Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 562: Making a Plan

Chapter 562: Making a Plan


In twenty minutes he could eat. Within an hour he was able to take Suhle's hand and let her pull him up to sit with his back to the tree wall. He needed a moment after that to breathe, but when he opened his eyes, she was still kneeling in front of him, watching him carefully.

"I'm okay," he rasped.

She nodded. "I brought more of the linament. We'll keep bathing your bruises and cuts. But… but this worries me." She pointed to the spot on his stomach where a deep purple, almost black bruise spread a few inches below his ribs. She said he had another, smaller, on the other side as well.

He breathed carefully, his neck and head aching when he looked down. "I just need time to heal."

She nodded, but bit her lip. When their eyes met, he knew she was thinking the same thing as him.

Time would only be enough if the wolves didn't come back.

"I'm going to talk to Reth later this morning," she said quietly, nervous, watching him for his reaction.

"There's nothing to do about it now," he growled, pushing away the stab of jealousy and anger that came with the easy way she said Reth's name.

"The guards allowed those wolves to come to you, Lerrin. It isn't… it isn't right."

He raised an eyebrow in an attempt to be dry. "It wasn't right that I led a rebellion either, yet here we are."

"Yes, but—"

"Suhle, I'm not telling you not to tell him. I'm just saying, I think there's little he can do. Those that were involved will protect each other. I'd actually like you to speak with him and pass on a message for me."

Her brows popped up. "Oh?"

This was what he'd been thinking through in the hour while he waited for her. He sent to her, rather than giving any guard an opportunity to hear.

I want to speak with him. About my future.

Suhle nodded. I've been thinking about that, also. I know he admires your willingness to help, and the solutions you brought. He was… pleased by the way the wolves have returned to the Tree City.

Lerrin's gaze sharpened. "How are things in the City? Have the wolves remained? Or is everyone… segregating?"

Suhle shrugged. "It's an uneasy peace," she whispered. "The people are pleased to be reunited with family and friends. And there are some groups, some tribes—like the Birds—that seem more relieved than anything else. But many, especially the Equines, are very wary. Walking carefully. Not speaking openly in front of the wolves or serpents. I heard a herd of goats were rejected by some of the other merchants, though the elders came down on them pretty hard. Everyone is just… tense."

Lerrin nodded carefully, his neck aching. "That's good though, that at least people are returning their former lives."

"Yes. And it's only early days. I think with time… with time we may find things have improved."

Time, always time. Time was what he needed—and what he had on the one hand, too much of. And on another, not nearly enough.

"Has… has Reth spoken to you about what he will do with you?" Suhle whispered.

Lerrin shook his head. "I heard Elia's returned. I suspect he's been…consumed."

"Not just returned, she's heavily pregnant and… someone said she can shift now, which seems impossible to me." Suhle frowned.

"She can shift? How?"

Suhle shook her head. "I don't know. Perhaps it is a consequence of the pregnancy?"

He frowned. "But isn't she only what, three or four months? She shouldn't be heavy yet—so she must have been pregnant earlier than it was announced? No wonder he was so protective of her."

For a moment Lerrin's mind tripped down that path… Suhle flushed and heavy with pregnancy, her skin glowing and eyes sparkling.

Suhle's stomach heavy and round. Himself holding her close, both of them curled over the pup…

The pictures gave him such a shot of joy—and in the same moment, the bitter ache of a dream unattainable. How was he going to complete with the bond with her, let alone love her often enough to bring a pup? He could hardly have her here, in this prison, with a dozen males within scenting range. He would not do that to her.

He frowned as Suhle took his hand and carefully extended his arm, now that his pain was lower, she wanted to check his joints and make sure nothing was broken or needed to be set.

You look very upset, she sent hesitantly. Reth has always been the protective sort. If he hid the pregnancy, I'm guessing it was for her peace of mind. Many lose the first—

"No," he murmured. "That's not it. I was…" he swallowed and switched to sending to her, her cool fingers on his arm making his skin prickle.

I was trying to imagine how it would be… to have a pup, he admitted sheepishly.

And that made you frown? she asked, her brow furrowing.

Because I could not imagine how to… to complete the bond, to do anything, to hve you, to give to you… Suhle, you are my True Mate and I yearn for you. But I will not allow you to be… on display for other males. I am… grieved that we did not complete the bond when we had the chance, but also… it was the right decision at the time. But I grieve it.

She nodded. As do I.

Lerrin swallowed hard and inhaled her scent, measuring her as he sent, That's one reason I want you to approach Reth.

He took her hand and stopped her in her examination. I want to ask him to banish me. To put me out of the WildWood—I would go willingly.

She froze, her eyes wide, staring. There was a moment between them, her scent flooded with fear, and hope, and too many other things for him to discern. He squeezed her small fingers and shook his head.

I would go willingly, he continued, watching her closely, if you would come with me?

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