Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 641: Blade of My Heart

Chapter 641: Blade of My Heart


The winner of Day 3 of #12DaysofGiveaways and 500 Webnovel coins, is Clara J Bong (Webnovel)!

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Congratulations, both of you! Contact me in private on Facebook or Discord to collect your prize!



They clung to each other, hands on chests, in hair, lips-on-lips, whispered words and hearts pounding. But Elia could feel her grip weakening and every time her eyes closed they took longer to open. She fought the creeping sleep. Hard. But she couldn't bear the idea of drifting away. She had to find a way to prepare him.

"Rethh," she whispered, pulling his face up so she could meet his eyes, her own half-hooded. "It'ss happening."

His face spasmed and his huge hand cupped the back of her head, kneading her neck, his fingers buried in her hair. "It's okay, Elia. Just rest. I… I love you. I love you. Do you hear me? I love you."

"I love you, too. Oh, Rethh, I jusst… I don't want to go!"

"You won't go," he said, the words thick on his tongue. "Claimed and offered, remember? You're my forever, Love. In every sense of the word."

Her eyes closed with her tears, but then she couldn't open them again, and her heart began to pound… then it slowed as well.

"Rethh," she murmured, burying her face in his neck, inhaling his scent. "My Rethh. F'rever…"

"I love you, Elia."

"Love you morre." She sighed. So tired. So fucking tired. And so angry—if she'd only had energy for it. "Ssso much wast'd time," she breathed. "Shhhould've… should've stayed in my world… had the c-sssection… shocked the doct'rs. They could've ssaved uss…"

She smiled then, imagining a doctor's face in the operating theater, yanking a lion cub out of her stomach.

The social media frenzy alone…

Can you see it, Reth?

She thought she said it. Thought she smiled at him, tried to share a morbid joke with him, a last piece of joy. But she wasn't sure, because the black was closing over her head, and her heart was settling into an easier pattern.

She could feel his fingers tighten in her hair. His lips on hers. Something wet on her forehead. He held her tightly. So tightly. It should have hurt, but it only felt like love.

I love you, Reth.

I love you.

Love you…




For a moment he was convinced she was already gone. A tortured groan shuddered out of his throat. His heart began to thud—which was when he realized that hers still was.

Thrub, thrub, thrub.

Usually when there was more than one Anima in a room, he'd learned to tune out the symphony of heartbeats. But this one was precious… so precious.

"Oh, Elia." He felt as if his chest was being torn in two. He had to go get Aymora, he knew. But he needed one more moment alone with his Love, in case she could still hear him. In case… in case she was listening.

But as he clung to her, whispering his love, pleading with her to remember, he finally absorbed what she'd said.

...Should've stayed in my world. Had the c-section. Shocked the doctors.

...They could have saved us.

He blinked into her hair, inhaling her scent, as something sharp and tingling threaded into his bloodstream.

He opened his eyes and stared down at her sleeping face, finally relaxed instead of tight with pain and… and hope flared to life in his chest. Little more than a candle flame… but it was hope as he thought it all through.

Then, all at once, shoved himself off the furs, roaring "AYMORA!"


Aymora hurried around the sleeping platform, back and forth between the dresser and where Elia lay, pulling things from bags and unwrapping tools and bottles. But Reth couldn't take any of it in. He followed her step by step, his words tight and quick, trying to get her to see.

"They cut the baby out, but they don't kill the mother—they stitch her back up and she heals!"

"I know, Reth. I know."

"We can do that here!"

"No, we can't. At least, not the second part," Aymora said flatly, frowning at the white linen she was unwrapping to reveal a line of blades and strange clamps that Reth didn't understand.

Reth stood at the side of the sleeping platform, his mouth open, gaping at her. "What do you mean, you just can't. You've cut babies out before, you told me that!"

"From a dead mother, Reth," Aymora said, turning on him her eyes flashing. "What is it you think we're preparing to do?"

Reth froze. "She's still alive!"

"But not for long!"

"But if we get Elreth out and stitch her back up—I know you can do it, Aymora. I've seen you stitch limbs—"

"It isn't the same at all, Reth. Listen." She turned and took his arms, met his eyes and spoke quickly, firmly. "She's bleeding inside. That swelling on her side it's a wound… a wound within her. Bleeding into her stomach cavity. She's already lost so much blood. The moment I open her, that blood will pour out and what little she has been holding onto will follow."

"So stitch her back up!"

"There will be no time! She will bleed out before I can close her wounds!"

"But we can try!"

"Reth! I know this is terrible—I have been in your shoes! You have to accept this. I'm going to try and save your daughter. Focus on that!"

She tried to pull away from him, but he held her in front of him.

"No, Aymora, listen—"

"I can't!" Aymora shrieked. "I can't hold your hope for you, Reth, because I have already lost my own and it… I can't!"

"But, Aymora—"

"Please, Reth!"


Aymora froze in his grip, her eyes so wide, bloodshot as if she'd already been crying, but also shining. Reth silently pleaded with her to hear him. To see!

"It did, Reth," she said quietly, then shook her head. "But it also remade her. She's no longer purely human. We can't know how she'll react now."

"Well it's better than just sitting here letting her die!" Reth whined like a child, dropping her arms so that he wouldn't hurt her, his hands clawed at his sides with impotent rage.

The room was silent—Aymora had left everyone else in the cave until she called them. Reth could hear Elia's heart, still steady, but was it quieter than it had been a minute ago?

"Reth… I…"

"Aymora, please…" he rasped. "I am begging you: Please… Try."

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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