Fallen Lightbringers' Return

Chapter 77: Currently in Heaven II

Chapter 77: Currently in Heaven II

God moved Her head. She looked to Her left, then to Her right. How long has it been since She appeared in front of her children? Now she faced the sky. Even though there was nothing above heaven, and she could see every part of the universe without moving her neck, she still looked up. Her thoughts started wandering back to the past, to a time where the deities and humanity were still living in harmony.


"Your Supreme Lordship! You are bleeding out the nose again!" The angel Michael walked forward with a towel in his hands.

The Girl felt her face. Sure enough, blood coated her hands. "I see."

"Humanity has gotten too big. The other gods can't handle them anymore," another angel spoke. Unlike others, his wings were black. Still, he shone the brightest, for he was the original light-bringer, Lucifer; The child that would in the future be known as the Rebel. "If they continue growing, in a few millennia, we cannot protect them from outside threats anymore. It would be best if we curb them as the Outer Gods did with their species in other planets."

"Do not speak of things which you may regret one day, Morningstar," God chastised him. "As long as I exist, humanity shall prosper." She watched from above heaven, humanity's discovery of fire. "I will watch over them and guide them, as such is the role I gave myself, until the day I disappear."

The black-winged angel laid down the cloud and rested. "Well, at one point, even these humans know, in a herd of sheep you sometimes have to introduce a wolf."

"Brother, heed your tongue!" Michael shouted angrily. "Do not refer to his Lordship so casually."

"It would do you well to take that stick out of your ass," Lucifer responded.

"You," the angel sprang up. "How dare you!"

"Hoh. You two have a lot of guts, arguing in front of me." The Girl grabbed the two angels by their head. Michael and Lucifer both broke into a cold sweat, as they were scared mute. "My word is law. My will is power. In all of heaven, I alone am the honored one. There exists no impossibility in front of me. Never forget that, children. There is no God like me."

"I shall bear that in mind!" Michael knelt down. He knew, his Lord was all-loving, but also merciless. He did not want to test God's patience (not that he could, in the first place).

Lucifer watched the Lord. He then sighed. "Well, I cannot imagine You to ever vanish."

The Girl only smiled. The humans underneath tilted the farmlands. As they faced the clouds, they saw their Creator, with two celestial beings surrounding Him. They bowed down in worship. 

Out of the blue, copious amounts of blood spurted out the Girls' mouth and eyes, enough to paint the floor red. She swayed, even with the help of her two companions, and Her all-seeing sight turned hazy, and She slumped down.

That was the first time God had fallen asleep, reverting back into a formless divinity, nowhere to be found; Her slumber led to an apocalypse that brought humanity close to its extinctionthe Ice Age.

The next time She would wake up, would be 3500 years from that day. By then, Lucifer had rebelled. He could not accept God's teachings about humanity and blamed them for God's dormancy. As such, he turned his back to heaven, giving up his wings, and led a rebellion against humanity and its supposed saviors, the angels.

For God, Her headaches grew only bigger and her nosebleeds longer, as humanity continued prospering and populating the lands. 

Still, She banished Lucifer from the land of life to a place of emptiness (which would later be known as Hell), and proceeded to separate Heaven and Earth.

From then on, her slumbers continued to get longer, as more sentient life was birthed on earth and her burdens on defending humanity from outside threats kept weighing heavily upon her.. . until at one point, she decided:

"I will no longer interfere with humanity's development."

The person she confided this news with was not with the church, her angels, or even the other gods of Earth. She did not want anyone involved to know, thus she left behind the information to the most neutral party of all.. .

The Concubine of All Things Parallel, Xh'Endrada.


"What a pain," the Undoer said. "Now I have to kill them one more time."

The Girl observed the boy in front of Her. In the end, she decided, "Step back, you all."

The Angels were surprised, but they instinctively knew never to disobey or question the Lord, and thus, without much fuss, they hid as far as possible.

The Undoer laughed. "You are the same as ever. A being full of mistakes. Why do you choose to protect these weaklings? No, in the first place, what was the point of their existence? The same for humans too." He swiped his short hair back. "With your strength, you were fated to stay alone, so why would you create so many pitiful beings to follow you?"

"A being like you would not understand," God spoke. Her voice echoed for everything residing within heaven to hear. "I am just. I am everything. Fate stands below me, and so do you. You only know the path of destruction, thus you could not fathom anything beyond that."

"It seems, even this time, I could not get through to you." The Undoer sighed. "Rejoice," he said, "For this will be the 897th time we fight, and I've won every time. Though I suppose you have no knowledge of that."

"There will be no fight." She swiped her hand. "Vanish from my sight." And at once, the Undoer was flung out of heaven, into a world of emptinessa space, not even the Devil managed to escape from.

