Falling into the Abyss

Chapter 132.2: The End Of The Earth (V) – (END)

Chapter 132.2: The End Of The Earth (V) – (END)

However, nothing happened.

The detector had been destroyed, and they couldnt find out what was going on on Earth now. The second universe seemed to have suddenly lost some of its strength, and it was forced to retreat by the laws of the first universe. It retreated to the Ninth Space Station within a day and was still shrinking.

However, the solar system had been hit by a devastating blow. Some of the planets that existed from the beginning of the universe had disappeared. Space stations that once inhabited tens of millions of people had disappeared, and not even a speck of dust remained. They were swept away by the second universe.

For the first week, no one believed that the disaster was over. People were panicking, ready to escape at any time.

But a week later, President Appiah of the Earth Union made her first public speech, telling all her people that the crisis was over, that the Earth Union had controlled the expansion of the second universe, and that the invaders on Earth had disappeared.

After the series of major attacks, the Earth Union began to repair its wounds bit by bit amid tears and sadness. People moved their homes outside the solar system, and the Ophiuchus Alliance and the Third Empire put down their grudges and helped the Earth Union rebuild its space stations.

The Lord Graces Association did not disappear because of the death of their leader Chen Zeng. On the contrary, it expanded increasingly large. Although the Earth Union was still fighting against this religion, in some poor and miserable places, faith could always find soil to take root.

Roland quit shortly after returning to the Ophiuchus Alliance. After seeing everything on Earth, he was often awakened by nightmares and suffered from severe anxiety.

On the Eves planet, Theonile was forced to resign from his position as the head priest of the Red Moon Temple and was assigned to a remote planet as the head priest of a God of Disorder temple.

After these great changes occurred, the moral value system also collapsed temporarily. People had a short period of freedom in terms of how they behaved and thought, but at the same time, all kinds of theft, robbery, fighting, and other criminal acts suddenly increased. The Forbidden City disappeared, but it was said that the Ethics Council was planning to build a new Forbidden City in the First Space Station.

Now, Earth was no longer suitable for human habitation. Amid the terrifying chaos, most of the ocean evaporated, and 80% of the land was exposed to excessive amounts of radiation. Even if humans went to Earth, it would only cause damage to their bodies. Not to mention, there were new breeds of plants, and in the underground, one could occasionally hear a sharp hiss from an unknown origin.

However, a secret organization from the Earth Union sent a small team of special forces to land on Earth in thick anti-radiation suits.

They brought one thing back to Earthor two things

Deep inside the Mars base that had luckily survived the catastrophe, there was a large laboratory in a heavily guarded underground building. The surroundings were pure white, and even the staff there wore pure white garments. In their isolation suits, they carried out their work carefully.

The young doctor checked his clothes and made sure they were not damaged before he walked slowly into the mysterious laboratory. It was very open, and in the middle of the circular hall, there was an operating table that appeared like an altar.

It was difficult to say whether there was one or two people lying on the operating table.

With one glance, it would appear that there were two people on the table, a Beta human and an Alpha Eve, naked and locked in a tight embrace. However, from that human body grew a lot of extremely hard black objects, which tightly intertwined the two of them. After an x-ray, they found that these two people were not only wrapped in these black objects on their exterior, but they also wrapped around their internal organs, and even their brains were wrapped with similar objects. The two of them were like two symbiotic trees. They had grown together tightly and couldnt be separated at all.

The doctor walked slowly to the operating table and looked at the two human figures growing together with a complicated look in his eyes. He had met both men before. He had done a blood test for the human, and the Eve man had also been present. The result of the blood test was unexpected, and he still recalled it.

This Beta was not human.

These two people seemed to be in a vegetative state now. They had no response to external stimuli, and even their breathing was very weak. However, by detecting their brain activity, one could find that their brain waves were in a strange state of harmony.

That was to say, they were both dreaming, and they were both in the same dream.

The doctor didnt know what relationship the two of them had. In fact, no one knew how the Eve man appeared on Earth or why he was integrated with Ethan Eldridge.

The Eve priest who came to see them said that the dream they were trapped in might be Azathoths prison, a terrifying and legendary monster of the alien world. Azathoth did not fully enter Ethans body when he met with Ethans resistance and was attacked by the God of Order. One part of it was imprisoned in Ethans body and spirit, while the other part stayed in its original universe.

In other words, Ethans soul was its cage. They couldnt hurt Ethans body because that would likely break a certain balance and maybe even release the devil dormant in Ethans body.

