Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 654 - Gahrye’s Epilogue Part 3

Chapter 654 - Gahrye’s Epilogue Part 3

SURPRISE! I wanted to reward all of you who have supported me by buying privilege this month, as well as… well, I just missed Reth. That's the pure truth. So this story is just a little bit of fun and fluff to give us all a chance to enjoy a little more time with Reth and Elia. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! There will be 10 chapters released today, one every 20 minutes starting NOW! Thank you for your support, your encouragement, and your love for these characters.




Gahrye woke early the next morning and had to stop himself reaching for Kalle. She'd been encouraged by the visit from the officer the night before, but Gahrye wasn't so sure. They agreed that it sounded like he'd found some human who were aware of, or at least suspected, the existence of the Anima. If there were other blood samples…

Gahrye wondered whether they were other disformed, or only anima? Would the human science sorcery tell the difference? Was there a difference?

They'd talked about it late into the night—so late, they'd fallen asleep still talking. It was rare that they slept without loving each other first and Gahrye ached for her.

But Kalle was deeply asleep, laying on her side with her back to him, her shoulder peeking out of the covers and her hair splayed on the pillow.

He took a deep breath, inhaling her warm scent and following the lines of her body with his eyes, imaging stroking that soft, pale skin from her neck, across her shoulder, then down her side… further and further, following the gentle curve of her body with his fingers—

Gahrey blew out a breath and rolled onto his back so he wasn't looking at her. It was far too early to wake her. Wasn't it?

Apparently that day was Christmas. A festival day for humans, but different than the Anima. When Anima feasted, they were all together—the market busting at the seams with the people, everyone together, all the tribes mingled.

Kalle had explained that humans, instead, gathered in their family groups, or chosen families, retreating from the rest of the world to eat and give presents. And fight, apparently.

"Depends on the family, of course," Kalle said with a sad smile. "But just about everyone has a drunk uncle, or an activist sister. The discussions around the table can often get heated."

"I suppose this means it's good that I don't bring family with me?" Gahrye said, his mind tripping back to his parents, wishing they could have met Kalle. Regretting that he'd come here in such a rush that he hadn't even told them he was leaving again since he'd thought he would only be a day or two. Wondering if they would have cared, really…?

That, of course, made him wonder about making a family. He'd asked Kalle almost immediately after he got back, frantic that she was sick or in danger. But she said she'd never been in better health. And she hadn't seen the asswipe in weeks. Gahrye frowned. The voices had been so clear... But he'd had to put it all aside, because she wasn't pregnant, and Dillon wasn't near. Gahrye had simply resolved to watch for those warning signs.

He must have looked sad in his thoughts, because a moment later Kalle had put her arms around his neck and pulled him down to a kiss. "I'm your family now," she'd whispered in his ear, kissing the corner of his jaw.

"Best family ever," he'd whispered back, grinning. Kalle had laughed, and it was the best sound in the world, in his opinion.

He'd healed quickly from his beating by the Bears. That entire encounter had left him wary and thoughtful. He knew he couldn't return to Anima—not as long as the bears held the portal region. But he feared what Gawhr might do to Reth, or how it might impact his purpose to identify and train the disformed to become Protectors.

But there was nothing he could do for now, so he'd thrown himself headlong into the hidden histories—and into his mate.

She was a joy.

Seeing her smile in the morning made his blood sing. And hearing her voice behind him when he'd been distracted… it was honey to his soul.

He turned his head to stare at her again, thoughtlessly lifting a hand to trace the line from the nape of her neck, down her spine.

She sucked in a breath and rolled over to face him, blinking puffy eyes and smiling when she found him facing her again. "Good morning," she rasped.

Gahrye kissed her briefly. "Good morning."

"How long have you been awake?"

"Not long. A few minutes."

Then she gave a little gasp, "Oh gosh! It's Christmas! Merry Christmas, Gahrye!" she said excitedly, pushing up on one elbow. The blankets slid to her waist and he had to drag his eyes back up to her face.

"Good Christmas feast," he said with a smile.

She'd been excited like a child the past week until that Police officer showed up, waiting for this day. Now her scent quivered with joy and even as her skin pebbled from the cold, she clapped her hands and turned to push the blankets back. "I have something for you!" she said excitedly, leaping out of the bed and hurrying across the room naked to a set of drawers on her side.

Her lack of concern for her nakedness was all the present he needed. He almost told her that, but when she dived back into the bed to offer him a nearly-flat square wrapped in dark green paper with a gold ribbon tied into a bow, he found he didn't want to shift her attention. Her eyes sparkled even more than the ribbon.

"I hope you like it," she said, suddenly sounding a little embarrassed. "I was excited to show it to you, but now… now I wonder if it's a little stupid."

He gave her a look, because he was certain no matter what was behind that paper, it wasn't stupid. He was glad she'd told him about the Christmas gift exchange soon after he returned from Anima. He hadn't been able to bring his bag, so he'd had to get creative. It had taken some time, and help from Eve. Especially after he discovered his mate was a sneaky little devil who liked to secretly search for her presents ahead of the gifting. Thank the Creator that Eve had warned him. Otherwise he would have just put it in a drawer like Kalle had, and then she'd already know.

Of course, now that he was finally going to give it to her, he found himself nervous. He prayed she wouldn't be disappointed.

But she was holding out the present to him and he took it, discovering that he was deeply touched, not only that she had thought of him, but that she seemed so excited to give it to him.

"Thank you," he said softly, taking it. It wasn't terribly heavy, but it was hard and perfectly square. What could it be?

"Don't thank me yet," she giggled. "You have to read the little card, then unwrap it first."

Then her eyes widened, as if she was scared to see him do it.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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