Fallen Lightbringers' Return

Chapter 86: No Longer a Civil Nation

Chapter 86: No Longer a Civil Nation

"Knight," Endo looked at her. "What knight?"

"You haven't seen it. It's a humongous monster, swinging around a big ax and decimating humans and dolls alike. The thing is probably at the bottom of the cafe," Jyejin explained. "We stand no chance against that thing."

Park Wonho and the child nodded. Even with supernatural abilities, it was impossible to win against that freak. The knight was never designed to be beaten after all.

"Is that so?" Endo rubbed her chin in irritation. "It's true I haven't seen the monster described by you. Does anyone else know about this?"

".. .I have seen it." Zheng Yunhe suddenly lifted his hand. "But only a quick glance. I agree with the high-school girl. That thing is catastrophe incarnate."

"I see." Hwa Endo gritted her teeth. She was unsure if that Yunhe wasn't just lying to stay here, but it wasn't wise to question him in order to avoid discord. "But still, we can't stay here forever."

The barista agreed. "I still have to meet my mum, she is probably very worried." The older lady followed suit. "I also need to do my monthly report, otherwise I will get in big trouble with the higher-ups."

Park Hansoo let all these people talk until he could not bear it anymore. "You guys are selfish bastards. Why do you all want to die in vain? Your lives may be worth nothing, but I still hold a future."

Dong Jowoon looked at Kim Jyejin. "Are you sure what you saw was correct?"

Am I sure?" Kim Jyejin stared at him, baffled. "Do you think I imagined it? It killed more than 10 people. I still have their blood on my clothes!"

"There's no need to scream," Jowoon spoke back. "I am still your teacher, there should be a limit of disrespectfulness, don't you think?"

"Look at him talk, unbelievable." Jyejin and the others were at a loss for words. The man's shamelessness knew no bounds.

At once, the group broke into a heated discussion again. This time, not even Endo could stop them. They were divided into primarily two camps. Those who wished to stay here, and those who wished to leave. everyone argued over each other, giving no one room to speak. Each side made good points.

"Everyone, please, calm down," Endo shouted.

The barista walked forward. "Then how about we go down anyways? We should verify it with our own eyes." He scratched his head. "You say he is at the bottom right? Then we can destroy all the dolls that are atop."

Zheng Yunhe was quick to chime in. "Hold on, what if the knight went up? We can't be sure about this. If what the girl said is correct, they could completely decimate us. This isn't a risk we can take."

"Damn it, then what do you suggest us doing? You have only been criticizing us without giving any real input," Ji In-Su shouted. "The safe zone is gone in a few hours anyway, and the time limit is less than a week. We can't sit here twiddling our thumbs."

Kang Soomin pondered deeply. "I have an idea." She lifted her hands. "Let us send a scout group. They should sneak through and take a look."

"Lady are you serious," Park Hansoo shouted who hadn't chimed in said. "There's no one who'd actually go. This is practically suicide."

"It isn't impossible," the older woman replied. "Think about it, if we pick people that have suitable Affinities then maybe they stand a chance to go back. It's just like starting a new project. The first thing we need to do is gather information."

The barista In-Su agreed meekly. "What she is saying is correct. We should not risk the whole group, but we also cannot stay here forever." He gulped. "Does anyone her maybe have a good ability? I'm sure you all have chosen something, right? Let's work as a group."

"Count me out," Zheng Yunhe said, "This is too stupid, even for you guys' standards. I'm not going to risk my life for strangers, and I won't play the sacrifice either."

Lee Dojin's group eyed each other. They were at a loss for words.

"Now, now. Let's not be like this," Kang Soomin smiled wryly. "This isn't a sacrifice. You will come back after all. One hand washes the other, and the rest of the group will protect you against the dolls in return. Miss Hwa, don't you agree?"

"Y-yes," the woman replied, though a little bit stunned by the development. "I, I mean, sure?"

"We should decide by majority vote," The lady spoke, then pointed at Kim Jyejin. "You, what Affinity and skill did you choose?"

"Huh? Me?" She tilted her head. "What does that have to do with me?"

"I think it is only fair that we leave our abilities transparent so we can all come up with a good strategy."

"Don't even dream about it," she scoffed. "We already gave you all the info we had, and you wish for more? There's no point in our group scouting in the first place."

