Fairy Tale Chronicles

Volume 4 5.2

Volume 4 Chapter 5.2

Translator: Reflet

Editor: Weasalopes

Not too long after that incident…

「Both side, quiet!!」

The union head, chief from police force and the head of the commercial sector appeared on the spot along with Haruna and Mio.

「There was a report from a civilian. Garzo Mohne, both parties will be escorted to the court on the account of abuse in power.」

「We have an official testimony!!」

「We will investigate the matter at the station including that testimony.」

The chief tried to take Garzo’s arm as he made his statement. As expected Garzo resisted and threw a fist; or rather, a punch which the chief just let it hit him. Garzo was than forcefully escorted to the nearest station by the police officers who have come along for a backup.

「You are under arrest for violent behaviour. Take them all to the station!!」

With the chief’s order, Garzo’s group was arrested one after another by the police officers. The others in the group were also escorted along with Garzo and few were even arrested.

「We thank you for your cooperation. 」

「Well we were prepared for a situation like this.」

Due to the barrier spell which Tatsuya cast, there was no injuries during this uproar.

「We’re innocent! This is a false conspiracy! I was framed by Kakashi!!」

「Regardless of what happened, the one who showed violence first was your group. This will be a different case of antisocial behaviour against Mr Basso. We will also investigate you regarding the fraud incident.」

Garzo pitifully continued to resist, yet the chief managed to drag him over to the closest station. To such an obviously guilty behaviour, the rest of the officers looked at Garzo with a helpless gaze.

「By da way, who’s Basso?」

「Oz Basso is Kakashi’s real name. But in public, no one calls him by his real name. Oh, by the way, that’s Kakashi over there.」

Looking at the figure the dwarf pointed towards, Kakashi really did look like a scarecrow for a dwarf. [1. TL Note: “Kakashi” is “a Japanese term meaning scarecrow”.] He was around 180 centimetres tall and it was difficult to determine if he really was a dwarf. His overall physique neither had any muscle or fat and he was very slender. From a human standard, his facial structure was slightly neater compared to Hiroshi. With his messy hair, it was understandable why he was called Kakashi.

「Well, it looks like we can finally sit down and talk this out. 」

「We have caused you so much trouble…」

「No need to apologize. We had other issues with those guys before. We’ve just about had enough with them. Well, we haven’t fully resolved the situation so I was wondering if you could come to the station with us for the investigation?」

「O, of course!」

Kakashi continued to apologize for the situation which has become more drastic than he has originally imagined it to be. Even seeing Kakashi in such a state, the union head still informed him that the issue is yet to be resolved. Hiroshi sighed at such sight.

「’t doesn’t look like we can git any o’ our work sorted today.」

「You’re right, I apologize for the number of times we have cause you folks a burden….」

「Not at all, this incident wasn’t ya fault. ‘t just, those kinda people tend to hold onto grudges. So, to make thin’s easier, we were wonderin’ if we coulda build the new blast furnace here? 」

「Are you sure you want to build one here?」

「Ya see, tis the place where two Feng Shui intersect. So I thought ‘t would be the ideal place to do a test run.」

The union head agreed with Hiroshi’s favour. To be honest, they have not done thorough research on Feng Shui yet.

「n’ was it Basso?」

「Kakashi’s fine.」

「Welp, Kakashi-san, from what I heard, ya seem to be skilled at craftin’ but ya lack in magic. So I thought ya’d be a perfect fit for the test run.」

Kakashi tilted his head as he heard Hiroshi call him a perfect fit. He has been insecure about the fact that he has less magical power compared to an average dwarf. So, he wanted to know why Hiroshi thought having less magic was a positive trait.

「Oh, the new blast furnace will have a system that uses magic from the Feng Shui. So even if you lack magical power, you can smelt things like magical steel.」

「So for the test run, we’re lookin’ for someone who’d be skilled ‘nough to smelt magical steel but don’ have ‘nough magic to do it emselves.」

「So you thought I would be the perfect fit for the test run?」

「Exactly, so we wanna buy ya workshop n’ build a blast furnace. Wadda ya say?」

Hearing Hiroshi’s favour, Kakashi nodded mindlessly. However, he quickly realised the responsibility which this favour came with.