The angels from afar cheered loudly. The Lord was almighty. With just a single move, She brought peace to Heaven. Imanadiel too, threw her hands into the air, jubilant of their successful defense, as the evil has been destroyed once more.

However, contrary to their expectations, a rift appeared in the sky, with two hands pulling on the ends, forcibly opening an entrance into heaven. The Undoers head popped out, and though he smiled, he had veins popping on his forehead. "Don't write me off that easily, alright? You'll hurt my feelings."

".. .Impossible," Michael muttered. "Not even Lucifer himself could leave the emptiness. How did this person break through the emptiness?"

The Undoer gave him the middle finger while he stuck out his tongue. "That's because your spatial walls are shit! The only reason I entered through the gate was to give you all a chance."

"You monster," the other Archangel, Gabriel, muttered. 

"Enough of the peanut gallery. From here on, I will not be merciful." The Undoer moved guided his fingers to the angels. Immediately, an unquenchable amount of bloodthirst shot out from him, blowing a great hurricane through heaven. "Erase!"

For the first time, God showed a reaction, as Her eyes opened slightly. At a speed faster than light, She moved in between the Undoer and the angels, taking the attack head-on with Her body.

A bright light enveloped them, so blinding, even a celestial being such as an angel had to squint. As their sight returned and they opened their eyes once more, they could not believe what they saw.

The Undoer let his hand fall. "This is Your weakness, do you see?"

God, stood on the ground, half her torso missing, and only on one leg. The lower part of her face was completely gone.


"I will no longer interfere with humanity's development," God told the Concubine.

Xh'Endrada did not show any expression. She was cold as ever. Still, she asked, "Have you given up on your creations?"

"On the contrary." The Girl chuckled. "Even when I was sleeping, I could see and know everything, for I am unrivaled." She paused. "And I've realized. Humanity does not need me."

The Outer God did not reply. She respected God's decision, as she knew Her strength. Everything existing and non-existing bends by her will. If she said so, then it must be true. "Still, I wish to know. The people that pray to you, they ask for help as they suffer. They will fight in your name. Plagues, wars, famines, everything preventable, will you leave them to sort it out themselves?"

"It seems I am not the only one watching over them."

"It is my job to do so." The Outer God spoke. 

"Interesting little things, right? They are my greatest creation." God looked down. "For a long time, I believed I should guide them, teach and punish them. That I should show them what was right; but I saw I was wrong." She observed the little humans from space. "As I am God and will stay God, humanity too will one day find its own values. I cannot be copied, as such the values I hold could never fit with a mortal. Just like a parent eventually leaves their child to discover the world alone. For that is why they possess free will."

"Do you believe it to get better?"

"It will." The Girl nodded, and with that decision, Earth stopped hiding from The Mirage, creating the only race that would one day broadcast its own voice through the lone universe. "But unlike the other Gods, I will not curb their prosperity either. Let The Shadows come. We, humanity, shall not cower."

"I do not understand these notions," Xh'Endrada spoke full of honesty.

God laughed heartily. "Cold as ever, I see." The Girl crossed her arms, puffing her chest out in pride. "Do not worry. One day, you will understand these thoughts."

.. .and indeed, eons later, God and Concubine meet again, though, at that time, the latter would bring the person she'd have deemed her son.


The Undoer laughed. "Time and time again. If only you would no cling on these little creations of yours, you could have defeated the Mirage!" He cracked his neck and fingers. "I've hit you with my strongest skillThe ability to destroy anything, including immortals and abstract entities, eliminating any trace of their existence without any trace of the entity, whether material or immaterial. Not even a deity can survive this."

Imanadiel fell once more to her knees, but this time full of despair. "This is insanity."

The Girl rubbed her chin. "Is that so." Suddenly, She started reforming Herself. "What an interesting ability." her missing limbs reappeared with no trace of damage.

The Undoers' voice was cut short. "What the hell?"

"Do not curse in my presence." She placed Her index finger over Her lips. "Your surprise is expected. You just have to understand one single thing. I am not a deity." The light illuminated her back. "I am God."

"What the fuck? This didn't happen the other times we fought." He growled, his beastly fangs showing. He chewed on his thumbnail while thinking. "Don't give me that shit, what did You do?"

"I suppose the other Me's did not know of the existence of multiverses?"

The boys' mouth opened wide enough to put an egg into it. "How do You know about that?"

"I know a lot more than you think. Undoer, Sixth of the Heavenly Signs." She smiled, her white teeth showing. It looked like She had fun? The Girl lifted her hand. "Now, how did it go? Ah yes, Erase."

The Undoer felt sweat run down his back, and he quickly backed off. "You've got to be shitti"

However, unlike God, he did not possess a speed beyond everything. A blinding light enveloped heaven once more and erased the boy from this world. 

The Girl lightly shook her hand. "Cool stuff."

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