F-Class Destiny Hunter

Chapter 67:

Chapter 67:

Chapter 67

The sight stunned the people. It was shocking enough to make them forget their anger.

【Dokgo Jun, is that...!】

【I knew he was crazy, but this is something else.】

【He's ruthless, even to his own snake...】

【Why? I actually like him. He's an interesting guy.】

Dokgo Jun laughed as if he was satisfied with the people's reactions. Seo Gangrim knew he was crazy, but he didn't expect him to be this insane. Dokgo Jun raised his sword and looked at Seo Gangim. "Now, let's go, Seo Gangrim."

"Sure. But there's something we need to discuss first."

Dokgo Jun might be crazy, but if he could be useful, Seo Gangrim would use him to the fullest. Just then, Yoon Bom and Yoon Geoul were also running towards them.

"Master! Are you okay? What in the world...!"

"Why are there so many dead snakes here?"

By now, everyone he needed had gathered around. With this, they might have a chance to deal with Steel. Seo Gangrim spoke to the crowd, "I have a favor to ask of all of you."

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"Annaby, what's the current situation?"

"Currently, the trainees from Zones Two and Three are facing off against Steel. There are multiple injuries, but no fatalities."

Gong Joo had entered the Demon World and was rushing to the scene with the other two team members. News of the appearance of the beast Steel had been relayed to the leaders of each team. With the exception of the team members who had been dispatched to subjugate the demon beasts that appeared on the streets, most of the personnel had gathered in the Chamber of Poisonous Snakes. Ju Seongtae followed behind Gong Joon and grumbled, "I don't understand what the director is thinking. The trainees might die..."

"That's why we're here. To be prepared for the worst-case scenario."

The director had left the trainees in charge of the situation, but if they made a mistake, there was a possibility of many casualties. Therefore, if it was deemed that the trainees had no chance of winning, the team leaders were authorized to take over.

As they rushed to the scene, Steel could be heard howling and thrashing around.

"Team Leader Jong, you're late."

Seomun Yongneo had already arrived at the scene. She was easy to spot since she wasn't wearing a mask, revealing her smiling face. Gong Joo returned her greeting and greeted others as well, "Team Leader Yang, it's been a while."

"Hmmm, long time no see..."

Team Leader Yang Yibaek, from Zone Three, let out a big yawn. He looked like the image of exhaustion. Seeing Yang Yibaek, Gong Joo couldn't hide his displeasure and said, "But Team Leader Yang, shouldn't you be wearing the regulation attire like the other agents?"

Yang Yibaek looked similar to the other agents but had a noticeably different outfit. He wasn't wearing a tie or gloves, had mismatched buttons, and was wearing slippers with three stripes.

"I'm wearing a mask, so I don't need to wear the uniform."

Yang Yibaek said as he lightly tapped his mask. At this, Gong Joo struggled to hold back from scolding him. Yang Yibaek either didn't care or pretended not to notice and sat down on a rock with a thud.

"What about the team leader of Zone Four?"

"He's on an assignment and couldn't make it."

"Ah, I envy him... I wish I could go on an assignment too."

Even amidst all the screaming, Yang Yibaek remained unfazed. He muttered with a hint of annoyance in his voice, "They can't defeat it anyway. Shouldn't we just take care of it quickly and leave?"

"Let's wait for now. The Director has given us instructions," Seomun Yongneo replied with a smile. Gong Joo clenched his fist, trying to hide his irritation as he cast an anxious glance at her.

'Why did Seomun Yongneo come here?'

Unless it was an emergency situation like today, agents were not allowed to enter the Demon World. The reason was simple—to prevent the agents from helping the trainees. Yang Yibaek and Gong Joo were exceptions since this was there area of responsibility. Having mentioned that there was something to deal with in this stage, they need to come all the way here.

'It's clear she has a goal in mind.'

Gong Joo stood alert while keeping an eye on Seomun Yongnyeo. Seomun Yongnyeo smiled innocently, "You must have been surprised by this sudden turn of events. But no one should die here."

"...Isn't that why we're on standby?"

"Hehe, that's right. It would be nice if everyone gave up as soon as possible, though."

Saying this, she looked at something in the distance.

"You don't have any intention of giving up, do you?"


As he finished his sentence, a gunshot echoed terrifyingly. It was a sharp gunshot that tore through the air stained with poison. It sounded more like firing a cannon than a gunshot.

"Finally, the attack has begun."

In response to Seomun Yongnyeo's words, Gong Joo urgently looked at the direction where the sound was coming from. And there stood none other than Yoon Bom, a trainee from Zone Two. She was aiming at Steel with a face devoid of emotion. But the reason Gong Joo's eyes widened was not because of Yoon Bom.

'Isn't that weapon the Demon Slayer, the large-caliber sniper rifle, from my armory?'

The "Demon Slayer" was one of the large-caliber sniper rifles that used armor-piercing bullets and was stored in Gong Joo's arsenal. It was a weapon used when dealing with creatures with tough exteriors like Steel.

'I didn't expect Seo Gangrim to bring it out. I thought he'd take the Jeon-eodo.'

