F-Class Destiny Hunter

Chapter 92:

Chapter 92:

Chapter 92

It must have been a long time for Kang Dohyeon. The last time they saw each other was probably more than 5 or 6 years ago. Seo Gangrim looked at him while smelling the scent of blood that filled the surroundings.

"Well, it's not that long. We did meet once at the training facility."

At those words, Kang Dohyeon's eyes showed a slight surprise, but then the corner of his mouth twitched. The place where the two of them had met not long ago was in the Chamber of Poisonous Snakes.

When Seomun Yongneo came looking for him, Kang Dohyeon was also there. Even though his face was covered, Seo Gangrim immediately recognized him by the atmosphere and hostility.

"If you recognized me, why didn't you say anything?"

"It wasn't a good situation to exchange greetings."

Even now, it didn't seem like a good time to exchange greetings. In their past lives, it had been a slightly more peaceful encounter.

As the Day of Awakening approached, many people realized their abilities, but there were those who awakened before that. Those who were closely related to gods, like priests, or shamans and those related to them. Kang Dohyeon was one of the cases who awakened before the Day of Awakening. In the bureau, they would scout awakened individuals and turn them into agents.

Seo Gangrim looked at Kang Dohyeon and asked, "Did you follow me from the bureau? Or did you come on your own?"

"I'm asking that first. I thought you would ask about my mother."

"...Is the teacher doing well?"

"My mother passed away."

His mentor, Seo Hwakyung, had died. Seo Gangrim couldn't hide his bitterness.

"So my teacher is dead."

Even in their past lives, she had died a few years before the Day of Awakening.

It was a fact that he knew, but Seo Gangrim asked again, "Why did she pass away?"

"She committed suicide. She left a suicide note."

"Why didn't you invite me to the funeral?"

"Why would I invite you? You left home on your own."

Kang Dohyeon looked at Seo Gangrim as if he were a stranger, or rather an enemy.

There was a time when Seo Gangrim and Kang Dohyeon were like brothers. Young Seo Gangrim entered as a disciple of Seo Hwakyung and spent his childhood at her house. Seo Hwakyung's only family, with her only son, Kang Dohyeon.

They were of similar age, and the neighborhood children looked down on Kang Dohyeon. It was because he was the son of a shaman. So it was only natural that the two became close. They became friends, brothers, and family. However, that was a story of the past.

"About my mother's suicide note..."


Kang Dohyeon grabbed Seo Gangrim by the collar in an instant and pushed him away. Anger overflowed on Kang Dohyeon's calm face.

"Do you think you have the right to call her your mother?"

Whenever Seo Gangrim called Seo Hwakyung his mother, Kang Dohyeon used to get angry like this.

The reason why Kang Dohyeon came to resent Seo Gangrim was probably that.

There were two types of shamans. One was the hereditary shamans who inherited the shaman status from generation to generation. The other was Gangshinmu, who became a shaman by becoming a vessel of a god, like Seo Gangrim.

Even though the kids called Kang Dohyeon a shaman's son and picked on him, he still respected his mother. He wanted to become a shaman like his mother, but Seo Hwakyung didn't want to pass it down to him because she knew how painful it was to live as a shaman.

However, Kang Dohyeon didn't give up, and tried to become a Gangshinmu but he lacked the god's favor. There were no gods coming to him. And not long after that, Seo Gangrim entered Seo Hwakyung's house. They became master and disciple, godmother and godson.

Kang Dohyeon strived to gain Seo Hwakyung's recognition, but with little success. His desire soon turned into jealousy towards Seo Gangrim who had better talent in shamanism than him. Seo Gangrim, whom a strong god looks upon. Seo Gangrim, who received his mother's sympathy and favor.

"Why does my mother cherish you more than she does me?"

"Why do you receive divine favor, and I don't? I wish I had received it instead...!"

To Seo Gangrim, divine favor was misfortune and hell, but to Kang Dohyeon, it was the opposite. He longed for Seo Gangrim's hell. He would howl and bleed all night long in search of the god Seo Gangrim wanted to abandon.

Seo Gangrim believed that his existence was making Kang Dohyeon unhappy, which is why he left Seo Hwakyung's house and cut off contact with them. He thought that Kang Dohyeon would be happy if he disappeared. However, his expectations had been misplaced.

Kang Dohyeon, still holding Seo Gangrim by the collar, asked, "Why aren't you fighting back? You could easily defeat me, right?"


"Are you trying to cut me some slack?"

"I don't want to fight," Seo Gangrim finally replied.

Something about that answer seemed to irritate Kang Dohyeon even more, and he twisted his lips. He let go of Seo Gangrim as if throwing him aside.

"Don't look down on me. I'm not the same as back then. I've also received a god."


"You may not want to fight now, but one day you will."

Leaving only those words behind, Kang Dohyeon put his mask back on and disappeared into the darkness. The pungent smell of iron still lingered in the air.

After hiding for a while, Han Cheol cautiously approached and said, 【What's up with that guy? He seemed like your brother.】

"From his perspective, he probably thinks I'm a complete stranger."

【Tsk tsk, it looks like this whole mess started because your brother was jealous. You should get along better, and your deceased mother would be relieved.】

Getting along better... Seo Gangrim wished for that too, but it felt hopeless at the moment. In their past lives, Seo Gangrim and Kang Dohyeon had quickly reconciled because, ironically, Seo Gangrim was weak.

