Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 649: My Heart for Yours

Chapter 649: My Heart for Yours


Reth stared at Aymora—glared might be a better description. She was eyeing Elia carefully, but when she turned back to him her throat bobbed as if she was nervous.

"You know of your father's condition? What killed him in the end?" she asked quietly.

Reth's stomach dropped and he shrugged, his skin suddenly feeling too tight. "I knew some. He wasn't well for months before he died."

"He wasn't well for years, Reth," Aymora said flatly. "Years."

Reth blinked. Years? Really? Throughout the war? "But—"

"I was present for a conversation with your father two years before the war even began," she said. "And it wasn't the first time the healers approached him about it. He was told exactly what I'm about to tell you. And he refused to listen. Will you listen Reth?"

He braced. "What do you have to tell me?"

Aymora held his gaze and did not flinch. "Your heart is weak. It is something you have likely had since birth, but as you age it will worsen. If it is not cared for correctly, it will eventually fail you."

Reth's breath stopped. "But—"

"Your father was told. And he was told that there were ways to help it—herbs, rest, sleep, a variety of exercises that I think you already have covered with your training. But listen, Reth… I watched your father deny it. I watched him refuse to admit that he had a weakness. I watched his mate try to get him to face the problem and help him, and I watched him deny her too. And I watched the stress and lack of care eventually kill him."

The shock was like cold water thrown over him on a hot day. Reth felt like she was cutting out his own heart.

"Aymora, what are you saying?"

"I'm saying that I suspect you have already been experiencing symptoms in your heart. That the stunt you pulled today has weakened it further. And that unless you take the herbs I'm about to give you every day of your life without fail, unless you accept that you must—MUST—rest, must take care of yourself and your body, you will not live to see your children mature."

Fear lit in his belly—followed almost immediately by a flash of rage in his chest. Today? Now? This was the moment she thought she should tell him this?

But Aymora met him glare-for-glare. "You almost killed yourself today. You will not survive another moment like that. I say this for your own good: Rest, Reth. Rest. If the Kingdom falls, so be it. Let the other Alpha's handle it. If you truly want to be here for my daughter, and for your daughter… You. Must. Rest."

When he opened his mouth to protest, she used the opportunity to spoon a bitter liquid into his mouth, fighting a smile when he spluttered.

He glanced at Elia then—suddenly understanding why Aymora had been so careful to make sure his mate slept. She didn't want Elia worried about this either.

"I… tell me, is this a death sentence? How much time do I have?"

Aymora patted his arm. "If you listen to my advice and do as I tell you, you can live a relatively normal life. But if you refuse to believe it, if you do not listen to your body you will die, Reth. It's that simple. So, follow my instructions, or…"

He raised an eyebrow, "Or what?"

"Or I'll tell your mate."

Reth growled, Elia shifted in her sleep and he stopped, but he never took his eyes off Aymora. "You do not frighten her with this. She carries enough."

Aymora nodded. "Promise me that you will take the herbs, measure your rest, and give some of your tasks to others to complete."

Reth took a deep breath, fighting the wince when his ribs complained. "I promise. Now, tell me what I have to do."

Aymora smiled. "Other than the herbs… be with your family. Don't work at nights unless it unavoidable—and if it is unavoidable, schedule nothing for the following morning. Sleep in. Play with your daughter. Make love to your mate. Be at home. Rest. Find your joy, Reth. Nothing makes a heart healthier."

He smiled. "You're telling me that I have to prioritize my family… for my health?"

"For the health of the Kingdom, yes. That's exactly what I'm telling you," she said with a smile. "But I am not lying to you about the risks. Your father was warned, Reth, and he didn't heed the caution. And to my knowledge he never put his body through what you have been through today—and last year. Yet, it still took him."

Reth thought back… he'd known vaguely that his father was unwell when he was growing into his majority. But even after his parents admitted there was a problem, they'd never really talked about it. He hadn't known it was his father's heart.

He turned to look at Elia and Elreth, and his heart expanded in his chest. He put a hand to it, tears pinching his throat. "I promise I will do as you say, Aymora," he said hoarsely, stroking Elreth's head again. "And I won't deny my weakness."

Aymora blew out a long breath, then took his hand in both of hers. "Thank you," she said, and suddenly he could see her fragility. The toll this day had taken on her as well.

He pulled her forward into a hug, and they embraced. Reth found his eyelids heavy. "Thank you for loving my family almost as much as I do," he whispered into his old friend's hair.

She pulled back to meet his eyes, one eyebrow raised. "Almost?"

"Definitely almost."

Aymora smiled and put a hand to his bandaged forearm. "I love you, Reth. And I am so, so grateful that you're still here. For all of us."

Reth sighed. "Me too," he said as his eyes dragged closed, and Aymora pushed off the sleeping platform to gather her things.

He meant to tell her something else, but the thought flittered away as sleep dragged him under. As Aymora crept out of the room to leave them alone again, he sighed with happiness, curling an arm under Elreth's back and bottom to hold Elia's hand in her sleep.

He opened his nose to inhale the warm scent of his mate, his daughter… his family.

He was a father.

Creator's mane… he was a father!

For a moment, the overwhelming loss of his own father washed over him, tightening his chest and forcing his eyes open…. To find his daughter awake and staring at him with her beautiful blue eyes.

Reth's breath stopped. She stared at him as if she knew him, then she gave a big sigh for such a little body, and her eyes dragged close as if… as if she knew she was safe to rest because he was there.

His heart squeezed with joy and snuggling closer to his beautiful girl, he gripped Elia's hand tighter, fighting a wave of tears—half fear, half joy.

He was a father.

He was the male they would look to for their safety. He was the male who would lose sleep over their needs.

He was a father, and a mate… and he had never been happier in his life.

"Thank you," he whispered to the Creator, then kissed Elreth's head. "Thank you. I will do my best," he breathed…

…And as sleep took him, something in his chest eased, a tiny knot of pain and tension lifted, blown away by the smiling breath of the Creator watching over them.

You're welcome, Reth.

And I know you will.

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