Fallen Fate Online

Chapter 265 A New Path [END]

"What...? Someone has been following us the whole time?" Eger muttered in disbelief, looking at the passage while a powerful aura emanated from the void.

Luar frowned as he took a few steps to the side, thus choosing a position suitable to fight all opponents at once.


There was the sound of shattering glass as a bright red flash appeared in the passage, gradually revealing a tall silhouette.

The silhouette quickly rushed forward, jumping off the platform and ending up in the center of the arena, standing in front of Ena and Nydan, though they were once enemies.

Nydan and Ena's eyes went wide when they saw that it was Zayne. Moreover, there was no way they could have expected him to possess such a powerful aura comparable to a Crusader or Apostle. 

"Zayne... Is it really you?" Ena muttered in disbelief. There's no way she could have expected him to show up here.

"Yeah... I'm not sure I'd want to go through this situation again, but it's already been decided. I'll take your side." Zayne said coldly with obvious pain in his voice.

Nydan smirked, "Damn, what a meeting... When it was last time, I was sure that you would become a Fate Knight very soon and perhaps reach Crusader level in the future. However... You decided not to choose a draw side, didn't you?"

"You're wrong. I chose my path." Zayne shook his head as he glanced at Nydan, "Not Fate, and not Chaos... Just me and people like me."

Then, the sign of the shattered moon flashed brightly on Zayne's neck. For anyone who was in this Chaos Hearth, it was clear what it meant.

"Agh..." Ena gasped, "You... You have become the Moon... A member of the Shattered Moon Order..."

"Exactly." Zayne said calmly as his ring shone brightly and a long sword with a dark blade appeared in his hand.

"Why are you helping us...?" Ena asked, realizing that their time was running out and action had to be taken.

"Only to you and only because of your situation. You were doing all this to save your brother, right?" Zayne asked in a strict tone.

Ena nodded, "Yes... I tried to find a solution, but it turned out he was terminally ill and he would die in a few months. I just couldn't accept it and when my capsule shattered and the portal opened I realized I could save him if I could find the right potion in this world."

"I see... Well, I was poor, and you were rich, but my problem could be solved with money, and yours couldn't. However, like me, you found the solution, and now you only have one step to take. If I were in your shoes, I would do anything to save my sister."


Zayne swung his sword as it erupted in purple flames, and he had powerful shoulder pads made of fire.

"Obviously, now we are each an enemy to each other, so let's get started." Zayne said calmly as massive scarlet wings unfolded behind him.

With the next step, he rushed straight towards Eger, scaring the Knights that stood behind him with his aura.

Eger became wary and blocked Zayne's attack, staring intently into his eyes with clear killing intent.

"The Moon, hah, what luck that I met one of you here. From the looks of it, you're a newcomer, but possess the same arrogance as all of them." Eger smirked as his sword shone brightly covered in a dense energy of light that like a plasma could cut through anything. 

Zayne's gaze grew colder and deeper as his skill increased and his aura changed to a calmer yet destructive one.

"Oh, really? Aren't you as a Crusader supposed to help people in the name of Fate? Shouldn't you be trying to help them come over to Fate's side? All I've heard is you trying to get the vial without offering anything in return. Damn, even Apostle's deal was more favorable than yours. You're pathetic." Zayne said seriously as his eyes turned dark.


Zayne took a sharp step forward, pressing down on Eger's sword, causing him to lose his balance for a moment.

Then, In Zayne's mind, the thread with eight dots turned into one large sphere, completely dark.

"Agh." Zayne took a deep breath, bringing his fist down with all his strength into Eger's stomach, from bottom to top.

The blow was so powerful that it caused a shockwave, and cracks went down Eger's rugged armor as Zayne's fist left a dent at the point of impact.

"Argh!!!" Eger's eyes went wide from the waves of pain going through his body as he vomited a mouthful of blood.

The impact, threw him back dozens of meters, causing him to collapse backwards against the arena wall.

The Fate Knights who saw this scene quickly came into motion, going to attack Zayne.

"You shouldn't get involved in this, but it looks like you've already made up your mind." Zayne muttered as he activated his dance again. This time, he increased the number of moves several times.


Zayne was like a flash, quickly appearing next to the Fate Knights and Knights, unleashing his lightning-fast attacks on them.

There was nothing they could do against him, especially since he was gradually getting faster and more dangerous.

The Knights fell to the ground one by one, with bleeding wounds and cuts all over their bodies. However, none of them were dead, since Zayne had no intention of killing them. They were just following orders, unlike Eger who was in charge.

"Well, well, we should join the fight too." Nydan smirked watching Zayne effortlessly deal with the Fate Knights.

Crackle. Crackle. Crackle.

Electric shocks traveled across Ena's sword as she tore towards Luar.

Luar frowned as he blocked her attack and with a sweep of his arm, threw her aside.

"Hey, I'll fight this one. Deal with his subordinates." Nydan said as Ena landed confidently on the ground.

"Are you sure?" Ena asked as her eyes sparkled and lightning boots appeared on her feet.

