F-Class Destiny Hunter

Chapter 81:

Chapter 81:

Chapter 81

In response to Choe Sangwon's words, people nodded their heads in agreement. At first glance, it might have seemed like a reasonable solution, but for Seo Gangrim, it was something he couldn't accept. The shadow clearly belonged to him, and he didn't have the time to stay here.

"That's problematic," he said.

Upon hearing his words, the men felt resentment.

"Really... Were you that shadow?"

"Were you deceiving us?"

People began to rise from their seats, each holding a weapon. Seo Gangrim watched them in silence.

'Fighting them would be a waste of time, and the situation has become difficult,' he thought. It was too late to persuade them, and too late to defeat them.

As Seo Gangrim assessed the situation, Choe Sangwon shouted, "Get him!"

As if his command had turned into a trigger, people rushed towards Seo Gangrim. However, in that very moment, Seo Gangrim disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"What, where did he go?"

"What kind of ability did he use?"

As people were in disarray, the door on the left suddenly opened and then closed. Someone pointed at it and shouted, "There! Seo Gangrim escaped through there!"

They rushed towards the open door in a frenzy. Meanwhile, Seo Gangrim stood silently in a corner of the room, still using his 'Invisibility' ability to remain hidden. Once everyone had left, he retraced his steps through the door he had come from. Exhaling, he deactivated the ability.

'This is why I had to come in late. There's no other way."

He had anticipated that his ability might be exposed. It wasn't anything to be surprised about, but it was also not a reassuring situation. Hurrying back to the herbal medicine room, Yoon Bom and Jang Taeheon welcomed him.

"Hyungnim! You came later than we expected."

"We were worried because Master didn't show up."

Their faces showed a mixture of happiness and concern. Despite their warm expressions, Seo Gangrim felt uneasy.

'What will their reaction be when they find out about my ability?'

In his previous life, Jang Taeheon still associated with him even after he learned about his ability, but this time, it might be different. They might resent him for hiding it and feel betrayed.

'If I encounter Choe Sangwon or someone else, it could become problematic if they find out about my ability.'

If his ability was revealed, it would have to be until after Shin Sooah was released.

Seo Gangrim said with urgency, "I was delayed because I met some people and learned the location of Shin Sooah's plaque. It should be nearby."

"What? Really? Then let's go quickly!"

Jang Taeheon and Yoon Bom jumped up from their seats. Seo Gangrim led the two of them hurriedly towards the direction of the flower garden. With various forms of anxiety, his steps quickened. When they opened the door as marked on Choe Sangwon's map, a pleasant fragrance wafted into the room.

【Oh, what's this? Are we going outside?】

【No, it's not outside. It seems like an indoor garden.】

【Wow, it's incredibly spacious. Even if they say it's outside, I'd believe it.】

The indoor garden was so vast that it could give the illusion of being outdoors. The ceiling was covered with glass, allowing sunlight to enter, but it was an illusion. It was three or four times as large as the other rooms, and there were large trees planted throughout the flower garden. The flowers in the flowerbeds seemed to have received long-term care, as they were vibrant and glossy.

"Let's search for the plaque as quickly as possible. We don't have much time."

"Got it, Master!"

The three of them scattered and began searching for the plaque in a hurry. Seo Gangrim's expressions showed that he wasn't pleased with the time ticking away.

【By the way, this place is really spacious.】

【Yeah, it's true. It might take a while to find it.】

【I wonder what'll happen if they run into Zone Two people here.】

【I wonder what Yoon Bom and Jang Taeheon will say when they find out about Seo Gangrim's ability.】

If they were to find out about him... Seo Gangrim forcefully suppressed the anxious thoughts that were beginning to form. There were urgent matters at hand.

'I need to find the plaque quickly. It will take time to return to the entrance.'

They had ventured deep into the stage, and going back would be a task in itself. Encountering other rooms or different groups on the way back would only further delay them. So, they had to find the plaque as quickly as possible.

As they searched through the illusion for some time, they heard Yoon Bom's desperate cry, "I found it! Sooah unni's plaque! It was hidden on top of a tree!"

Yoon Bom was covered in dirt as she shouted. Shin Sooah's plaque was positioned on top of a giant tree.

Hearing this, Seo Gangrim let out a sigh of relief and stood up. "Well done. Now, let's go back and bring Sooah-ssi here."

*Doo-woong, doo-woong...*

Before Seo Gangrim could even bask in the relief, the sound of drums reached them. Suddenly, as if night had fallen upon the brightly lit garden, shadows began to creep in.

【Look at the timing.】

【It won't be easy to deal with them.】

【Doesn't it seem like the intervals between drumbeats are getting shorter?】

【How many will appear this time?】

The gods chatted among themselves as shadows started to form throughout the garden. There were about five in total. Seeing this, Zhang Taeheon was inwardly relieved.