In the armory, there were various weapons, but the essential weapon for defeating Steel was undoubtedly the Jeon-eodo. Jeon-eodo was a sword known to have been used by Taizho Yi Sun-gye to defeat the dragon Umang. It had exceptional abilities, especially against creatures classified as dragons, like Steel. However, there was a penalty when using the Jeon-eodo in the presence of Steel.

'Since you can bring out two at once, I guess he took the Jeon-eodo.'

Gong Joo's eyes lit up at the sight of his trainee in action. He couldn't help but smile at this. Meanwhile, Steel was turning his head in response to the gunshot.


Steel turned his head towards the direction where Yoon Bom was. Since the distance was quite far for him to hit with his tail, Steel opened his mouth wide.

"A fire attack is coming!"

At Jung Seongtae's warning, some of the agents stepped back while others put up protective barriers. However, the team leaders showed no signs of panic. Not soon after, flames spewed out of Steel.


Steel spat out flames at Yoon Bom's direction. Yoon Bom stepped back and then Father Yohan's shield stood in front of her.

[Ability 'Shield' is activated!]

The shield's defensive power had increased significantly due to the narrowing of its range. Father Yohan broke out in a cold sweat, but he didn't collapse thanks to the magic restoration tea given to him by Seo Gangrim.

Despite the heat, the team leaders watched without a trace of discomfort. Seomun Yongnyeo said amusedly, "Are they planning to attack from a long range? Even so, their accuracy isn't that good."

The bullet Yoon Bom fired struck the ground, and didn't hit Steel, which would have done quite a bit of damage if it had. Gong Joo was more puzzled than disappointed by the fact.

'Such a big target and she missed?'

Yoon Bom had the gift of markmanship. It didn't make sense for her bullet to miss.

Just as Steel was about to approach Yoon Bom, someone appeared from the other side.

"Hey, over here!"

There stood someone who resembled Yoon Bom. The difference was in the weapons. Yoon Geoul held a massive bow while standing on a tree. Due to its immense size, it was anchored to the tree by the base of the great bow. The arrows were also huge, more like spears, suitable for the massive bow.


He pulled the sturdy iron string, causing the muscles in his arms to swell as if they were about to burst.


After releasing the string, the arrow tore through the air and flew towards Steel. However, the arrow barely grazed his side. Feeling the pain on his side, Steel turned around. As he looked at Yoon Geoul, Steel opened his mouth in annoyance.


Flames erupted towards Yoon Geoul, but he seemed determined not to dodge. Suddenly, Linnie, who had been standing beside Yoon Geoul, lifted her head towards the flames.


[Ability 'Water Manipulation' is activated!]

Water surged up from the river and formed a massive shield. When the flames hit the shield made of water, they sizzled and evaporated instantly. The surroundings became thick with mist, now shrouded in fog. Unable to see his enemies, Steel appeared to be in panic.


Amidst the mist, the sound of gunshots and arrows flying could be heard. Steel alternated between firing flames in the two directions.

Gong Joo's pupils turned cold as he watched this scene. 'That is the great bow from my armory. Did he ignore my warning and bring out more than three?'

If the trainees in Zone Two became stronger, it would be a good thing for Gong Joo, but there was a clear reason for setting quantity limits. While team leaders often help their trainees from behind the scenes, it's definitely not encouraged. If one or two trainees among Zone Two had powerful weapons, they might be thought to have obtained them through their own means or from a god. But if everyone had powerful weapons? To prevent a situation where Gong Joo's tail was stepped on, he had limited the number of weapons that could be taken out to a maximum of two. However, if Seo Gangrim ignored him and violated the agreement, he couldn't just let it slide. To find out how many weapons Seo Gangrim had taken, Gong Joo whispered to Annaby as he handed over the armory key.

"Check if Jeon Eodo is still in the armory. Also, find out how many weapons Seo Gangrim took."

If Seo Gangrim violated the agreement and took more than allowed, Gong Joo planned to confiscate the key. Even if Seo Gangrim was an excellent trainee, Gong Joo couldn't tolerate him defying his will.

Annaby nodded and quickly left. Meanwhile, Seomun Yongneo, as if finding something amusing, said, "These are quite good weapons. Where do you think he got them?"

"Bought them from the store."

Gong Joo replied dryly, and Lady Seomun laughed out loud. It was then that Joo Sungtae spoke up, puzzled, "But what are those two doing? None of their attacks are landing..."

Indeed, Steel hadn't received a single effective hit. They were just taking turns attacking him. As Steel roared and attempted to breathe fire at Yoon Bom again, something unexpected happened.

Grrr, grrr...

Fire was about to spew from his mouth, but it soon withered and disappeared.

Seomun Yongneo's eyes sparkled with interest. "It seems like his fuel has run out."

Steel's behavior pattern was simple. He had various attack methods for close-range opponents, but if the enemy was at a distance, he prioritized firing flames. Yoon Bom and Yoon Geoul had distanced themselves from him and enticed his flame attacks until his fuel ran dry.


Steel, unable to emit flames, rushed wildly towards Yoon Bom. At that moment, numerous tree branches began to sprout from the ground.

[Ability 'Way of the Forest' activated!]

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