F-Class Destiny Hunter

Chapter 89:

Chapter 89:

Chapter 89

Just a moment ago, when he received a similar offer from Gong Joo, he didn't hesitate to refuse. But now, the words wouldn't come out easily. Restoring missing body parts wasn't in the realm of recovery. While there might be individuals with such abilities appearing in a few years, they didn't exist at this moment. And obtaining items for Shin Sooah wasn't something feasible right away.

"If Gangrim-ssi joins us, we can fix her immediately," Seomun Yongneo's offer was not a lie, and Seo Gangrim knew it better than anyone else. If it was the Destiny Protection Bureau, mending a severed arm was an easy task. Seo Gangrim also knew how to restore Shin Sooah's arm, but it would take some time. He looked at her and asked, "What's the minimum contract period?"

"One year? It would be great if you could stay longer."

If joining the Destiny Protection Bureau for about a year could restore Shin Sooah's arm in return, it wasn't a bad deal. Seo Gangrim might have to endure some hardships, but there would be a way out in the middle of it. He questioned Seomun Yongneo, "Do I have to join immediately?"

"Originally, yes, but since it's you, Gangrim-ssi, I can give you a grace period of a few months. But only if you give a definite answer now."

She wasn't going to give Seo Gangrim much time to think it over. It was an offer he would have refused if his own arm had been chopped off. While he hesitated, a voice reached his ears. "I will reject that offer."

The sound that came out wasn't Seo Gangrim's. In no time, the door to the hospital room opened, and Shin Sooah was coming out with unsteady steps. She looked at Seo Gangrim with an expression of displeasure and said, "Seo Gangrim-ssi won't join."

"Oh dear, Sooah-ssi, are you okay? Moving suddenly like that can be dangerous," Seomun Yongneo rushed to her side, genuinely concerned. Shin Sooah was gazing at Seomun Yongneo with a distorted expression.

"What exactly are you thinking? Making an offer to join in exchange for my arm. It's not even an offer to me."

"In that case, will Sooah-ssi join? Sooah's coming would be most welcome."

Seomun Yongneo seemed genuinely fond of Shin Sooah. Shin Sooah was also a formidable hunter, so Seomun Yongneo's interest was understandable. However, Shin Sooah pushed her away roughly. "No, I won't join either."

"That's a shame. I would have been really pleased if both of you could join my team."

There was a tinge of regret in Seomun Yongneo's expression, but she quickly smoothed it out and took out a business card from her pocket, and handed one to each of us.

"Feel free to contact me if you change your mind anytime. You'll have twice the salary of Team 2 and much better treatment."

Seo Gangrim received his second business card. He had no intention of entering the Destiny Protection Bureau, but it wouldn't hurt to keep this information in mind in case he could use both of them.

As Seomun Yongneo passed by, she whispered softly, "I hope to see you again soon, Gangrim-ssi."

She walked away, leaving no footsteps behind, but the lingering scent of the bouquet she brought still filled the air. Seo Ggangrim disposed of it in the trash can.

"Did you consider joining the bureau?" Shin Sooah asked, her eyes fixed on him. With her missing arm, it was even more noticeable now that she was standing. The empty sleeve swayed gently.

"I was considering it because it didn't seem like a bad deal."

"If you were considering joining because of my arm, please stop. This is my responsibility, not yours."

"Even if it wasn't for your arm, I was thinking about joining..."


Shin Sooah's voice was chillingly cold as she stared straight at him. "Gangrim-ssi, you're a terrible liar, it's obvious, so stop it."

Seo Gangrim was a little angry at Shin Sooah's reaction. She lost her arm because of him, so why was she telling him not to take the job? Seo Gangrim couldn't hold it in any longer, and the words slipped out. "Why did you sacrifice your arm for me?"

He glared at Shin Sooah, who now seemed a bit surprised.

"Well, back then, you looked like you're in danger..."

"Whether I am in danger or not, why did you still do it? What's your relationship with me? We've only met for a few months, why would you sacrifice yourself for me?"

Seo Gangrim couldn't understand her. Why would she sacrifice one of her arms for him? Why was she preventing him from joining the Destiny Protection Bureau? Why was she willing to die for him in the future?

