Fallen Lightbringers' Return

Chapter 92: Provisional Crate

Chapter 92: Provisional Crate

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The group all woke up in the morning, with the rise of the sun, realizing that everything that occurred yesterday had been the reality. The dolls that had come attacking them, the many people dying, the dome-covered world, and lastly, the disgusting hunger they felt after everything was done.

"We are about to run out of water," another man spoke. He threw an empty bottle to the ground. "What are we gonna do as this keeps up?" Waking up in the morning, their throats were especially parched, thus their reserves practically reduced to nothing as they woke up. For a few seconds, they even felt thankful for the defectors, as there were fewer mouths to feed, but that thought was quickly shaken away.

Zheng Yunhe sat on the ground, his back against the wall. His wife rested on his shoulder while hugging him quietly. "What do you want to do? It's not like we can just magically make food appear."

The man clicked his tongue. "As pessimistic as always, I see. I wonder how you made friends in the real world."

"What, you wanna square off," Yunhe raised his brows.

Hwa Endo stepped in. "Everyone, please calm down. I think we are all stressed here. Let's not break into a fight, alright? We need to cooperate to survive."

"You're right, I apologize," the man backed off. He eyed Zheng Yunhe too.

The Chinese man shook his head. "Fine, I am sorry too. It's just how I was raised, to stay realistic."

Endo sighed in relief. She was glad that they didn't start to quarrel. This would have been the last straw that broke the camel's back. And they still had around 6 days left to survive, let alone fight against whatever boss there was.

With a smile, she took a seat on the ground. "I am Hwa Endo," she said, confusing everyone with her introduction. "Since we are stuck together for a while, we should all learn about each other, don't you guys think? Like, what are your hobbies? What do you like and dislike? What about your passions?" She suddenly paused. "Of course, you are not forced to participate or say anything you'd like to keep hidden. I don't have any ulterior motive at all, I swear."

The man that was close to fighting Zheng Yunhe rubbed his head. "As I mentioned in the cafe, I am Lin Daeshim. But I suppose it would not be weird if some people have forgotten already. I work in accounting."

"Oh," Kang Soomin voiced her surprise. "We are in the same sector then," she laughed. "What place do you work at?"

Lin Daeshim scratched his cheek, embarrassed. "I am actually only an intern, but I work at Goonwha Technologies Inc. I was lucky enough to get a spot there since an alumnus put in a good word."

"That's a good place," she nodded. "You will get far if you stay in that place. You just gotta pat your career well and listen to your direct superior." Her tone, out of the blue, turned somber. "OF course, if we all survive, that is."

Lee Dojin gave the group a quick. He sat by the open window, the air washing over him as he observed the outside of any threats. At the very least, the dungeon allowed them to sleep somewhat well. He was thankful for that, not just for him, but also for Kim Jyejin and the other survivors. 

"We will," a younger girl said. She seemed a little younger than even Jyejin. "We have to. I still haven't apologized to my mother. I told her I would be going to school, but then I goofed off and went to a cafe. I am sure she is incredibly worried right now."

In-Su agreed. "I hope so. My parents are waiting for me too." He shook his head, determined. "Also, after we made it, I really want to take a good shower. My head is full of grease."

"I want to eat BudaeJjigae (Korean Army Stew)," the girl said and dreamed off, her mouth dripping saliva. "Ah, uhm," she quickly snapped out of it, as she realized this was hardly the time to talk about anything food-related. "My names' Ah Baram. I am currently in the last year of middle school." She bowed down. "Nice to meet all of you."

"I remember your name," In-Su said, as he recalled all the introductions in the cafe. "But once more, I am Ji In-Su. I am currently studying Creative Arts at Yonsei University."

"What a great uni for a useless degree," Lin Daeshim voiced out.

"Haha, I hear that a lot," the ex-barista said coyly.

While everyone was talking, the young girl approached Lee Dojin who was outside their conversations. She pulled at his shirt. "I am Gu Hana."

