Fairy Tale Chronicles

Volume 4 12.2

Volume 4 Chapter 12.2

Translator: Reflet

Editor: Weasalopes

「Guess they can’t keep up the fantasy genre for too long, eh」

「I don’t think this is the time to be suddenly discussing fantasy」

「Yeah, well…But Mio, it’s generally fantasy, ya know」

Mio cast a doubting gaze at Hiroshi when he said that. It was true that the scenery, the people walking around, and the monsters were all fantasy, but the person throwing a wrench in all of this was Hiroshi, bringing in sci-fi and modern technology, so he had no right to complain about the world not being “fantasy” enough. Still, you could also argue it was partly the world’s fault since they were essentially compliant in this takeover.

「Oookaaay, how about the two of you quit having this worthless meta conversation and tell us what to do next?」

「Whatcha mean. We just do like always ‘n search out the intensity of miasma.」

「I agree with Sensei」

After Makoto scolded them, Hiroshi and Mio gave a quick response.

「So with that being the only plan of action, how ‘bout we just break down the wall ‘n go straight?」

「There might be strange traps set up, so let’s use that as a last resort, kay?」

Casually silencing Hiroshi’s odd amount of determination (dangerous determination), Makoto looked at the graph paper Tatsuya was in the middle of writing. They didn’t currently have anything as convenient as auto mapping (not enough to make it), so there was no option other than recording the layout on foot.

「In gaming terms, maybe this would be the divergence point?」

「Probably, yeah. And in most cases, the routes that look alluring at first glance turn out to be dead ends.」

「I suppose the greatest outer circumfurence is this line behind the entrance?」

「I can’t say. Hiro, what do you think?」

「S’long as it ain’t warped in some strange fashion, then yeah, this is prolly the circumference.」

Everyone began their trip through the maze using their meta, gamer wits. Despite stopping Hiroshi from breaking down the wall, they apparently still had no intention of braving it on foot.

「Let’s just determine which areas are definite for now.」

「No point discussing that here」

Haruna and Mio admonished Tatsuya and Makoto for squabbling over the map that only covered up to ten meters ahead of them, proposing they record by actually going the distance. Who knew how long the conversation would go on without them intruding in.

「Right. We always do this so we ended up getting a little too into it, but I think we should begin by filling in the straight path.」

「Wow, I’m surprised ya can anticipate based off such lil evidence.」

「Well if you tackle a maze head-on, you’ll never see the end of it.」

Makoto responded to Hiroshi’s exasperating comment with her own shut-in comment. Shut-in gamers, while being playful masochists in nature, are also beings that seek efficiency to the max. This is probably why FaiChro’s crafting class had relatively few crafting shut-ins, as it did not balance the line between masochism and efficiency. But this is digressing too much, so let us leave it at that.

「I git where yer comin’ from, but either way ya gotta realize that shut-in gamers still end up fillin’ out maps.」

「……No idea what you mean」

Makoto looked into the far-off distance as she played dumb. Tatsuya also avoided looking at Hiroshi.

While they claimed to like efficient play, it was also a fact that shut-ins and gamers have a desire to fill out empty areas of maps. They wouldn’t be inside playing online games if they didn’t obsess over every little detail, even when it was unnecessary.

「Hiroshi-kun, we won’t get any further if you keep pursuing that train of thought, so let’s just go to the intersection and check it out, okay」

「Yer right. No point blabbin’ on about the “gamer spirit”」

Nodding after Haruna scolded him, Hiroshi gestured to Mio and began moving forward. Ten minutes after taking their first step into the tunnel, the group finally made progress, but…

「Sensei, trap three steps ahead」

「Well ain’t that sudden」

「Mako. Watch out for that switch on the wall over there」

「……Y’know, I’m impressed you notice all this……」

Once they had walked but a few steps from the entrance, there were already a wealth of traps laid out, almost like a fun test for those in the thief profession.

