Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 590: Pain

Chapter 590: Pain

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He'd collapsed on the blanket when they took him back to the prison tree, the pain descending in waves that made him breathe too quickly, then not want to breathe at all.

Many of his cuts and bruises were healing, fading, but the joints that had been strained, the injuries to his stomach and back, and one spot on his head… as his heart pushed the blood through his veins, those place lit up as if they were being injured again.

When the door opened, his heart raced—which made him groan. Had the wolves returned? But instead the gust of wind from the door brought the sweet, sweet smell of his mate—like darkberries and wet grass—and he groaned again, this time in relief.

He was able to roll to his back, though his body protested every hard-won inch. Suhle raced across the floor towards him, sliding to her knees at his side.

"Lerrin! I'm so sorry! I never thought I would be so long—"

"Shhhhhhh, it's okay." His jaw clenched against the pain so he could barely get the words out. "Do you have any more herbs?"

"Yes, yes, just a moment." She'd brought that large basket again, and pulled a pile of blankets and clothing from it, the smell of soap and freshwater wafting of it as she threw them aside to dig beneath them for the herbs.

She scrambled to sprinkle leaves and small grains into the mortar and pestle again. "I'm sorry. I was asked to—"

"Suhle, you can't be with me every moment," he croaked. "I'm just glad you're here."

"How long have you been like this?"

"Only an hour. It… hit suddenly." The moving had made it worse. He'd been sore that morning when he woke, but obviously better. Yet, having been on his feet for hours he felt like he'd gone backwards.

He'd barely made it back to the tree because of the pain, his last steps shaky and leaning on the guards far more than he wished to. But, mindful of Reth's warning, they'd lowered him gently to the blanket on the floor and one of them even tossed it over his shoulders.

He'd already been hurting, but as he'd lain there the herbs had lost their potency and he'd been gripped with pain.

Suhle muttered at herself and Lerrin sighed. Then suddenly she was at his head and spooning the paste into his mouth. It tasted horrid, but Lerrin swallowed it back, then the water she gave him to wash it down.

"No, don't move," she said. Lerrin would have laughed but it would hurt too much—he couldn't have moved if he'd wanted to.

While they waited for the herbs to take effect, Suhle picked up the pile of clothing and blankets she'd brought in the basket and began to arrange them, then pulled several more jars and a smaller basket with a lid from within the depths of her basket as well.

"I brought dinner," she said, tsking at herself. "I thought it was better to take the time to get you food rather than leave in case they didn't let me back in later.

"Thank you," he rasped.

Then her bright blue eyes snapped to his and her brow furrowed. "Do not thank me for leaving you in pain."

"I'm not. I'm thanking you for thinking of how best you might get to stay the night again. I am… I find I am eager to hold you," he said softly.

Her brows pinched over her nose and she leaned forward to lay a cool palm on his forehead. "There's no fever at least," she said. "That's good."

Lerrin began to shrug, then swore, catching the movement.

"You shouldn't be in this much pain two days later," Suhle said, shaking her head in worry. "The internal injuries must be worse than we thought."

"I think it's because I moved around today," he said. "I will rest tomorrow and see."

"No, I'm bringing a wise-woman," she said, "After I give you herbs and you can move, I'll bring someone in."

"The guards might not let you—"

"The guards can go to hell. If Reth isn't killing you himself, they don't get to. I'll just tell them Reth sent her."

Lerrin raised an eyebrow. "You'd lie for me?"

Suhle's cheeks colored and Lerrin was touched. "I hope I won't have to," she mumbled.

Then Lerrin took a deeper breath. "They're beginning to work," he said on a sigh of relief.

"Well, praise the Creator for that," Suhle said, one hand to her chest.

She waited until his pain was improved enough to sit up, then she spooned him a thick stew and pieces of fruit.

The food helped as well, though his stomach hurt from it. By the time they had both eaten and were seated against the wall of the tree, Lerrin could take a deep breath with only a little pain. He felt incredibly drowsy, but didn't want to say goodnight to Suhle.

"What did you do while I was gone?" he asked.

"I met with the Queen's Advisor," she said, her voice slightly awed.

Lerrin blinked and turned his head slowly so it wouldn't spin. "Gahrye?"

She nodded. "He's exploring reading the winds and some other things. Things to try to identify any of the Anima that are still… dark. So they can be removed and not cause greater issues."

"He can identify them that way?"

"Perhaps," she said. "When I told him that I'd caught a scent of them—just faintly—in the encampment, it matched something he'd experienced elsewhere. We were trying to… identify the scent. It took much longer than I expected and… and I wasn't sure how long you would be. So as I said, I made the decision to get dinner and the laundry before I came back. I am sorry."

"Stop apologizing," he said, opening his palm on his thigh so she'd twine her fingers in his, which she did. "I'm just so grateful you're here."

They were quiet for a moment. "So?" she asked hesitantly. "Did they decide what… what they will do to you?"

He could have bitten himself. Of course she'd be worried about that, and he'd completely forgotten she didn't know. He was a terrible mate.

"No," he said. "I was late back also, because they struggled to decide. They have many things they're still discussing. It will be interesting to see what comes of it."

He expected her to express dissatisfaction or frustration, but instead she simply sat there, staring at their hands.

Lerrin waited, but she didn't speak, but he could feel her tensing.

"Suhle?" he asked finally, "Is something wrong?"



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