However, even if they tried to hurt Ethan Eldridges body, they couldnt. First of all, the black objects were stronger than any material they could make and couldnt be cut off. Second, any scars they made on Ethan would heal quickly.

As the two couldnt be separated, they had to be transported to the Eves planet together. The high priest of the Order faction promised that they would be surrounded by all of the remaining God of Orders eggs to prevent the awakening of Azathoth.

The doctor sighed. After a couple of days had passed, he had some inexplicable feelings for these two people. He both admired them and sympathized with them.

He was going to get married next month, and he hoped that he and his bride could spend their lives together in this way. Of course, he was referring to spending their lives in reality.

However, who said that living in a dream was not living?

Ethan woke up before six in the morning. As he got older, he slept less and less. He put on his spectacles, turned his head, and saw that Tanisiel was still asleep. And his hair, which appeared slightly white in the sun, reflected the light with a crystalline glimmer.

A gentle smile appeared from the corner of his mouth, and he helped Tanisiel pull the quilt up before standing up to stretch. It was a nice day today. There were some clouds in the sky, and it was not too hot. He put on his nightgown, pushed open the window, and took a deep breath of the salty air. Then, he turned and went to the bathroom to conduct his usual morning routine, shaving the beard that had grown sparse in recent years. When his cat heard him, it followed him to the bathroom and rubbed against his feet. He patted its head and gave it cat food.

Ethan watered the flowers in front of their door, and Tanisiel got up as he was making coffee. They had been together for 30 years, but every time he saw him, he would still marvel. The Eves were indeed people who aged slowly, and he still looked so beautiful.

Whats for breakfast? Tanisiel yawned and asked, his hair standing disorderly. His sleepy eyes had small pieces of hardened mucus in their corners, and he did not appear as elegant as he used to be when he taught in college. Ethan chuckled. If the Omega students who admired him saw his current appearance, he didnt know how disillusioned they would be.

Fried eggs and bacon.

Bacon again Tanisiel curled his mouth discontentedly. Even though he was an adult, he acted like a child.

Ethan raised his eyebrows at him. If you are not satisfied, then you can head out to eat yourself.

Tanisiel got up, going over to Ethan and giving him a kiss on the face. Will it please you if I admit I am wrong? Everything you make is delicious.

Ethan pushed his face away. Youre disgusting, cant you speak properly?

Didnt you like me the most previously?

Why dont you see that youre already fifty plus years old?

Arent there still many young people who are constantly thinking about your husband?

Ethan set the plates on the table while Tanisiel added sugar to his coffee. Ethan was still surprised by Tanisiels indomitable spring of energy as he added sugar.

Why didnt this guy get fat?

The two people quietly ate breakfast, occasionally opening their mouths to say one or two words. After so many years, silence had turned into tacit understanding rather than awkwardness. Tanisiel looked through the latest news and saw an interesting article, so he reported it to Ethan. Ethan was busy preparing the papers he had to bring to work, so it was difficult for him to reply to him.

Tanisiel had no classes today, so he didnt have to go to school. He leaned back in his chair and looked at Ethan with a smirk.

I say, when are you going to retire?

Ethan almost choked on his own saliva. He glared at Tanisiel and asked, Whats the matter with you? Isnt 67 the retirement age?

You see, you are so busy every day, and Im afraid it will be difficult on your body to work so hard. Tanisiel tilted his head and said with a smile, I wish I could support you financially.

Ethan rolled his eyes. He had been saying that for more than 20 years, and now he was too lazy to get back at him. He put on his coat deftly and neatly fixed his hair with hair cream in front of the mirror at the door and unexpectedly found several white hairs.

Tanisiel came up behind him. You know what? Ive been having a dream recently.


I dreamed that we were holding each other and lying in a dark place.

Ethan put on his shoes and looked up at him. Eh? Did you dream about that, too?

Now Tanisiel was a bit surprised. You too?

Yes. Ethan shrugged and laughed. So we both had the same dream? Is there some sort of explanation for this?

I remember that a long time ago, there was a saying on Earth. Someone dreamed that he had become a butterfly, but when he woke up, he didnt know whether he had become a butterfly, or a butterfly had become a man.

Mm. Ethan thought and said, That is interesting.

Maybe Tanisiels expression was a little confused. Maybe we are dreaming now, and what happened in the dream is our true reality?

Youve watched too many movies. Ethan rolled his eyes, but somewhere in the bottom of his heart, a strange uneasiness had been growing stronger recently.

He didnt know what was going on. Sometimes when he was busy, he would suddenly look up at the peaceful blue sky and feel that it was fake.

It was as if everything was part of an illusion.