"Oh, nice to meet ya' Hana." He ruffled her hair. "I am Lee Dojin."

"I know." She held her head and nodded. "Oppa, will we be able to make it out of here alive," she asked in a low voice.

Lee Dojin smiled, there seemed to be no worry in his mind. "Without a doubt, we will." The question lay only in how many would survive. But a dungeon break would never occur, as long as he was here.

"I am thirsty," Gu Hana complained.

"I have some candy if you want. It should help fight off your thirst for a while. But promise me, no matter what, do not swallow it, okay?" He took out the water bead in his pocket and gave it to the young girl.

Gu Hanas' eyes sparkled, seeing the beautiful blue gem. She placed it in her mouth, and immediately, water gushed out, washing over the great thirst she felt. Her cheeks bloated and her eyes widened, as she held her lips tightly to not let any water out.

Lee Dojin laughed seeing that girl's funny expression. It was a laugh that rinsed him of the darkness and burdens surrounding him, lightening even his shoulders. Even though he may not realize it, the boy had needed a good laugh.

[Provision packages are being dropped off. They will land in approximately 5 minutes. Asking the Warrior to prepare.]


The sudden message caught everyone off guard, stopping the lighthearted chatter abruptly. Without waiting for anyone to react, Lee Dojin ran out of the store, with Jyejin and Hansoo following right after. They all looked into the sky.

Continuous fireworks kept ringing out, exploding high up and creating a mirage of colors. There was a small rainbow atop a few places, with balloons rising into the air. It was practically begging to be found.

The group came out one after another. Suspicion rose to the max. Yunhe said sarcastically, "You don't need me to tell you how weird this looks like, right?"

"Yes, but we hardly have a choice, do we," Lee Dojin was the first to say. The other survivors were surprised as he never took the initiative unless it was at the very end. The boy licked his teeth. It wasn't only because he was hungry though. This was a new scenario, guaranteed to grant them info for the Main Quest.

Hwa Endo smiled dryly. "Shall we go then?" The boy was right? There really was no other choice, given the hunger status of everyone involved.

It wasn't hard to find the supposed provision packages, as they had been practically underlined in a bold red, but as they arrived they still gasped in shock. On the lonely road, there was a horse-drawn carriage, with real people (not dolls) seemingly guarding the crate in the middle.

They wore normal modern-day clothing and had make-up and combed hair, indicating they weren't part of the dungeon. Were they survivors?"

"There's someone there," Wonho shouted.

His shout caught the attention of those new people. They turned around and shouted, "Halt! You are amidst her Majesty's grace. I advise you to bow!"

The group tilted their heads as they walked closer. What was that way of speech? Hwa Endo came closer. "Wait, we aren't hostile. You guys are survivors dragged into this apocalypse, are you not?" She had an elated face. They weren't the only ones after all. "We guys are just like you! dragged in by that weird guide. Have you also come for the food?"

"Lady I do not know of which you speak of," a person said and shoved her away. "This crate is specially provided for Her Majesty's festival. Do not act up, or will have to force you to understand."

".. .What the hell is going on?" Hwa Endo backed off. "Why are you guys talking like this? Aren't you also guys from MyeongDong, caught within this dungeon?"

"Dungeon? MyeongDong? Have you eaten a bad mushroom," the people around the carriage laughed loudly. "This is the Doll Kingdom, and you are in the Puppet capital for the festival. We are the majestys' honored knights. That is all."

A shiver ran down Hwa Endos' spine. For some reason, these people had grown increasingly creepy as they spoke. She was unsure of what to say as their conversation seemed to pass by each other.

Lee Dojin stepped forward instead of her. "I think it's a mind-control sort of thing. I can't be sure though."

"Mind-control?" Endo stared at him with disbelief, but then she gasped, seemingly realizing something. "Wait, the guide, Latania. What was she called again? The Possessed? Did it have something to do with that?"

The boy nodded gravely. "It is possible that all these people here are those that have roamed the streets in MyeongDong and disappeared."

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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