Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 568: Dont Speak

Chapter 568: Don't Speak


Reth was slow to get out of bed—too many kisses that left them both breathless and groaning in frustration. Then slow to dress, changing his mind about his vest three times.

Finally, Elia just asked. "What's going on?"



He snorted. "Well, we're making the decision about Lerrin today. And we'll make it with him there for the discussion. He was attacked this week. By Tree City wolves."

Elia gasped. Reth nodded.

"How?" she asked.

"The guards let half a dozen wolves in who beat him, almost to death. He's healing, but… it's the kick in the ass I needed to figure out what we're doing with him. It shouldn't have taken this long, of course, but I'm still… that whole thing with Behryn…"

She'd woken from a nap the day before to find Reth sitting at the end of the sleeping platform, his head in his hands. When he'd described what was happening with his best friend, Elia had been so enraged, she'd almost shifted. They hadn't talked about it much since, but she was glad that he didn't avoid it now. She was calmer now—though still wanted to challenge Hollhye. How could the female do this to her mate and to Reth? The two men were so close, and always had been. Elia couldn't imagine any situation where she'd ask Reth to abandon Behryn. She shook her head. At least Behryn hadn't actually resigned command yet. But Reth had been walking on eggshells ever since. Elia wanted to reach out for him, but Reth was still focused on the situation with Lerrin.

"The guards claimed their shifts were changed, but no one seems to know who gave the order," he growled as he pulled on his leathers. "I don't know if that means we have a rebel among our people who has been there all along, or if these are some of our people taking revenge. Except, they're wolves. They have to be part of the mind meld. So what does that mean? They must believe that killing Lerrin—or almost killing him—is for the best for everyone?"

Elia sighed. "Aymora would agree with that."

Reth's eyebrows popped up. "She talked to you about that?"

"She did more than talk about it. She got more emotional than I've ever seen her and I think she was about to ask me to promise her that I'd encourage you to kill him. It was… unsettling."

"That's what she was saying to you the other day?!"

"She hasn't said anything since, Reth, don't worry. I think… I think she was just overwhelmed. Afraid for you and for all of us. And reminded of her loss. She got off balance."

"She's been off balance for a while," Reth muttered. "I didn't realize she was pushing that on you, though."

"She hasn't. That's the only time. And like I said, she hasn't mentioned it since." But Reth growled and shook his head, tugging the vest back over his shoulders for the fourth time. His anger surprised her. He was usually so compassionate when anyone—but especially his close loved ones—were struggling. "Reth, come here," she said, beckoning him back to the bed.

He came willingly, standing to her side and leaning over, embracing her in his big arms when she pulled him closer. She kissed the side of his neck and stroked his hair. "Whatever you decide today will the right thing, I'm sure," she whispered, kissing his neck again between thoughts. "And even if some of the Anima believe that he should die, and you don't… follow your heart. Not your fear. Promise me that, Reth. Promise me that you'll follow your heart. Your instincts. You have the best instincts of any man I've known. It's why I love you so much. Don't let other people's fear make you doubt yourself."

He pulled far enough back to meet her eyes and stared. "You are too good to me, Love."

"No, I'm not," she insisted. "The reason your people love you and fight to defend you is because they know you're usually right, too. And your compassion… don't lose that, Reth. It's the thing that makes you different. Even though Lerrin makes me uneasy… I love that you see the good in him. I trust that what you're seeing is right—you were right early on when you offered him peace. Look what came of that! If you hadn't done that, who knows where we'd be right now?"

He nodded and stroked her face with his thumb. "Thank you," he said, sighing and leaning in to kiss her, then straightened to leave. But his shoulders seemed to sag with the load he was carrying. It broke Elia's heart. "You're right that I have been letting fear get in the way. That is wise advice you've given me, Love. Thank you."

She hadn't let go of his arm, and she patted it, marveling again at the steel strength under his skin. "You're an example to me, Reth. One I struggle to follow, if I'm honest. But I? know… I know you're listening to your conscience. And when you do, it always leads you right, even if others don't agree. I know that. If you become unsure… come talk to me."

Reth smiled and stroked her face again. "Thank you."

"I love you, Reth."

"I love you, too."

He leaned down to kiss her quickly, then strode for the door. "Are you sure you'll be okay until Aymora arrives?" He was leaving earlier than usual that morning because he had many meetings and wanted to be done as early as he could to be back to her.

Elia nodded. "Gahrye's coming, so even if Aymora's busy, I won't be alone."

Reth's shoulders tensed, but he nodded, his hand on the handle of the door. "I'll be back as soon as I can," he said wearily. "But it will likely be this afternoon. We're meeting without Lerrin first, then they'll bring him after the meal. I don't know how long that will take."

"It's fine," Elia lied, fluttering a hand to reassure him. "Go do what you need to do. I'll be here when you get back."

Then he was gone and Elia let herself slump back onto the pillows, holding her stomach and grimacing.

Her stomach and lower back were aching. There were no more contractions, thank the Creator. But she'd had a difficult night's sleep, woken several times because she was in pain and needed to change positions.

Perhaps it was good that Reth was gone for several hours. If it didn't turn her into a shivering mess of anxiety, she'd probably encourage it. Maybe she would get some more sleep until Gahrye or Aymora arrived. She sighed as she pulled the furs up over her shoulders and rubbed her belly underneath them.

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