But maybe he was thinking too much

Ethan shook his head and planned to forget these abnormal thoughts for a while and go to work by bus. Before leaving, Tanisiel gave him his usual kiss on the lips.

Come back early.


Shall we eat out tonight?



On the ship to the Eves planet, everyone was sleeping in their sleeping capsules. The spacecraft flew through the vast sea of stars at a speed faster than the speed of light.

In a sealed cabin, inside a transparent glass cabinet, there were two bodies holding each other in a tight embrace. They were immobile as if they were sculptures.

That was, until both of their index fingers on their right hands simultaneously moved.

The author has something to say:

I feel its more appropriate to end here. Maybe its one of the novels I wrote with the most satisfactory ending?

There may be a lot of bugs, because I always rush to update in the middle of the night. Sometimes I make mistakes when I am confused or when my hands tremble. If I see bugs in the future, I may change them one after another.  I hope that everyone can wait expectantly if I happen to update on this novel.

Anyway, I have written this novel for half a year. Thank you, little angels, for accompanying me without giving up on me. During the period, when my studies become particularly heavy, I still somewhat persisted, largely because of the encouragement of you little angels. Although the novel is not very popular, but I feel happy when I write it, thank you everyone~

Im still in the process of thinking about the next novel. After all, Ive written two futuristic settings novel in a row. I will continue to work hard to write better works.

Finally, allow me to bow. Thank you everyone~

kat: Thank you for reading ABYSS!! I wasnt really sure what I was getting into when I learned this was an ABO horror novel, but Im so glad I got to edit Ethan, Samuel, and Tanisiels touching love stories. If you would like to read another unlimited flow horror novel that is much more lighthearted, then please join our team as we work on Thriller Tour Group ?

Yuzu: And thats the end! Thank you for reading this novel. I enjoyed reading and working on this, and I hope you all enjoyed it as well ()

Fleur: Finally, Id like to say a big thank you to everyone who followed us on our journey as we update, and the future readers of this novel! When I picked up this novel, I was only half way through reading the raws. This novel was so good that I knew I had to pick this up and bring it to you guys. Id also like to thank Kat & Yuzu, who have been wonderful people to work with, and made my translations much more pleasant to read.

Before I end my note, Id like to clarify some doubts you guys may have.

Click here as it may be spoilerish.
  • Ethans parents

His dad had a love-hate relationship with him, because his dad loved his mom, while his mom loved Nyarlathotep. This is why when the woman he loved and married was pregnant but not with his child, he found it hard to love his child (Ethan). But in the end, given that Ethans dad gave up his life for the child that he raised for so many years, because after all, Ethans dad loved him as a son. It is truly doubted whether his mom loved Ethan, or loved the product she made with the god she was very pious to, though.

  • God of Disorder vs. God of Order (clarification) + involvement of Abel Roth & Tanisiel

Abel Roth (the former director of Energy Bureau & also Ethans boss), is planted there by the God of Disorders from the start to act as Ethans trigger to turn into something inhuman. The Gods of Disorder did this in an attempt to over take the God of Orders universe. Tanisiel has daddy issues, so while most Eves are pious to Gods of Order, he made a contract with the God of Disorder instead. What he ought to do was to push Ethan deeper into the darkness, so he could speed up the process of turning into something inhuman. He was supposed to make Ethan rely/fall in love with him and break his heart, but he couldnt do so in the end. In the end, it was all in the God of Orders plan that Tanisiel would fall for Ethan, He kidnapped Tanisiel as part of his plan, to release Tanisiel at a very critical moment, to make a critical hit to Azathoth at the very critical moment.

  • The Future of Earth Union + other interstellar states

Earth Union would remain as it as(aka nasty) and so would other interstellar states. The hierarchical structure would remain the same, and nothing would change. All main characters would probably not want to be involved in the nations.

  • What happened to the mf Gray Fur???

Perhaps this is not obvious, but Gray Fur happened to be part of the Gods of Disorders plan. This was implied in the chapters. He is a similar existence to Abel Roth, one made to speed up Ethans mutation. He solely existed to make life hard for Ethan.

  • The Future of Ethan, Tanisiel, Samuel and Schneider (Little Rafael)

I believe Tanisiel and Ethan would probably live a long and worry free life, since they are powerful existences in the universe. I dont think the God of Order would intrude on their lives again, since they wont be able to side the God of Disorders side. As for Samuel + Little Rafael, they would be together in another form of existence, until the Earth is hollowed out.

If you have other questions, feel free to ask in the comments section.

Love you guys and hope to see you guys in our other translated/edited novels ~

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