Nydan nodded, "Yeah, I've wanted to kill Apostle for a long time. It would be an accomplishment for me. Moreover, he's too strong an opponent for you."

Ena nodded and quickly found herself among Luar's subordinates. Against them, she fought as effectively as Zayne did against the Fate Knights, gradually inflicting them with wounds that were impossible to continue fighting with.

Luar frowned, "You're too arrogant for a young dark mage."

"Hah, you don't even worry about your men?"

Luar shrugged, "It'll be their own fault if they can't defeat her. In any case, I'll have no trouble killing you both and taking the vial. It will be useful for our purposes."


Luar tore forward, in a heartbeat, finding himself in front of Nydan and bringing his ghastly sword down on him. Nydan took a step back, but Luar's sword left a long cut on his chest, blood gushing from it.

However, Nydan wasn't frightened, but instead had a sly grin on his face, as if it were meant to be.

Then, he pulled out a dagger with a scarlet blade and swung it, drawing the weapon through his blood. The dagger shone brightly and Nydan jumped back.

"You overestimated yourself since you thought I couldn't use my blood as a weapon." Nydan uttered before swinging the dagger several times.

A multitude of bloody blades rained down on Luar, which he struggled to fend off, since each time he destroyed them, the drops of blood gathered into a new blade, continuing the attack.

Gradually, the blades overwhelmed Luar, but he didn't want to use his power, since he thought it was too early.

'Hah, just as I thought, he's too arrogant and underestimates me.' Nydan inwardly muttered, before thrusting a touch of his finger into the tip of the dagger.

Then, instead of one of the blades, Nydan appeared, rendering behind Luar and plunging the dagger into his back.

"Argh!!!" Luar's painful scream spread around the arena.


Step. Step. Step.

Zayne was approaching Eger, who was slowly rising from the ground after the powerful blow. Parts of his armor fell apart, tumbling downwards.

"Bastard... How dare you do this to me?" Eger frowned while his aura intensified.

Zayne looked at the Knights who were lying on the ground and passed out, "Aren't you worried about their condition?"

"Hah, if I can kill you, the Moon, it will be the greatest accomplishment in the name of Fate!" Eger exclaimed as his armor shone brightly transforming into something else.

Eger's new armor consisted of a dense light similar to that which covered his sword.

"Be prepared, not even Apostle could stand up to me when I'm in this form!" Eger smirked before stepping forward, shaking the ground with his powerful steps.


"Away!" Luar exclaimed, swinging his sword and causing Nydan to jump back.

Ena appeared next to Nydan, carrying a bloody sword.

"Are they dead?" Nydan asked with a sly smirk.

Ena shook her head, "No, though some of them were persistent. Right now, I just want to get the vial."

Nydan nodded, "Sure, just like we agreed. Don't worry I'll help you with that."

Tremble. Tremble. Tremble.

Space shook as scarlet flames erupted around Luar. Fiery wings appeared behind him, and his sword became much longer. His eyes turned amber and seemed to notice every movement.

"You made me use it, so... Be prepared to die!" Luar exclaimed as his wings came into motion.

Ena jumped away from Nydan, realizing that there was nothing she could do against Luar. She could only hope that Nydan had some sort of plan.

Nydan smirked as his ring flashed, and a crimson orb appeared in his hand with a purple crystal inside.

Then, Nydan's aura intensified as a dark crown appeared on his head with three eerie eyes with purple pupils. The crown seemed to have crossed over from another, frightening space.

"Hah, you think your the form and some artifact will help you?" Luar said mockingly, heading towards Nydan.

The corners of Nydan's mouth went up as his gaze became more majestic, "Sure. This is my personal invention that I spent a lot of effort on. Moreover, I've always wanted to try forbidden magic against someone strong enough."

"You will die." Luar said coldly while particles of flame flew around him, hot and deadly.

Luar directed all his energy towards the sword, igniting it with bright flames to end their fight in one powerful attack. He knew that the fight against the dark mages could not be delayed as they always had many plans.

Nydan's face became more serious looking at the flare of fire that was bearing down on him.

'Damn... If I make a mistake, he'll just turn me into nothing, but I've already been through too much to fail at a time like this.' Nydan internally muttered before taking a deep breath.

The eerie eyes on his crown opened wide, causing the space around him to warp, and then he clutched the sphere tightly, blowing it up and destroying the crystal that was inside. This happened a second before Luar's sword was about to pierce it and burn it to the ground.

The sphere was composed of special blood, and the crystal, when shattered, released dark matter that combined with the blood. Given that Nydan's power was warping space, all three of these aspects entered into a destructive reaction.

In a heartbeat, all the dark matter shrank to the size of a grain of rice, and the world seemed to stop.

Then, the sphere abruptly enlarged tens of times, covering part of Luar's body. In the next moment, the sphere exploded, simply disappearing, as well as everything inside.

"Argh!" Nydan spat out a mouthful of blood as everything in front of his eyes blurred. He had spent almost all of his strength on this attack.

"How...? It's impossible... You can't fight against this kind of power..." Luar muttered before half of his body fell to the ground. Those were his last words.