"Why on earth would you do that?" Seo Gangrim's voice had grown rough.

Shin Sooah avoided his gaze, her face stiff. She hesitated for a while before her words finally came out. "I don't really know."

"You're not sure?"

"I just... cared about you."

She seemed uncertain even about her own words. Shin Sooah touched the place where her arm used to be and continued speaking.

"At first, it bothered me that you kept helping me, that you were going through hardships alone."


"I felt sorry because you got into dangerous situations because of me. But the truth is, even that doesn't fully explain it. It might sound strange, but..."

For a moment, she fell silent, as if pondering what to say. After a brief pause, her hesitant voice broke the silence.

"It somehow feels like I've known Seo Gangrim-ssi for a long time."


"When I saw that you were in danger, my body just moved on its own."

After saying this, Shin Sooah awkwardly smiled.

"Isn't it strange? We've only known each other for a few months."

If it were someone else, they might find it strange, but Seo Gangrim couldn't think that way now. In reality, Shin Sooah and I had known each other for a long time. Was she also influenced by the regression? Could it be that memories from their past lives were lingering in their subconscious?

Shin Sooah hesitated and continued, "I... I wish we could be comrades. We left the training facility, but I hope we can continue to work together in the future."

Shin Sooah's voice was soft and cautious. She struggled to ask me something, her words becoming a bit unclear as she finally inquired, "Could we continue to stay in touch and be friends?"

In their past lives, Shin Sooah had left the training facility and made a similar proposal. She had hoped they could continue to work together. At that time, Seo Gangrim had accepted the offer with the intention of killing Shin Sooah and stealing her Destiny.


But now it was different from back then. Seo Gangrim wanted to save Shin Sooah and protect her destiny. However, he didn't know how to accomplish such a task or what was the best course of action. If she stays with him, she might be killed by Baek Young, just like his parents were. Seo Gangrim was also troubled by the future shown by the Guide of Fate. If Shin Sooah were to die in a place he wasn't present, he didn't want that. He didn't want to remain ignorant and only realize it later. He didn't want to regret anything anymore.


His response surprised Shin Sooah, and she looked taken aback. She hesitated before speaking again. "We're friends, then?"


Upon hearing my answer, Shin Sooah smiled brightly. It was a stark contrast to her usual calm demeanor.

"While I was hospitalized, I heard that like-minded hunters sometimes form factions. How about we form a faction together?"

"If you want."

It was a somewhat unenthusiastic response, but Shin Sooah seemed pleased with it, smiling slightly.

"But I won't hesitate to decline if I change my mind."

"I'll keep persuading you even if you do."

Hearing those words, Seo Gangrim couldn't help but feel relieved somehow. Nothing had changed about her from his past life. Even when he had tried to leave the sect, he had been repeatedly rejected.

[Seo Gangrim-ssi requested to leave due to his lack of abilities, but Shin Sooah did not allow it.]


[Seo Gangrim-ssi tried to leave due to health issues, but Shin Sooah did not allow it.]

[Seo Gangrim-ssi attempted to leave for self-improvement, but Shin Sooah did not allow it.]

[Quiet down.]

Even when he had submitted his resignation and tried to hide, Shin Sooah had always found him and dragged him back. To this day, he still didn't understand why she went to such lengths.

"Brother Seo Gangrim!"

Just then, a familiar voice echoed down the hallway. Father Yohan rushed towards them, his face full of emotion. He tightly held Seo Gangrim's hand with a trembling voice.

"I heard that you woke up, so I came to see for myself. You really woke up!"

"Father, it's been a while."

The atmosphere was awkward, but it was a relief that Father Yohan had come. Father Yohan continued, still overwhelmed with emotion. "It's truly a relief that you woke up! I was so worried... Oh, I'm sure the others will want to meet you too!"

Upon hearing his words, Shin Sooah seemed to realize something. "Oh, right. They'll all be waiting...."

She intended to clap lightly as she said that but then realized it was impossible and awkwardly extended her arms.

'...I need to restore her as quickly as possible.'

"You go first. I'll change into some clothes and join you shortly. Father, can you please guide him to the training room?"

