Fantasy Assassin in a modern world

Chapter 69 - A Conversation

After John received the message he stared at it for a few seconds. The only thing written in the message was if you wish for someone to be killed state your reason and the details of the target. At the end of the message was the name of the recently famous urban legend, Fade. 

John wasn't sure if this was really from Fade or some sort of prank. Still, it didn't matter even if it was a prank, John was desperate for any help he could get. If this was truly Fade, then maybe he might be able to meet his daughter again, or if not avenge her. 

John started to type his experiences and details on the Yui Clan. John sent the message and waited for a reply. After waiting for some time a reply finally arrived. It was a file that had a map with a pinned location and a message, meet me at ten. 

When John read this message he felt a little nervous and excited at the same time. He finally had a chance to save his daughter. He looked at the clock and saw that it was only seven, he needed to wait three more hours before it was time. 

Even though he had waited for four months now, he felt that waiting for these three hours was much longer. 


While John was waiting impatiently, Loki was now inside Harold's room. He wanted to gain more information on the Yui Clan. He was still unsure, if what John said was the truth and if his reasons for wanting to eliminate the head of the clan and his siblings was the correct choice. 

"So can you get more information on the Yui Clan before I head to the meeting place?" Hearing Loki's question Harold started scratching his head. 

"Hmm... It would be rather difficult. Unlike the Harada Family, the Yui Clan is a genuine martial arts clan, and a rather old one at that. They might not be able to match the top clans, but they're not some low-tier clan that's easy to gain information on. I'm not even sure if they actually use modern technology to record anything. If it ain't plugged into the internet I can't get access to it and would need to directly go to the Yui Clan's abode to get information directly from whatever they're using. The only other way is to hack into the Elite Dragon Brigade's servers, as they hold onto all the information of every clan within the country and even in the Empire. Even with my skills, it would take a few hours to get any better information than the ones John gave us." 

"I see... Then get whatever information you can for the next hour and a half. It doesn't matter if it's trivial or not." 

"So demanding... Hey, do you really not believe any of the information given by John?" Loki removed the mask he was wearing and looked at Harold directly in the eyes before responding. 

"It's not that I don't trust any of the information he gave, but... It's better to be sure than make a mistake later. Killing a person or in this case a lot of people, isn't such a light thing that I could just do it because someone told me to. I might be an assassin, but I want to be an assassin that only kills the wicked to save those that are in despair." 

"Based on what John said, you don't really need to kill anybody, just saving his daughter would make him happy." 

"Do you think that after I save his daughter, they would stop there? No, they won't, a clan like that would retaliate. If John's theory is true and his wife was killed by her siblings, the current rulers of the clan if not dealt with would continue to do heinous things to get what they want. Even if I simply scare them and kill one as a warning, the moment they find a chance to strike back they will. People have the capacity to change, which is true, but how long would I need to wait for them to change, how many people will die before they change, should I wait until John and his daughter die? Since I have already decided to take this job, as a professional for as long as John follows the rules I will do my job properly and thoroughly." 

After he was done saying his piece Loki once again wore the white mask. Harold had nothing else to say as well and started tapping on his keyboard. It was rather quiet and the only sound you could hear in the room was the sound of Harold typing. 


"... Can I ask why you decided to do this and become an assassin?" Harold suddenly asked without looking at Loki. Hearing the question, Loki looked at Harold for a while and sighed. The kid has helped him numerous times now, and he wasn't really against answering. 

"I do this because of a promise I made long ago, to someone very special to me." 

"Oh, a girl?" 


"Was she your girlfriend? Where is she now, is it possible to meet her?" Harold had become a little bit excited, as this was the first time Loki actually talked about something so personal. Behind the mask, Loki lightly smiled as he shook his head. 

"She wasn't my lover, she was something more than that... As for meeting her... She doesn't exist in this world, and is no longer a part of any world." 

When Harold heard Loki's voice that sounded melancholic and the way he said no longer part of any world he could guess what was the fate of this woman that was so precious to the assassin. Harold stopped typing and looked at Loki while bowing his head. 

"I'm sorry." 

"There's no need to be sorry." After Loki responded the room became silent again. After a while, Harold had finished digging up what he could within the short time frame given and printed it out. Loki read the new information and nodded his head and was about ready to head to the meeting spot. 

"Thank you, Harold... Hey, if you're alright with it, can I talk to you about her?" Harold was shocked to hear Loki's question, but he quickly regained his senses and nodded his head. 

"Of course, I can listen to you any time." 

"You really are a nice kid," After saying those words Loki disappeared from Harold's sight. 

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