Fairy Tale Chronicles

Volume 4 6.2

Volume 4 Chapter 6.2

Translator: Reflet

Editor: Weasalopes

「Oh, there was something I wanted to ask you while I was practicing.」

「Wha was ‘t?」

「Why don’t we forge copper products?」

「Oh~ dat…」

Hearing Haruna’s question, Hiroshi remembered that he got to explain that to her. Though, the reason for not forging copper product was simple.

「The copper in this universe is a bit too soft ta craft weapons with ‘n the ductility is slightly too big as well. ‘t can be used for makin’ pots but tis never used in blacksmithin’. The stock isn’t that different from steel either.」

「Than what about blue copper?」

「Those are too hard ‘n ‘t doesn’t really solidify even when ya hammer it so tis not fit for forgin’. So tis normally forged with refinement skill.」

To Hiroshi’s explanation, Haruna couldn’t help it but agree. Since the stock amount is similar to steel, using copper for equipment which is used in battles was rare. Unlike Earth, weapons are more frequently used in this universe. So, the lifespan of the weapons in this universe was much shorter compared to weapons used on Earth. So, there was no point in using a metal that was softer, expensive and not fit for forging weapons.

「Well, I have another question. Above magical steel and mithril is orichalcum, adamantite, then hihiirokane, right?」


「Don’t they have any wootz steel or damascus? 」

「In Fairclo, those sorta steels are made by mixin’ magical steel with another high-quality metal. Welp, just cuz ya mixed a low-quality metal with high-quality metal, doesn’t mean ya always end up with a high-quality product.」

As Haruna developed her craft in blacksmithing, she started to develop more questions about the field. As she asked the questions which she had on her mind, Hiroshi answered each one in the simplest way possible. It was unfortunate that Haruna has spent this short, precious time she had with Hiroshi asking such questions.

「So, the one right above orichalcum is holy steel?」

「Nope, between em two are amion steel ‘n gardolium.」

「What kind of steel are they?」

「Amion steel, quality-wise is like if ya mixed admantite with orichalcum, mithril or any other slightly higher-quality metal. Even though they’ve got good endurance, their elasticity ain’t bad so when ya use it as a core iron ‘n skin iron for craftin’ a katana, ya get a katana that’ll give a mighty nice slice. On top ‘o that, they reflect off any curses ‘n when ya use skills, ‘t’ll allow the magic to flow smoother. ‘t also has a trait where the quality ‘n sturdiness increases dependin’ on the user’s mood.」


As expected, high-quality metal had exceptional traits associated with it. However, due to these traits, it was difficult to arrange a weapon crafted out of this metal. But that was given so Haruna didn’t say anything about it.

「Gardolium would be somewhere between admantite ‘n amion steel. Tis not much different from Hihiirokane, just a bit stronger.」

「By the way, what kind of traits did hihiirokane have? I know that orichalcum induces constitution and it’s good against curses, but the magic doesn’t pass through it easily. And admatite doesn’t have any special trait but it has outstanding strength and elasticity, right?」

「Tis ’bout ‘ight. With hihiirokane, as lon’ as ya smelt it, ‘t’ll automatically develop self-healin’ trait. Tis a type ‘o metal that adjusts to the user. But cuz ‘o that, ‘t difficult to make mixed metal with it ‘n arrangin’ isn’t impossible but annoyin’. Though ya can adjust hihiirokane ‘n gardolium, they both don’ reach up to holy steel. Welp, holy steel ‘tself has the trait ‘o adjustin’ to the user so that alone makes holy steel superior.」

「… Could holy steel possibly be…」

「’t has all the traits which every metal in exitance has.」

「… Just as I thought …」

It was the best of the best.

「Oh, by the way, I got some ores for orichalcum…」

「I think ‘t would be difficult to smelt em with the equipment we have here. Even at Kakashi-san’s place, I don’t know if we can definitely smelt em.」

「I thought so.」

「Even though orichalcum ‘n admatite is still better, if ya see how hihiirokane are smelted, ya would be shocked. To be honest, tis somethin’ I don’t personally like workin’ with either.」

「What do you mean by shocked…」

Haruna gave a weird look to Hiroshi’s choice of words. Most of the method Hiroshi used for crafting was something which a normal person would be shocked by. To hear him say that she will be shocked made Haruna worry.

「Welp, I guess ya’ll hafta see it sooner or later. Considerin’ Makoto-san’s ultimate move, ‘t might be better to learn to make a katana out ‘o hihiirokane.」

「Well, if the only difference is that it’s hihiirokane is not self-adjusting, then I guess it would be a better material to make katana out of.」

「’t doesn’t mean that hihiirokane doesn’t have tis own limits though.」

The conversation ended with that being the last thing said. With that, all the questions Haruna had on metals were answered and the same went for questions relating to blacksmithing. Even if they were to talk about things that happened that day, that has mostly been talked about so there was nothing much they could talk about.

Although there was nothing to talk about, there wasn’t a sense of awkwardness between them. At this point, Haruna was just happy to spend time alone with Hiroshi and Hiroshi wasn’t awkward walking next to Haruna anymore. Although their feelings for each other were worlds apart, they acted like an old married couple; adding more contrast to their dynamic.

