Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 625: Don’t Stop Breathing

Chapter 625 - Don’t Stop Breathing


An hour later, Elia was in pieces. Her body shuddering into increasing pain and at ever-narrowing intervals. And with every breath, every drop of sweat, and every moment that passed, she felt weaker, not stronger.

Something was wrong. She could feel it. Something was wrong.

As yet another contraction passed and she could finally breathe again, Elia slumped back onto the pillow, already damp with her sweat, and drips from the cool clothes Aymora kept placing on her forehead during contractions.

She wanted to do nothing but pull a blanket over her head and weep.

She was a woman—a lioness! This was what she was made for! She should have been meeting this with her teeth gritted and fists clenched, fighting through it. She should have been a warrior to match her mate.

Instead, she felt like the rag Aymora was wringing out in the water—limp and dripping.

She'd cried, and screamed. She'd endured quietly, and almost fainted. She'd gotten angry, and shrunk in terror… and nothing had changed. Her body was grinding towards the end—the delivery of her baby—and there was nothing she, or the healers, could do to stop it.

"Why… am I… so weak… already?" she panted while Aymora rubbed a hand up and down her arm.

Her mother gave a soft smile. "Mothers are all weak, every one," she said. "Producing a life is the most painful and terrifying thing most of them will ever do. But that is where you find your strength, Elia. This day will pass—it will. And in return for your weakness and pain, you will receive a new life. A new love. A new purpose. It is a beautiful thing. The most valuable thing any Anima can do. So if you feel weak, feel weak. But know that you will not be viewed that way when this is over."

Elia closed her eyes for a moment, knowing the words were touching and beautiful, wishing she could feel them. Wishing she could feel anything beyond pain or fear.

"But the Anima…" she murmured a moment later, "they aren't… this weak."

Aymora frowned, watching Jayah who was listening to Elreth's heartbeat again now that the contraction had finished.

"Elia, your body has been taxed far beyond what any Anima has been asked," she said quietly. "Not only to carry the larger, stronger cub of the Pride, but to grow her so quickly… frankly I am stunned that you are still alive."

Elia blinked. "You thought… this might kill me?"

"When I realized how quickly your body was developing the baby and… yes, Elia, I feared that you wouldn't strengthen in this past week. But you have. So I thank the Creator. And I'm certain that you will strengthen again to meet this as well. And then you will heal."

Elia licked her lips, about to ask another question when her body spasmed and she couldn't breathe, couldn't speak, could do nothing but lay there in the grip of pain—a pain even more intense than the contractions before it. Elia felt as if her lower body was being crushed in a vice. Tears streamed down her cheeks.

She wanted to scream. She wanted to cut her belly out, remove it from her body. But she could do nothing but flail, her hand coming down on Aymora's arm and gripping until her nails cut her mother's skin.

"Shhhhh, it's okay, Elia, just breathe. Keep breathing. You have to breathe."

"The cub has shifted," Jayah said quietly, urgently, her hands on Elia's stomach. "The pain is worse because she's so big and she's engaged in the pelvis."

Elia gasped in fear, but couldn't do more because her entire body screamed.

Aymora made a noise that Elia knew couldn't be good, but she couldn't think just then. Couldn't ask questions. Couldn't even speak.

"Don't worry, Elia," Aymora said, motioning for Elia to breathe. "Shifting in the womb is a good sign. Your daughter is strong—and fully Anima. Now… try to breathe, and relax. Don't let her feel your fear. Let her shift back to herself and find safety with you there. Come one. Breathe, Elia. Breathe…"

But Elia was falling apart. Something within her giving way. And Reth wasn't here.

Where was her strength?

Where was her resolves?

Where was her mate?


Five contractions later—only two minutes apart now—Elia sobbed and sucked at the air as the latest contraction faded, but already she could feel her body gathering for the next.

"I can't…" she cried. "I can't…"

"You can, and you will," Aymora said firmly but quietly. "Our concern is not your ability to give birth, Elia. Every female reaches her limit when the time is near—that's good. It means we probably have an hour or less until you meet your daughter. Fix your thoughts on that, Elia. That is the joy that awaits you. Fix your mind on that."

Elia sobbed, gripping the furs, soaked with her sweat. "Where's Reth?!" she sobbed.

Aymora looked to Jayah, her face clear and calm, but Elia could tell that she, too, was worried that Reth hadn't returned. She'd sent the messenger after him to tell him Elia was in labor two hours ago. In beast form, it was more than enough time to get back.

"Jayah," Aymora said, "Can you go speak with the guards and find out if the messenger has returned yet? If there's any news?"

"Of course." As the wolf slipped out of the room, Aymora turned back to Elia, who was beginning to tremble.

"You have to help me, Aymora," Elia hissed, the words falling over each other as she rushed to get them out before the next contraction.

"I will do everything I—"

"No, listen… please… you have to listen to me, Aymora."

Her mother took her hand, her brows pinched hard over her nose. "I'm listening."

Elia took a deep breath. "You have to make me a promise," she said.

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