Fantasy Assassin in a modern world

Chapter 25 - Accidental Meeting

The waiter guided Loki's group towards the second floor of the restaurant were the V.I.Ps of the restaurant were treated. As they were walking Loki continued to memorize the layout of the building, once they got to the second floor, he was surprised to see an unexpected person among the few people on the second floor.

At the other end of the hallway, Loki spotted Leila who was about to enter one of the private rooms. Unfortunately, it wasn't just him that took notice, Leila was able to spot them as well. The moment she saw Loki she felt that he was somewhat familiar. It was at that moment she noticed that Loki had casually glanced at her.

She was rather surprised by his reaction. Usually, when men take notice of her they would continue to stare in a rather rude manner. There were exceptions and she was about to dismiss it, but then she noticed something else, the way the person carried himself felt rather familiar.

"Lady Leila?" The waitress guiding Leila looked at her confused.

"Can you tell me who the guests over there are?"

"I'm sorry lady Leila such information is private."

"I see... Then I'll find out for myself." Leila walked towards Loki's group. The waitress that was assigned to Leila was startled by the sudden declaration, she wasn't able to react as Leila strutted towards Loki's group.

Loki sighed internally as he saw Leila heading towards them. As expected he shouldn't underestimate martial artists too much. It wasn't just Loki, Matsuri also noticed the approaching Leila.

The first thing Matsuri noticed about Leila was the sword on her hip. The only people who blatantly show their weapons in public were martial artists. Leila grabbed hold of her gun hidden within her jacket. When Leila appeared before Loki's group she stared at Loki for several seconds.

"Um, Can I help you?" Loki asked looking visibly confused. As he spoke he slowly moved forward subtly blocking Leila from his siblings.

"Ms. Leila is something wrong?" The waiter who was guiding Loki's group asked. It was at that moment Leila suddenly started touching Loki's body.

"What are you doing?!" Alisa suddenly shouted. As Alisa was about to pull Leila off Loki, Matsuri stopped her. It was rather dangerous to get near a martial artist, especially one whose purpose was uncertain.

"Miss, touching someone you don't even know is a bit rude don't you think so?" Matsuri spoke while trying to assess the situation. At first glance, it doesn't look like Leila was hostile but who knows if that will suddenly change. That was also the reason why Loki wasn't doing anything and allowed Leila to touch him all over. He simply continued to act like he was confused and weirded out by the action.

"The feeling you give off is similar to him, but your physiques are too different. To change one's physique so much in such a short amount of time, even my clan head isn't able to do that. Yet I can't help but think you and he are related."

"Huh, what are you talking about? Are you alright miss, you keep on mumbling to yourself."

"Hey, you, how are you related to Fade?"

"Fade, is that a person's name?" Loki didn't miss a beat and responded in the appropriate timing and tone. Still, he was rather surprised at how sharp Leila was.

'It doesn't seem like she's using some technique to spot me nor does it seem like she can sense my mana. That would mean she's guessing who I am by instinct alone.'

Leila looked at Loki's expression and he did seem genuinely confused. Yet for some reason there was this feeling she got that something wasn't right, his reactions were too perfect, no it was more like he was too calm.

If it was some other man that Leila approached they would be blushing nonstop. Even if they weren't affected by her beauty they would look uncomfortable, especially since she was carrying a sword and touching him all over. Yet this man in front of her had this simple look of surprise on his face, and he answered all the questions a bit too easily.

Leila suddenly grabbed the hilt of her sword. Out of nowhere, she drew her sword slashing it towards Loki aiming at his neck. Loki could follow the sword's movement with his eyes, but his body that wasn't using [Enhancement] could not keep up. Still, he wasn't that worried as there was no killing intent in the strike, and as he expected the blade stopped before touching his neck. It was at that moment Matsuri and the others finally reacted. Loki also did not miss this timing and acted surprise as he fell on the floor.

"What are you doing?!" Matsuri drew her gun and pointed it at Leila.

"Lady Leila!" The waiter started sweating buckets as he called for security.

"Big brother?!" "BRO!" Alisa and Liam went beside Loki while looking at Leila with fear in their eyes.

Even as everyone was panicking, and the gun was pointed at her face, Leila didn't even bother looking at them as she continued to stare at Loki.

'His reaction is the same as a normal person, yet for an instant, I think I saw his eyes following my blade? Still, he wasn't able to react to the sword slash at all. That wasn't even half my usual speed. If it was Fade, he would've evaded and countered with ease. He might just be someone who has talent in martial arts but hasn't trained in it. I guess he really isn't Fade.'

"I see... So you really aren't him. Sorry to have bothered you. As compensation allow me to pay for your meal."

"Do you think that's enough? You attacked my friend out of nowhere, and you think paying for our meal is enough for an apology." Matsuri spoke while continuing to point her gun at Leila. Leila finally took notice of Matsuri and looked at her.

"If I wanted to truly harm your friend, he would already be dead. Also, I hope you stop pointing that piece of metal at me." Leila once again grabbed hold of the hilt of her sword.

"What if I don't want to?"

"Don't say I didn't warn you." The tension between the two was growing, and Leila was about to make her move, but before she could draw her sword, Loki spoke first.

"Detective Matsuri! Please lower your gun." When Matsuri heard Loki's voice she looked at him who was now standing up after being in a state of shock.

"There's no need to escalate this any further. It was just a misunderstanding, and no one was hurt so please lower your gun." Matsuri looked at Loki's eyes and after a while, she sighed and lowered her gun.

"Thank you."

It was at that moment, security finally arrived. The security personnel of the restaurant were all low leveled martial artists, and so they knew who Leila was. Still, this was their job so they surrounded Leila.

"Lady Leila, please stop harassing the other guests." Seeing the security finally here the waiter felt a little bit more confident.

"I already apologized, and it was just a misunderstanding. I even offered to pay for the meal."

"There's no need for that, these guests' meals have personally been paid for by the owner."

When Leila heard what the waiter said she looked at Loki's group in surprise. The owner of this restaurant was not a martial artist but was famous in the martial artists' circle. He was one of the few non-martial artists that were respected by martial arts families.

"I see, I guess I really have been rude. I don't have enough money with me, but here, you can have this." Leila tossed her sword at Loki, who caught it. This time Loki was truly surprised, Leila's sword was heavy you wouldn't guess it if you just looked at its size.

"That's one of my better swords, you can keep it or sell it. I hope that's enough for compensation."


"Don't say you won't take it, since I won't be taking it back." After saying her piece Leila finally left the group and headed back to her own private room. Seeing Leila leaving Loki sighed internally.

"Seriously what's with that woman?" Matsuri looked annoyed, she really didn't like interacting with martial artists.

"Big brother are you alright?" Alisa looked at him extremely worried.

"Yeah, I was just a little shocked. Don't worry, I wasn't hurt one bit. Look we even got a cool-looking sword as compensation." Seeing the relaxed expression on Loki's face made Alisa feel relieved.

"Bro, can I hold that sword?"

"Seriously Liam, Big brother has just been through something terrible and that's the first thing you say."

The mood finally lightened a bit, which made Loki smile.

'Still, that person was pretty sharp, if we talked a bit more she might've discerned my true nature. I hope she was convinced by my acting.'

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