「Annnd I’m guessing these switches do more than just drop metal basins on your head, right?」

「Haru, I think the only place with those “traps” is that attraction the People of the Earth have.」

The traps here were so thorough you might say they formed a thick wall. Haruna, stumped by the obstacle before them, said something silly, only to have Mio interject. Still, it wasn’t like there was a trap right behind every trap, so they had the leisure to chit-chat about silly things. For now, at least…

「Anyhoo, I ain’t about to step on a trap in this narrow maze.」

「I don’t think you’d want to step on a trap in a wide maze either, y’know…」

Hiroshi made an offhand comment and Tatsuya immediately rebuked him. Who knew what lethal traps awaited them? The width of the path wouldn’t matter in that case.

「Makoto-chan, danger~」

As they continued to avoid traps while having this leisurely conversation, the group reached the first fork in the road when one of the octogals informed them of danger, but also in a rather casual tone. Makoto frantically tried to halt when she heard those words, but it was too late. She tripped right over one of the switches that snagged her and the next moment was hanging upside down from the ceiling.

「Hold on! The heck was that!!」

「Oh, now that I look at it, there sure was a switch there」

「How terrible…my raison d’être……」

This particular trap was the kind that actually went out of its way to emerge and yank anyone who came within range, something completely new to the group that twisted the definition of what a trap was. In the game, some dungeons would have their traps regenerate over time, but there was never anything as brutal as having new traps spring up right when you stepped in.

Online games often required that dissolved traps and opened treasure boxes be restored. In the case of FaiChro, other than instant dungeons that reset upon clearing or after a certain amount of time, everything regenerated after intervals of time. However, traps scheduled to reset would not do so when detecting nearby players, and this situation with Makoto would never occur.

If the developers of FaiChro had implemented these elements that denied the hard of work of thieves who had taken the risks and honed their skills, the players would revolt, so these rules were quite reasonable. But since this wasn’t the actual game, those rules didn’t apply.

「Mako, I’ll get you down right now, just an fyi.」


Though a little bit taken aback, Mio quickly regained her composure and did what she had to. Analysis or complaining would come after Makoto was able to move again.


As they could not reach Makoto from their height, Mio had Haruna cast Falling Control before hurling a knife at the rope to cut it, shouting in an uninterested voice as she did so. The knife made a splendid cut, dropping the rope.

「Honestly, I really wish they’d go easier on me……」

Makoto grumbled the moment she landed. Not to borrow Mio’s words, but no matter how hard thieves tried at this, no matter how much attention they gave to it, it did not matter.

「This is some serious trouble」

「This might be a little tough if we don’t think of a plan」

「Yeah. Maybe take precautions for the ground?」

As long as you avoid the well, no motion triggers would activate. Non-contact traps were fairly easy to detect, so even if they suddenly activated there was a way to deal with them. The same could be said for the ceiling. Therefore, it was most dangerous when there were traps at your feet. Makoto wouldn’t have been able to escape the sudden trap no matter how close her feet were to the ground.

「Hiro, isn’t there a way to float in the air?」

「Well sure, but it’s a lil meh.」

「How so?」

「If ya ain’t used to it, it’s hard to plant yer feet in the ground, so it’s super tought to fight and ya can’t brace yerself for sudden happenings. Also, it only lasts 30 minutes, which is also kinda meh.」

Tatsuya groaned when he heard Hiroshi’s explanation. If you couldn’t plant your feet on the ground, it could mean a fatal outcome when you weren’t able to dodge attacks. Considering the current situation, this was very scary.

30 minutes was also not very desirable. If the effects wore out in the middle of the dungeon then it was highly possible to trip on a trap and this risk would emerge quite frequently.

「So maybe not this time.」

「I agree. It’s only 30 minutes, so we should leave it for when we needa cross poison swamps and such.」

Hiroshi spoke firmly, so Tatsuya crossed that idea out. There were too many uncertain elements.

「……Sensei, there is a last resort option. Wanna hear it?」

Mio had been thinking about this quite seriously, finally opening her mouth but with an oddly sour tone in her voice.

「Last resort? Kinda sounds pretty sus, but wazzup?」

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