「Ho, hold up!」

「Hm? was there a problem?」

「Are you sure that you want to do such a large-scale construction at my workshop!?」

「Well, we would have to buy someone’s workshop anyway so it doesn’t really matter who’s workshop it is.」

「That’s not what I meant. Why are you choosing my shabby workshop? Please talk to the president and find a better place!」

Hearing Kakashi’s words, Hiroshi turned to face the dwarf next to him. As Hiroshi turned, the president nodded and gave a thumbs up. It seemed that there wasn’t any problem with using Kakashi workshop.

「Welp, ‘t seems that the prezdent agrees with ma decision..」

Kakashi scratched his head at the president’s response

「I don’t mind you modifying my workshop but when that happens, what would be my position in the workshop?」

「Well, your role will change from an owner to an employee but everything else will remain the same.」

「Welp, considerin’ ya safety, there’s also an option o’ bein’ an employee at ma workshop and move to Farlane?」

「Farlane? Sir, who are you?」

「I run a workshop in Farlane called Azuma Workshop. I made a new blast furnace but I haven’t taught any o’ em on blackmithin’ or smeltin’ so they can’t even use the old furnace we have.」

The moment they heard the name Azuma Workshop, all the dwarves froze on the spot.

「Hm? Guessin’ from that reaction, is our workshop purty famous? 」

「We heard some rumours about it. Like how they brew high-quality and very effective medicines or how they are stocking ingredients which no one has ever seen before.」

「I heard that they craft high-quality items and furniture.」

「Huh? I thought they were doing civil engineering works?」

Hiroshi gave a bitter smile to the contradicting information that dwarves spoke out. In reality, he has done at least some of the works which the dwarves were bringing it up.

「But we never heard anything about blacksmith work so I didn’t think you guys made furnaces as well.」

「Welp, I gotta make ma own equipment so tis only natural that I can craft a furnace. By the way, I made these maself.」

As Hiroshi stated, he showed the other craftsman pole axe, katana and rapier which were made of magical steel. One thing for sure is that even the best blacksmith among them would not be able to make a replica of these weapons.

「I see, so the rumours were true.」

「I wasn’t expectin’ for people in Forre to know ‘bout ma workshop though.」

「Well, you did build a relocation place in Darl so by now, I’m sure the western countries have at least heard of the name.」

As Hiroshi replied to dwarf’s question with a bitter smile, Tatsuya, who was listening to the conversation stepped in.

「Um, sorry to interrupt but shouldn’t we be heading to the station?」

As the conversation started to go off-topic, Haruna stepped in and brought back an important point. To Haruna’s words, the union head, Kakashi and the government official gave a look of realisation.

「You’re right, we better get that criminal arrested.」

「If we were to look past these kinds of methods every time, it will become very difficult to do proper business in this town.」

「Anyway did they really think a method like that would work? I mean it’s not that difficult to see through their intentions once you get the officials involved in the case.」

「I guess they thought it will be fine as long as they didn’t get the officials involved in the matter. What a simple-minded bunch.」

Saying such things, the union head and the government official headed to the nearest station while defending Kakashi’s statement. To this, Hiroshi spoke up to double-check.

「So, Kakashi-san, tis really okay if we modify ya workshop?」

「Yes, do whatever you like with it.」

「Gotcha. We’ll git on to it then.」

To Kakashi’s lazy response, Hiroshi gave a childish grin and immediately went to check the state of the workshop.

「Guess they’ve been lettin’ that idiot do whatever they like with the workshop. Tis really damaged in alotta areas. We should renovate the workshop while we’re at it.」

「Are we allowed to do that much … ?」

「Welp, he said we can do whatever we like with it. So, first thin’s first, we needa take out the thin’s inside n’ dismantle the buildin’. Brother, Makoto-san, can ya help me with that?」

「Got it」

「As you wish…」

To the scenario which they saw it coming, Tatsuya and Makoto showed a helpless expression. They entered the workshop from a broken entrance and started to carry out the equipment and cleaned up the workshop as well.

「Haruna-san n’ Mio, could ya dismantle the furnace?」

「Okie dokie.」

「On it.」

Hearing Hiroshi’s instruction, Haruna and Mio started to dismantle the core of the workshop, the blast furnace. In the afternoon, Kakashi visited the workshop as he managed to sort out the paperwork for the court trial before sun-down. There, he saw debris of his blast furnace which has been completely dismantled and the framework on the workshop which the Japanese people have already started working on.

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