"Yes, yes, of course. I'll see you later then," Father Yohan smiled warmly and led Seo Gangrim to the elevator. The building appeared to be part of the Destiny Protection Bureau. The upper floors had treatment facilities, while the lower floors housed facilities for hunters.

During the elevator ride down, Father Yohan chatted animatedly. "Thank goodness. Everyone was so worried...! They were worried when Brother was awarded as the top trainee, and when we heard about your special ability...."

He spoke cheerfully for a moment before abruptly stopping. Now that Seo Gangrim thought about it, his abilities had now become known to others. Father Yohan noticed his change in expression and said hesitantly, "Uh, Brother... I have something to say..."

"What is it?"

"When others see Brother, they might... be a bit hesitant. It might be a good idea to prepare yourself mentally..."

Seo Gangrim simply nodded, since he had a rough idea of what was going on.

The elevator continued to descend and stopped on the second floor with a ding. As the doors opened, Seo Gangrim was surprised to see more people than he had expected. He thought they would have left during the time he was asleep. Meanwhile, there was no sign of Dok Gojun. Whether that was fortunate or unfortunate, Seo Gangrim couldn't tell.

Among the familiar and unfamiliar ones, Seo Gangrim noticed trainees from Zone Two who he had spoken to several times, and was now seemed contemplative as they looked at him.

"Se... Seo Gangrim-ssi...?"

His voice was filled with awe and fear. As soon as he mentioned Seo Gangrim's name, the atmosphere among the people changed dramatically. It felt as if a monster had suddenly appeared. People stared at him with expressions of distrust and fear.

People who had warmly greeted me and requested to form parties together now had completely different expressions. Their gazes were filled with disdain and fear, a far cry from the smiles they had given him months before.

While keeping their distance from him and remaining in a guarded state, someone finally stepped forward.

"I thought you were dead, but you're alive?"

That seemed the words that they wanted to say. The person standing before him, Choe Sangwon, looked much cleaner than when he had last seen him.

He spoke with a disdainful tone as if he were looking at trash. "You murderer. Who else did you kill to become the top trainee?"

Choe Sangwon was glaring at Seo Gangrim. No, it wasn't just Choe Sangwon; everyone was fixated on him. Those who used to greet him warmly, the people who approached him and asked to team up, they had all been smiling back then, but it was entirely different now. Their looks were filled with hatred and fear. Familiar faces from his past life.

Choe Sangwon, keeping his distance from me, spoke with a tone full of hatred. "You're the top-ranking trainee? How many people did you kill and stole their abilities and become the top-ranking trainee?"


"Now I understand why you were following me around. You had your eyes on me! You wanted to kill me and take my ability!"

From start to finish, everything he said was wrong. Seo Gangrim had never followed Choe Sangwon. He never thought of killing him, and had no intention to.

Choe Sangwon continued to rant. "Releasing a criminal like this doesn't make any sense! They should take you away at the Protection Bureau!"

One by one, people began to chime in.

"Yeah, why is such a dangerous person being left alone...? We should report him to the Protection Bureau."

"We don't know what he might do."

"Let's report him to the Protection Bureau!"

"Sisters, brothers! Please calm down..."

Father Yohan desperately tried to calm them down, but it was in vain. When people agreed with Choe Sangwon's opinion, he seemed even more emboldened.

At that moment, urgent footsteps were heard from inside.


The person who rushed out was Yoon Bom, Yoon Geoul, and Jang Taeheon. As Yoon Bom was about to approach Seo Gangrim, Choe Sangwon abruptly grabbed her arm.

"Yoon Bom, what are you doing?"

"Let go."

"That human is dangerous, you know it too!"

"Let go."

"Seo Gangrim-ssi is a murderer! You were deceived. He was taking you around to find an opportunity to steal your abilities..."


Choe Sangwon's body suddenly made a loud noise as he collapsed to the ground. He had been struck so forcefully that cracks appeared on the floor.

"I told you to let go."

"Ugh, agh..."

"Don't ever refer to Master in such a way again."

She looked down at Choe Sangwon with a cold gaze.

"Unless you want to die."

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