Dong Jowoon still stood next to her. "I agree, I can't just let my students walk into danger like this." He shook his head. "However, Jyejin, maybe you should still tell them. This is no time to be selfish. It's just something minuscule in the first place, right?"

".. .Every single one of you." Jyejins face turned incredibly bleak. "Fine, if you want to know this much, I will show you." A sudden darkness encompassed her.

Each and every one of these people was beyond help. She had come to realize as she grew older, all these humans are tainted with hypocritical selfishness. 

They did not wish the best for themselves, they only wanted other people to suffer. They threw other people under the bus but screamed deceit when it happened to them. They envy those who wish to break free.

The same went for her uncle too, she found out. All humanity is in the way of her freedom. Her eyes lost the usual vividness. It would seem before she could use the ability on dolls, it would be those humans to take the blunt.

"Relax." Lee Dojin suddenly patted her on the shoulder. He leaned forward with a smile, hooking his arm around her neck. "Do not let your emotions control you. There is no need to worry, as long as I am here."

The darkness dissipated. She turned around. "Dojin.. ." 

Dong Jowoon appeared elated. "At least one guy who knows how to respect an authority figure. That Kim Jyejin, seriously, even if she comes from a good family, that doesn't mean she can get whatever she wants."

"Are you done preaching?"


Lee Dojin grabbed Dong Jowoons head, and to everyone's surprise, lifted him in the air. "You seem to have misunderstood." He squeezed a little, and the PE teacher screamed. "This isn't the school anymore. And you hold no authority, just like everyone else." He threw him away, then looked at all the other people, giving them the middle finger. "The same goes for all of you. The only thing that will rule this world from now on is strength. Your words mean nothing in this dungeon. If you want me to die for you, force me."

The barista walked forward. "Hey, who do you think y" His voice was cut short, with Lee Dojin suddenly appearing in front of him. He fell to the ground, his lips quivering.

"Majority vote? Stop fucking around. Then, if I kill all of you, will I be the majority? Face it, no matter how many people you bring, you are worthless if you cannot stand before me." Lee Dojin stared him down. In-Su could have sworn, even the dolls and the guide weren't as scary as this man. "I've planned on listening longer, but you guys are making me puke. I have seen the extent of your resolve. Now let me ask a question," he paused and lifted a finger, "If you guys survived, would humanity prosper?"

Though he tried to surpress it, leftover bloodthirst still leaked through him.

All the survivors stood still. They were drenched in a cold sweat without even realizing. Once more, their fight or flight response activated, though they did not understand why. All they thought were that this wasn't as safe of a zone they initially believed.

"I will take care of the knight. But I won't be scouting." He turned around, staring at every person. "I am going to destroy it. So you better hold your end of the bargain." He disappeared immediately.

The star from Cosmic steps brought him to the first floor. Indeed, there the knight sat with its arms crossed. It also had sensed Lee Dojin's presence. It stood up, ready to fight.

"How irritating." The boy licked his lips, excited for the first time today. "I'd like to try the Arts I haven't used yet, so do not die too fast, alright?"


In the meantime, the people wondered what Lee Dojin meant with 'bargain'. They did not dare to argue anymore. Aside from the guide, there was another monster hiding with them it seemed. 

Dong Joowons face was white as a sheet, feeling as if he had brushed past death. For the barista, he simply could not stand up as his legs had given up. having Lee Dojin staring down on him was akin to staring into a crocodile's mouth. Every fiber of his being told him not to engage.

Zheng Yunhe also stood there, stunned. Though he hadn't said it, the man was ex-military. He had been into many perilous situations, some that left him scarred to this day. Yet, he had never feared for the life of him and his wife than when Lee Dojin's glance brushed past him. He understood the guide was a different being, thus he held no abstract feelings. But that boy, he was undoubtedly human; thus it was that much more terrifying.

Kim Jyejin breathed out. Park Wonho supported her through his shoulder, and the young girl stood next to her. They weren't that surprised by his actions. Instead, they held a mysterious pride, seeing the reaction from the other people. There was no doubt in their minds that Lee Dojin would return.

And indeed, only five minutes later, his voice resounded. "You said you will protect those who scouted the knight and returned alive. Then go kill these dolls for me, won't you?" Lee Dojin appeared within the group again.

He swept his hair back and sat down. To his left, there was a decapitated head, with a broken metal helmet. The thing showed no signs of life.

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