Fantasy Assassin in a modern world

Chapter 126 - Will You Help Me?

Larry arrived at the abandoned warehouse during the appointed time. When he arrived at the abandoned warehouse he felt a slight chill in his spine as it was a rather creepy place. There weren't many people passing through the place as there were rumors that there were ghosts seen in this place. It didn't help that it has been a decade since the warehouse was used, and it was far away from the main street making it eerily quiet. The only people that would come here were those thrill-seekers or the self-proclaimed ghost hunters. 

Larry felt more nervous because of the atmosphere. He then tighten his grip onto the baseball bat he brought just in case this was some sort of trick. Larry looked around the warehouse and saw no one, he then checked his phone and saw that he was a few minutes early. Larry waited in the corner of the warehouse looking around warily while holding his baseball bat. 

"So you've arrived." 

The moment Larry heard a voice coming from behind him, the tension he built up was released and he swung his baseball bat with all his might. The metal baseball bat was stopped as someone had caught it. When Larry saw the other person he started sweating bullets. 

A white mask, wearing a black trench coat, boots, and gloves, this was the urban legend, the assassin known as Fade. 

Larry did not know what to say at the moment as he trembled before the famous assassin. This was the person who was rumored to have killed most of the big bosses in the underworld, the one who scared all the gang members into acting like model citizens and he just attacked him.

"There's no need to be so tense young man. So are you the client Larry Fetcher?" 

Larry was still a bit rattled by his earlier stunt and wasn't able to answer Fade. He continued to look at Fade with a dumbfounded expression.

"Are you or are you not Larry Fetcher?" Hearing Fade's question again Larry was shaken and quickly answered. 

"Yes, that is me." 

"I have read your plea, and I want to hear your story directly from you." 

Larry nodded his head in response and recounted everything he knew about the incident. Loki was rather surprised to hear that Matsuri was also related to this case since Harold's report didn't include the name of the detective that was in charge of the case. After listening to  Larry's entire story Fade nodded his head. 

"So, you wish for me to kill Catherine Walker, is that correct?" 

"Yes... For as long as she's alive many more would experience the same thing I did, and I do not want that." 

"You do understand that even if I kill Catherine Walker, someone else will replace her. Killing her will only solve the problem temporarily. Knowing all this, do you still want her to die?"

When Larry heard what Fade said he lowered his head and clenched his fist. He knew what Fade said was true, killing Catherine Walker wouldn't stop the prostitution nor would it stop the human trafficking. Larry was quiet for a few seconds before he lifted his head and looked at Fade's eyes that could be seen through the mask. 

"I understand that killing her wouldn't really change this city, but she has done a lot of horrible things and deserves to die. Yet even though she's doing evil things, the police can't do anything to her. So if they can't do it, I can only rely on you Mr. Fade." 

"Very well, I acknowledge your request."

"I... Then what should I pay?" Larry wanted to say that he didn't have much money, but he didn't say it as no matter how much it would cost he would find a way to pay it. As if able to read his mind, Fade answered. 

"Do not worry young man, I won't ask for money as I don't really have a need for it. The price to be paid is different." 

"Then what do you want?" 

"I want a promise." 

"A promise?" 

"Yeah, if the job is fulfilled, I want you to promise me something." 

"What is it?" 

"For now, I will not tell you, only at the end once the job is done, will I require you to make a promise. Under these conditions are you still willing to pay the price?" 

"Alright, I agree. No matter what promise is to be made in the end I will do my best to fulfill it." 

"Alright, the deal has been made. I shall fulfill your request." 

After saying those lines Fade was about to leave, when Larry saw this he raised his hand to stop him. "Hmmm, is there anything else?" 

Larry hesitated for a moment before speaking. 

"... Um... Can you also save my mother?" 

"Killing and saving are two different things, and my job only revolves around killing." Hearing Fade's answer Larry felt disheartened. "If you want to save someone, you need to do it yourself. If you want someone to help you, isn't that detective someone you can trust?" 

"... I can't ask for Detective Matsuri's help in this. I don't fully understand what happened, but I think if she helps me she'll get into a lot of trouble... You're right, I can't allow you to do all the work. If I want to save my mom, I need to do it myself." 

Fade looked at Larry who was filled with resolve and internally sighed. Fade knew that Larry's chances of saving his mom by himself were extremely slim. There was a higher chance that he would either get captured or killed. Fade then started to think of the people he knew that could help Larry. 

'I guess in this situation those two are the best candidates to help this boy.' 

"If you go by yourself, not only will you not be able to save the one you wish to save, but you yourself will be in danger." 

"Then what should I do, I don't know anybody else that could help me." 

"I have some people in mind that could help you." 

"Really, who are they?" Larry suddenly became excited as he asked. 

"Do you have a pen and paper?" 

"I don't have any with me, I do have some back home." After Larry said those words Fade suddenly disappeared into the darkness. Larry was surprised and was about to call out Fade's name when he suddenly heard Fade's voice like he was whispering in his ear. 

"Lead the way." Larry nodded his head still perplexed. 


Once Larry arrived in his room, Fade suddenly appeared behind him which shocked him. All throughout the walk back home he tried locating Fade but no matter where he looked he could not spot the assassin. Yet for some reason, it felt like Fade was simply walking behind him. 

"Here's the pen and paper." After getting the pen and paper, Fade started writing. He then gave two letters to Larry. 

"This coming Friday, you head to Sekiko Academy and look for the students Michael Rosales and Mugami Shin, hand these letters to them and ask for their help. I will make a move on Monday evening, at around 8:00 p.m.. It would be best that you make a move during that time." 

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