"Hah, I was able to do it after all, though spatial magic is damn dangerous." Nydan barely said before turning to the side just as Ena did.

Crackle. Crackle. Crackle.

They watched the amazing scene as Zayne, in the guise of a beast, unleashed dozens of attacks on Eger.

Eger tried to counterattack, but Zayne was simply too fast and strong, leaving his opponent no chance.

Even Eger's light armor was already cracking, as well as Zayne's purple flame that had almost completely dissipated.

"Bastard! How the fuck are you so strong!" Eger exclaimed, destroying his armor and creating a light blast that threw Zayne back a few meters.

"Argh!" Zayne spat out a mouthful of blood, but thanks to his beast form he quickly regained his senses and got to his feet confidently.

Eger was breathing heavily, he shook his head and ripped the amulet off his neck clutching it tightly in his hand. 

The amulet shone brightly causing his sword to glow brightly and he raised it high above his head preparing to bring it down on Zayne. 

"Last attack, right?" Zayne muttered as his sword erupted in blue flames and the ground around him was covered in ice.

After a few seconds, each of them attacked, putting all the power they had into their last attack.

A cross of blue cold flames moved towards the light blade, slicing through everything in its path.

They collided, but there was no explosion, instead, they destroyed each other, piece by piece. Powerful vibrations and wind currents were coming from the blades, making the space shake. 

This happened until only one blue blade remained. It quickly flew forward, passing through Eger, and turning him into an ice statue.

"No..." Eger uttered his last words before shattering into hundreds of ice shards.

"Did we do that...?" Ena muttered in a disbelief.

"Yeah... Looks like it." Nydan breathed a sigh of relief, touching his back to the ground.

Step. Step. Step.

Ena hesitantly walked over to Zayne and muttered, "Thanks... We couldn't have done it without you."

Zayne waved his hand, "I did it because, for me, this situation would have been a nightmare. I saved my sister, so I just helped you do the same to your brother because I had the opportunity."

Then, Zayne turned to Nydan, "If we meet again and I find out you're kidnapping girls like before, then we definitely won't be allies."

"Hah, don't worry. I've long since moved on to another level." Nydan waved his hand, "What's more, we all know that each of us has killed before, many times. We've each had our own reasons and motives."

Zayne nodded with a dark face before heading for the exit.

"Wait!" Ena exclaimed, "What are you going to do next?"

Zayne sighed and stopped. He was silent for a long time, staring at the ceiling, and then a slight smile appeared on his face as if he was relieved.

"I've already chosen my path, I've passed my part of it, and I'll move on from there. However, now I also want to see which path someone important to me will choose." Zayne muttered quietly before a portal opened in front of him, and he returned to his world.

In its place remained the emblem from Chaos Trial. It flashed with scarlet flames and disintegrated into pieces, vanishing without a trace.

Ena gulped, turned to Nydan, and headed for the crystal behind which the vial was hidden.

"What are you waiting for?" Nydan asked, "Take it, and save your brother."

"Yes, you're right." Ena nodded, holding out her hands toward the crystal.


"Wait... Chaos Trial is over?" Sara muttered in disbelief.


There was a powerful flow of wind, and suddenly Sara's and Fosca's eyes turned purple as if they were under hypnosis. Only Marcus was able to resist.

"Wait. I'm ready to make a pact." Marcus said, looking at Edvin, Karin, and Fride who appeared in front of him.

"Hmm?" Edvin raised an eyebrow.

"Rewrite their memories as you wish, but don't touch me, or I'll start fighting. Also, I promise I won't tell anyone what I saw, and no one will be after Zayne." Marcus said seriously, "I want to remember this fight."

Edvin nodded, then his ring glowed, and a mysterious scroll with eerie runes emerged before him.

"Fine, I'm willing to go along with this, if you break the pact, say one word, your heart will explode." Edvin calmly said while approaching Marcus.


At the same moment, under the sunlight, a young man wearing a long coat, black hair, and blue eyes entered the hospital.

There was a bitter smile on his face, but his gaze was happy.

Zayne opened the door, entering the room where his sister was. She was lying on the bed watching something on her phone, some movie about magic and knights.

"Brother!" Mia exclaimed, she was happy to see him.

Zayne sat down on the bed, remaining silent for a while.

"Is something wrong?" Mia asked with a worried expression.

"No, everything's fine." Zayne shook his head, "Looks like you're almost recovered, right?"

"Yes! I'm much better!" Mia exclaimed in excitement.

Then, Zayne looked at her intently, "Mia, you've always wanted to become a mage, haven't you? Surely you know you can do that in Fallen Fate Online."

Mia nodded.

Zayne smiled, "Then let's order a capsule, and tomorrow you can start playing with me."

"Are you serious?!" Mia asked in disbelief.

Zayne nodded with a deep look and a smile, showing that he had been through a lot as well as realized a lot of things.

Rays of light came through the window, falling on Zayne's face, illuminating its half and plunging the other half into shadow.

"I want to see you fulfill your dream and what path you choose."

Zayne uttered, gently taking Mia's hand and holding it tightly.

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