"Thank goodness, there aren't many of them."

With three of them, they could easily handle this number. Some of the shadows even seemed injured. One shadow, in particular, collapsed on the ground as soon as it was created, almost crawling.

Seo Gangrim murmured as he looked at that shadow, "Could it be... Sooah?"

The shadow that was on the brink of death had a red shackle around its left arm, just like Sooah's. Although it lacked facial features, it bore a resemblance to the suffering Sooah he had experienced in the prison.

【Is that really Sooah's shadow?】

【Why does it look so pitiful?】

【At least it seems weakened; otherwise, it would have been a big problem.】

【I hope only one of them appears.】

'I need to eliminate them quickly,' Seo Gangrim thought.

The sound of an unheard ticking clock seemed to echo in his ears. He had to deal with these shadows as soon as possible and return to Sooah.

'If it's just this much, there should be enough time. If I bring Shin Sooah here and make her grab the plaque, we can leave immediately...!'

With hope that they could safely return everyone, his movements became faster. He aimed for the shadows and swung his sword. But at the moment he struck the shadow, a loud clang resounded.


The sword struck at Shin Sooah's shadow was repelled and flew back. He felt a sharp, throbbing pain as if he had struck a rock. Unseen barriers had formed around the shadow.

[Ability 'Protection Barrier' activated!]

It was a very familiar protective barrier, one he had seen somewhere before. Beside her, another shadow reached out its hand toward Shin Sooah's shadow. Holy white light began to pour out from its fingertips.

[Ability 'Healing Hand' activated!]

Jang Taeheon and Yoon Bom exchanged surprised glances. It was clear that everyone was thinking the same thing.

【Is that ability...?】

【Isn't that... Father Yohan's shadow?】

【Right, right. It even has a ring on the little finger.】

【The two people that should never meet are here.】

Seo Gangrim cursed internally and attacked once again. The light of healing grew even brighter.

'Before Shin Sooah's shadow is healed, I need to deal with this.'

As he urgently rushed forward to break the protective barrier, two more shadows suddenly emerged, each aiming a gun and a bow at Seo Gangrim. They were like twins with similar builds.

【Oh, it's crazy! It's Yoon Bom and Yoon Geoul!】

【Why are they all gathered here?】

*Tang! Tang!*

Sharp gunshots rang out from behind Seo Gangrim, and a bullet hole appeared on the forehead of the shadow holding a bow. Yoon Bom was standing behind him, smoke rising from the muzzle of her rifle.

"Yoon Bom, Jang Taeheon! Help me while I break the protective barrier!"

"Yes, Master!"

Yoon Bom's shadow staggered as she was struck her shoulder but quickly aimed her gun.

Amidst the gunfight, an unusually large shadow appeared in the front. Seo Gangrim let out a bitter laugh; he instinctively knew it was Jang Taeheon's shadow. The shadow rushed towards Seo Gangrim with the determination to crush bones, moving a little faster and stronger than the original. Seeing this, Jang Taeheon leaped.


Jang Taeheon's and the shadow's fists collided simultaneously. Something seemed to snap, but Jang Taeheon paid it no mind.

"Don't interfere with Hyungnim...!"

As Jang Taeheon dealt with his shadow, Seo Gangrim quickly moved to the side. Father Yohan's and Shin Sooah's shadows were still inside the protective barrier.

*Kka-kwaang, kka-kwaang!*

Seo Gangrim struck the protective barrier multiple times with all his strength. He ignored the recoil on his arm and relentlessly slashed with his sword.


As the protective barrier started shattering, abling Seo Gangrim to swing his sword and slice through Father Yohan's shadow, severing its head. The shadow staggered, then collapsed on the spot. Subsequently, Shin Sooah's shadow began to rise slowly.

'Is it too late...!'

Just moments ago, Shin Sooah's shadow seemed on the verge of death, but now it looked much lighter. Its expressionless black face seemed as deep as a well. As the shadow reached out its hand, Seo Gangrim felt the air's flow changing throughout his body.

[Ability 'Way of the Forest' activated!]

[The effect of the ability has increased due to environmental influence!]


As the 'Way of the Forest' activated, the plants throughout the garden began to grow rapidly. The place they were in was the perfect location for Shin Sooah.


Seo Gangrim swung his sword at the rapidly growing branches, but their regenerative power was too strong. Although Seo Gangrim cut through the branches in a frantic manner, he could barely see what was ahead. Without a moment to breathe, the shadow's face appeared in the gap.


When Seo Gangrim cut through the branches, the shadow, wielding a sword, rushed at him. Seo Gangrim raised his sword to defend himself but instinctively took a step back.

'It's much stronger than the original Shin Sooah...!'

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