grinding its teeth from within his embrace.

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[Confirming the entrance of "Shin Sooah," "Yoon Bom," "Yoon Geoul,"]

[Entering the Blade Forest.]

The door in the middle of the forest opened, revealing three people. As Shin Sooah stepped inside, she could feel her breath becoming noticeably more comfortable. The Fourth Stage seemed like a forest at first glance. The refreshing scent of grass filled the air, making it feel like they were on a vacation in the mountains.

Yoon Bom took a deep breath and exclaimed, "Wow, it's a forest this time. I feel so much better here!"

"There probably won't be any Yetis here, right?" Yoon Geoul said with a hint of unease.

Shin Sooah glanced briefly at the two of them, and said, "If you're still not feeling well, you can go back. Are you both okay?"

"Don't worry, Sooah-noona. We're both fine now."

"That's right, unni! Since the three of us came together, it'll be okay!"

Yoon Bom smiled brightly and followed behind Shin Sooah. If Seo Gangrim were to see this scene, he would have found it strange. In their previous lives, Shin Sooah and Yoon Bom had an obvious hostile relationship. How many tears did Shin Sooah shed while embracing the corpse of a sect member who was sniped by Yoon Bom? They used to be enemies, but now, it felt as if they were fellow sect members, with a gentle atmosphere flowing between them.

Yoon Bom looked around and said, "At least it's not too cold or hot here."

Among the regions within the Demon World they had visited so far, this one had the most pleasant environment. There were no noticeable demons nearby either. However, Shin Sooah was more cautious than ever as she carefully surveyed her surroundings.

"But it still looks dangerous here."

"It's probably not the demons..."

"It's more about the forest itself."

Saying that, Shin Sooah picked up a fallen leaf nearby. As she looked at the leaf, she brought her own clothing close to it. With a swift movement, the leaf cut through the fabric of her clothes.

"The leaf is as sharp as a blade."

"What? Oh, be careful! It's, it's true..."

Yoon Bom picked up the leaf, and her fingertip was instantly cut. As could be inferred from the name, this forest was made up of blades.

"It really feels like blades..."

Every leaf was like a blade, and even the ends of the branches were sharp like needles. The forest, which had seemed peaceful just a moment ago, now looked like a part of hell. Yoon Geoul furrowed his brows as he looked at the notification window.

"The mission here is tough. Collecting a thousand spirit pearls is no joke."

[Entered the Blade Forest.]

[Please collect spirit pearls. 0/1000]

[Time Limit: 2 weeks]

"Collect a thousand spirit pearls?"

Yoon Geoul said in disbelief, and the others also checked the challenge of this stage. Shin Sooah was silently looking at the notification window.

"But luckily, it doesn't specify the grade of spirit pearls to collect."

Collecting a thousand Insect-grade spirit pearls and collecting a thousand human-grade spirit pearls were completely different things. Even so, would it be possible to collect a thousand of them? If that's possible, then how vast was this forest?

Setting aside those questions, Shin Sooah spoke, "First, let's start searching."

The siblings nodded and began to move their feet. As they walked, wary of their surroundings, Yoon Bom glanced at Yoon Geoul and said, "Don't go anywhere alone this time. Stick close together. Gangrim-oppa told you not to go separately."

"...I'm not a child."

Yoon Geoul grumbled, but he seemed slightly crestfallen. The memories of facing the Yeti alone were still vivid in his mind. The gaze of the demon that looked as if it could tear him apart, as if it found him appetizing. He knew that if it weren't for Seo Gangrim, he would have died there.

"By the way, it would have been nice if hyung had come with us. Doesn't he seem to be avoiding us a bit?"

"Maybe there's a reason for it..."

Even as she said that, Yoon Bom seemed somewhat unsure. She appeared slightly disappointed.

"I thought we were quite close. Is it because we're too weak?"

If other trainees heard those words, they would have been shocked. Yoon Bom was stronger than most trainees, although not as strong as Seo Gangrim.

Shin Sooah cleared the bushes in front of her with a sword and said, "I don't think Gangrim-ssi would discriminate against people like that. He saved your life, didn't he?"

"That's right! Oppa seems like a good person. A bit mysterious, though..."

Shin Sooah chuckled softly at her words. At first, she couldn't understand Seo Gangrim's attitude either. But despite his words that could be hurtful, he risked his life to save people in dangerous moments. She didn't know why he did such things, but she believed that there was a reason.

"He always talks tough, but deep down, he's a gentle person. Don't you think so?"

Yoon Bom laughed, agreeing with Shin Sooah’s words. Yoon Geoul's sulking expression also softened a bit. Then, Shin Sooah noticed something and stopped abruptly.

"There's a demon over there."

[Discovered demon 'Scythe Mantis'.]

In front of them was a demon in the shape of a mantis. If there was a difference from a normal mantis, it was that it was the size of a dog. Yoon Geoul immediately strung her bow upon seeing it.


The arrow pierced through the Scythe Mantis's head accurately. As the fallen mantis's small mouth opened, spirit pearls rolled out. When Yoon Geoul picked up the spirit pearls, her mission window was updated.

[Acquired spirit pearls: 3/1000]

"It counted as three. Oh, I have to slay three hundred of them."

"Still, we should be able to catch enough within two weeks, so let's get started."

The three of them immediately began hunting. While they were engrossed in battle, Yoon Bom noticed something and spoke up, "Oh? What's over there...?"

Yoon Bom pointed beyond the grassy area. There, something was lying down. It was a demon in a beast form that they had never seen before.

Yoon Bom looked puzzled as she said, "Did we enter another demon's territory?"

"Perhaps. Let me take a quick look at what kind of demon it is."

Yoon Geoul walked briskly towards the corpse. At that moment, Shin Sooah's 'Sense' captured something, and she urgently shouted, "Geoul, stop!"

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As Seo Gangrim came out to the lobby and was adjusting his equipment, his ears suddenly started to itch, so he scratched them.

'Who's talking bad about me somewhere?'

Whoever cursed or insulted him, he didn't care anymore. He was already gotten used to it. Compared to being rejected in his past life, these seemed peaceful.

"Hello, Gangrim-ssi. Are you going alone today? Want to go together?"

There were even people who approached him like this. They were still attempting to conquer the Third Stage.

"Yes, I'm going alone. I'm heading to the Fourth Stage,"Seo Gangrim answered with a dry tone, not wanting to get involved with them.

"Oh, I see. We're still in the Third Stage... Then let's hunt together next time!"

Whether they were aware of his disposition or not, they still had smiling faces. He turned his back and headed straight for the Fourth Stage.

Upon entering, he heard the familiar notification sound.

[Confirming the entrance of 'Seo Gangrim'.]

[Entering the Blade Forest.]

Once inside, he noticed footprints left here and there, indicating that some people had entered before me. Seo Gangrim recalled that the ones who cleared the Third Room were him, Shin Sooah, Yoon Geoul, Yoon Bom, and Dok Gojun. Dok Gojun had been going alone these days, so there was a high probability that these footprints belonged to the trio. If the past and the present were the same, he had to pay attention to Shin Sooah in this stage. As he followed the footprints, a notification window appeared.

[Entered the Blade Forest.]

[Please collect spirit pearls. 0/1000]

[Time Limit: 2 weeks]

A thousand of them. This was where the hard work began. It seemed easy at first glance, but there were many things to consider in this place. For example, voices coming from the sky.

['Master of All Flames' can now converse telepathically with you.]

['Guardian of the Blade Forest' can now converse telepathically with you.]

['Only in the Black Night' can now converse telepathically with you.]

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