Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 560: The World as it Should Be

Chapter 560: The World as it Should Be


He woke to the morning light peeking in through the high window and laid very still. His body hummed with pain that he knew would be worse the moment he moved. But he could smell Suhle. Was she still here?

Bracing himself, he pushed with his arm to roll over and groaned from the jagged pain that cut across his stomach and shoulder.

His head spun and he swallowed back nausea when he'd rolled over.

No Suhle. But the blanket behind him still smelled like her. She must have left recently.

The guards let her stay?

His heart dropped. Would she return? Why had she left? Was she okay?

Focusing on what he could control, he closed his eyes and took several deep, slow breaths, wincing when his ribs screamed as the breaths expanded his chest.

The day before had been… unexpected. There was a part of him that had wallowed in her touch and relaxed for the first time at laying in her arms. But another piece of him remained tense and uneasy.

Lerrin didn't trust easily. He loved her, and he knew that she meant well. But what would happen the day she believed she needed to lie again for his own good?

As his tension increased, her face swam before his eyes—her tears, her fear, her desperation. And her quiet love when he'd given in. When he'd finally admitted his heart.

If he hadn't been in so much pain, he would have shaken his head.

There was no point fighting. He'd been clinging to his fear with white knuckles, determined not to let her in, but he'd been deceived. She was already within him. Deeply embedded.


With a small smile for the irony of it all, Lerrin let go of his fear of her.

She likely would deceive him again. She clearly had the self-restraint to do so. But she also had a heart that wanted his best. So perhaps… perhaps it was worth it.

That is, of course, assuming that he lived long enough to give her the chance.

Slowly, carefully, he assessed his body.

He was healing, of that there was no doubt. When she first came to him he hadn't even been able to move. And he was a warrior. He'd been beaten before, even grievously injured. He knew how his body worked, and how quickly it would heal.

He also knew something was very wrong within him.

The bruises, the split skin, the swelling, all of those would pain him, but pass quickly. Within days.

But his stomach and lower back… Something deep within him had been injured and he could feel his body fighting to heal it.

Whatever it was, that would not pass quickly. Even in the best circumstances. But here, with minimal food, no soft bed, and no excess warmth?

His life was at risk. If the wolves returned to harm him again before he had healed from this, they would kill him. He was certain of it.

A day ago, that might have seemed like a release. Something to welcome. Fall into the embrace of the Creator and let go of the pain and fear of this life. But now?

Suhle's precious face appeared in his mind's eye again, the tears she'd shed for him, her fear at his injuries—her fear of his rejection.

She had lived a life of quiet fear, of dignity and strength in the face of horrendous pain. He'd known how bad it was last night in part because of how shaky she had been. His rejection had truly hurt her, made her deeply afraid—and seeing him so injured had only increased her panic.

His heart was in turmoil… joy over her love warring with his fear, peace that she was his Mate at odds with the anger he felt that she hadn't trusted him with the truth. Had deceived him. All of it rolling around, shifting him in its waves.

Most of the evening before, after the attack from the wolves, was a blur. But pieces… pieces of her and what she'd done were crystal clear in his mind. Her tears, her insistence that she could make him well. Her healing hands. And… and her words. That pained and haunted looked in her eyes when she'd told him the truth and feared his response.

"Trust…" she'd said, "it is so hard for me, you know that. But that's why I'm so certain you are such a prize. Your heart is so good! I feel safe with you, Lerrin. I never feel safe. Not truly. Do you understand? But with you… even when you are angry I long to be in the circle of your arms."

He groaned and slowly brought his hands up to his face, carefully holding himself.

He loved her. There was no way around it. He loved her and he feared her. He wouldn't abandon her, but what would be left to him, here and under guard? What kind of life would that be for her?

Or if he was killed? A consequence that seemed suddenly far more present than it had the day before. He should free her. Not require her to attend him, allow her to build her new life as the rest of the Tree City did…

But her face when she'd told him… she wouldn't leave him, he knew. Whatever flaws she might have, she was loyal to her core—unable to criticize Reth to him despite their conflict. Unable to leave him even when he denied her.

She would be the best mate a male could have. He was beyond blessed to have her. And tormented by the idea of what would happen to her if he was taken from this world. If she was no longer his because he was no longer here, what would happen to her?

He could rely on Reth to protect her, he thought, but the images that skittered through his mind then didn't bring comfort, but a fierce jealousy.

Another male with his arm around her shoulders. Another male watching for her safety. Another male receiving her smiles…

He wanted to growl, but his stomach hurt so badly he stifled it.

He needed her. And he needed to stay alive for her.

He cursed the life that had brought them to this place—when, if they'd just had a few more days, they might already have completed the bond. Already have… but there was no point torturing himself with that. His dream of a cave in the mountains, of pups and…

His mate. Suhle was his True Mate.

His eyes flew open.


Try my new werewolf book--it's not set in Anima, but you'll still have a lot of hot shape-shifters, and an entirely new, unique world!

Zev prowled towards her, all shining, brutal beauty, his chin low and those incredible, piercing eyes fixed on her. He didn't stop until they were toe-to-toe and he blocked her view of every other male in the circle.

His eyes dipped to her mouth as he leaned in, his whisper playing on her skin.

"You. Are. Mine."

His deep voice twanged in her belly as the howls of the wolf pack rose from behind him to echo across the mountains of Thana, while the other Chimera protested his claim.

Fighting the urge to stroke his broad, bare chest with her shaking hands, Sasha forced herself to tilt her head and raise an eyebrow. "So bold for a pup who just found his fangs."

The other males roared with laughter.

Ignoring their taunts, Zev's eyes sparked and he leaned even closer, the scruff on his jaw tickling her cheek as he smiled. "So bold for a human who already knows the pleasure of gasping my name."

She shivered when his teeth grazed her ear.

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