「… by the way.」

「Hm? wha is it?」

「Oh, it’s just, I remembered a conversation I had with Makoto-san a while back but Hiroshi-kun, do you still want to go back to our universe?」

「’t so suddenly?」

Haruna suddenly asked as they were about to reach their workshop. Hiroshi frowned at the blunt and sudden question.

「When I thought that we’re almost home, it just reminded me of that conversation I had with Makoto-san.」

「I see, wha did Makoto-san say?」

「She said she wants to clean up the mess she made back home so she wants to go back at least once.」

「Oh~ I see. If we go back ‘n there’s some time gap, she could do somethin’ ‘bout the incident before someone finds it.」

「Yeah, she was saying something like that.」

Hiroshi agreed with Makoto’s reason. Let’s make this clear. This was very important for anyone who says they are an otaku.

「I guess ‘t would be the same for Mio as well.」

「Makoto-san thought so as well.」

「Welp, we know that brother wants to go back for sure. What ’bout you Haruna-san?」

「For me, regardless of my intention, I need to go back at least once.」

「Why so?」

As Hiroshi expectedly asked the question, Haruna gave the same explanation she gave to Makoto.

「I see when ya have outrageous relatives, ya got some problems hey?」

「I got used to it but I still have mixed feelings about it.」

Hearing Haruna’s explanation, he couldn’t help it but to come to a stop at the front door and blurt out such comment. When they’re relatives were all authority figures, it was more troublesome than helpful to their children.

「So, what about you, Hiroshi-kun?」

「Welp o’ course, I wanna go back ‘t least once.」

「How come? Thinking about it logically, I think it would be better for both you and Mio-chan to stay in this universe.」

「Tis simple, I just wanna give my family ‘n friends who were relieved ta see me readin’ ero-manga a peace o’ mind by tellin’ em that I made a female friend.」

「Friend, huh…」

「Welp o’ course I still can’t imagine maself bein’ in a relationship though.」

Haruna felt conflicted after hearing the word “friend”. Hiroshi added with a bitter smile as Haruna didn’t even try to hide that inner conflict. After the events which took place in Darl, Hiroshi stopped avoiding Haruna’s feelings towards him. But that doesn’t mean Hiroshi was now emotionally available. Those were two very different things.

Haruna was aware of that. She knew how much time and effort it requires for Hiroshi to have a female friend. And she was genuinely happy that Hiroshi wanted to introduce her to his family and friend as that female friend. But greed isn’t an easy emotion to manage.

「I’m really grateful that you think of me that way but I’m just disappointed in myself for not being able to accept that title whole-heatedly…」

「Nah offense but Imma not gonna say anythin’ on that. I mean, no matter what I say, tis like ‘says ya!’」


Although it was said jokingly, Hiroshi gave his honest opinion on the situation to which Haruna couldn’t help it but laugh back.

「That aside, when we go back ‘n there’s a bigger time gap then we’ve imagined, ‘n if we managed ta get back before we were teleported, I was wonderin’ if we could keep some distance between us… ?」

「Do you really think I would agree to something like that?」

「Welp, tis really up ta the condition that we get back in. Even if we managed ta make ‘t back home, we don’ know in what shape we’re gonna get back to our universe.」

「Oh~ … okay, I get it.」

Even if they get back to their original universe, there was no guarantee that they will have their memories from the time they spent in this universe. It was something which Haruna didn’t want to think about but there was no way of telling if she could carry on her feeling towards Hiroshi even when they make it back to their universe.

「If we still have our memories from this universe ‘n that there was only half a day difference in time, then I wanna keep some distance between us ‘t school. But outside school, I wanna introduce ya ta people who really helped me ‘n my friends from middle school that I became friends with a sweet girl like yaself. Is that too much ta ask?」

「I’m still a little conflicted about needing to keep some distance while we’re at school but I’m happy that you think of me that way.」

She gave a bright smile not being able to hold back her happiness. She was over the moon as she heard the boy she likes to refer to her as a “sweet girl”. Haruna was friend-zoned as always but there was nothing she could say about that.

「Have you two finished talking yet?」

「Oh, Tatsuya-san we’re back.」

「Welcome back, now if you two are done talking about your feelings, hurry up and go wash your hands. We’re all hungry.」

「Ya ‘ight.」

If Hiroshi didn’t have gynophobia and if he wasn’t referring to Haruna as a friend, he was practically proposing to her. And Tatsuya heard the whole conversation, word to word. To Tatsuya’s tease, Hiroshi showed no sign of embarrassment and went to wash his hands as usual. Unfortunately for Hiroshi, what he said didn’t mean any more or any less than what the words say. So, there wasn’t any deeper meaning to what he said.

To see Hiroshi refer to the girl that clearly have feelings towards him as a “sweet girl”, get teased about it, and continue on with his routine so calmly was worrying in a different way. The reason why Hiroshi was so calm about the situation is that he didn’t see how that could be seen as flirting and saw no reason to be embarrassed about saying how he really felt. That was the aspect which made everyone worry the most.

「… Hey Haruna.」

「… Hm?」

「When he gets older and gets to an age where an expensive suit will fit him, do you think he will become an unintentional lady’s man?」

「… well, that’s a long way into the future but I think so as well …」

「Good luck…」


To Tausya’s sympathetic words, Haruna’s feelings calmed right down and couldn’t do anything but give a weak, dry laugh.

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