Despite completing the training, Seo Gangrim remained weak, which led to Kang Dohyeon's anger and frustration rather than mockery or satisfaction. Kang Dohyeon had asked, "Why are you so weak? You received divine blessing, didn't you? If you're so weak, what am I, who resented you for so many years , supposed to do?"

"You're supposed to be stronger than me, that's what you're supposed to be!"

As if unable to tolerate Seo Gangrim's weakness, he entered Flying Tiger Sect, saying he couldn't just leave the weak Seo Gangrim alone. When he came to his senses, they were back to being like brothers, just as before. "I can't stand to see you so weak! At the very least, you need to become as strong as me!"

In their past lives, Seo Gangrim's weakness had actually helped repair their relationship. However, this life was different, and Seo Gangrim suspected that Kang Dohyeon wouldn't be receptive.

Watching the situation, Han Cheol comforted him.

【Well, it'll be resolved with time. When you both grow up...】

"I can't wait until then."

Seo Gangrim needed to join forces with Kang Dohyeon as soon as possible. One of the things he needed right now was information. To confirm the whereabouts of Baek Young and Yu Harang, he needed the information network of the bureau. To do that, he needed Kang Dohyeon's help.

Seo Gangrim thought for a moment, looking up at the sky. "Back then, when we fought, teacher always intervened."

Even now, Seo Hwakyung would probably suddenly appear and scold them for fighting. But Seo Hwakyung was dead, and the heavens remained silent. A bitter wind passed through the cemetery.


"Come in."

After Seomun Yongneo's permission, the door to the office opened. The person who entered was Kang Dohyeon. She sat down at her office chair and looked up at Kang Dohyeon.

"Have you met Seo Gangrim?"


"Does he want to join our team?"

Between her fingers, a dart spun around as if she were about to throw it.

Kang Dohyeon replied quietly, "No. He declined."


"He said he had other things to do. He didn't explain it in detail."

After taking a short breath, Seomun Yongneo placed the dart on the desk. She spoke wistfully.

"I hoped that because you knew Seo Gangrim, it would be easier, but it seems that was too much to expect."

Sending Kang Dohyeon to Seo Gangrim had been Seomun Yongneo's intention. The news of their past acquaintance had reached her, prompting her to send Kang Dohyeon to persuade Seo Gangrim this time.

"Didn't I mention it? We weren't that close."

"Oh, really? That's strange. When you met in the Demon Realm, it seemed like Seo Gangrim recognized you."

"...," Kang Dohyeon remained expressionless and didn't respond. In many ways, he found the current situation uncomfortable. Seomun Yongneo was likely aware of the fact, but she continued with her questions.

"Is there anything worth reporting? What was Seo Gangrim up to?"

"He was hunting demons."

Although Kang Dohyeon had clearly seen Seo Gangrim visit Han Cheol's blacksmith shop and dig up graves, he lied. But it wasn't a complete lie since they had really encountered demons.

Seomun Yongneo stared at him in silence for a moment before saying, "So, he declined because he had something else to do, and that something was just hunting demons?"



Seomun Yongneo's chair creaked as it spun around once on its own. She stared into space for a moment, lost in thought, before speaking again.

"Try meeting Seo Gangrim once more and persuade him."


"Yes, they say third time's the charm, don't they?"

Seomun Yongneo smiled playfully. It was a smile that had no meaning or depth. She then opened a message window and typed something, and said casually, "But in the current situation, the probability of rejection would be high even if you make another proposal, right?"

After sending the message, the message window disappeared. She spoke with a calm expression, as if she had sent an invitation or something similar.

"I've requested Seo Gangrim to assist in an expedition to the Demon Realm. I've arranged for you to accompany him."

"...," Kang Dohyeon hesitated.

"If you fight together and make progress, won't Seo Gangrim relax his guard a bit?"

"What if Seo Gangrim doesn't accept the request?"

"Then we'll have to consider other options."

Kang Dohyeon was a little troubled. Seomun Yongneo stood up from her seat and approached Kang Dohyeon. Her affectionate hand gently patted his shoulder. "It seems Agent Kang Dohyeon isn't pleased with Seo Gangrim joining, is that right?"


"There's no need for unnecessary lies."

Unable to retort, Kang Dohyeon bit his lip. Seeing his reaction, Seomun Yongneo chuckled silently.

"Then, please take care of it, Agent Kang Dohyeon. I really want Seo Gangrim."


Seo Gangrim stood in front of a building where golden threads were woven like a police line. There was still some time left until the designated time. He was in the middle of re-reading a message he had already seen.

'Seomun Yongneo has requested an expedition to the Demon Realm.'

Accepting requests from the bureau was common among hunters because there were many tasks that couldn't be handled by bureau members alone. However, being paired with Kang Dohyeon for the expedition was unexpected.

'Is there a different purpose behind this than the expedition?'

If they knew about his connection with Kang Dohyeon as shamans, they might be trying to use that as an advantage. Although Seo Gangrim had his suspicions, he accepted.

'I was trying to call Kang Dohyeon one way or another, but it seems like Seomun Yongneo is taking care of it herself.'

If Seomun Yongneo was trying to use him, he would use this opportunity in return. At that moment, Seo Gangrim heard footsteps.

"Ah, Seo Gangrim-ssi. You came early."

There were two agents standing there, both wearing black attire and masks. One of them was Kang Dohyeon, looking somewhat troubled, while the other was Annaby, who appeared pleased.

"It's been a while, Seo Gangrim-ssi."

Annaby extended her hand for a handshake, her eyes gleaming with unspoken joy.

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