Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1789: The cause of the Tao, the fruit of the soul

Chapter 1789: The cause of the Tao, the fruit of the soul


No one expected that the weird picture book that appeared suddenly would attack them, but they are also powerful in the realm of heaven and god, each of them is an existence that walked out of the mountain of corpses and the sea of blood. Before those **** hands appeared, He faintly felt the crisis.

Therefore, when those big **** hands attacked, they roared and used all their strength to either defend or use offense instead of defense. However, they obviously overestimated themselves and underestimated these big **** hands.

When the **** big hand touched the offensive or defense of these strong men, the defense and even the offensive of these strong men shattered like bubbles, but in an instant, they disappeared.

And these powerhouses of the Heavenly Dao and God Realm were also caught by those **** big hands, like catching ants, and returned the same way, but in a short time, nearly a hundred of the Heavenly Dao God Realm powerhouses were dragged into the mysterious catalog, and even a little bit of wind and waves None were raised.


This scene completely stunned all the people present. There were bursts of gasps, which were stronger than them. At this moment, they couldn't help being frightened, their backs couldn't stop getting chills, and they felt as if they had fallen into an ice cave.

This... These are hundreds of powerhouses in the Heavenly Dao and God Realm!

Looking at the field, who has the ability to deal with hundreds of Heavenly Dao and God Realm powerhouses at the same time? Even Wang Feng and others or Di Jian and others couldn't do it.

Even though these hundreds of powerhouses in the Dao of Heaven and God Realm are all cultivation bases in the Yin Dao of Heaven and Dao, the power they unleash with all their strength when they face a crisis is extremely terrifying, even those in the fifth state of Dao of Heaven and the Hao Realm of Tian Dao Those who are not necessarily dare to face the offensive of hundreds of strong men in the dark realm of heaven.

Of course, this does not mean that the blood-colored giant hand has the power of the Tiandao Hao realm. After all, although the hundreds of Heavenly Dao Yin realm powerhouses shot at the same time, they did not form an effective joint force. Even so, it was quite terrifying up.

At least, after this scene, everyone present felt fearful. Even Wang Feng and other extremely strong men showed serious expressions, their whole bodies tensed up involuntarily, and they even kept retreating.

No one knows what happened to those hundreds of Heavenly Dao Gods who were dragged into the mysterious catalog. They only saw the brilliance of those **** inscriptions become more and more bright red after the hundreds of strong men were dragged into the catalog. And more and more bright.


After a long time, an unimaginable power spread out from the mysterious catalog, and in the blink of an eye, it enveloped the entire vast starry sky. It was stronger than Wang Feng and others. Under this power, they broke out in cold sweat. As if being suppressed by thousands of billions of mountains, his body trembled uncontrollably.

This mighty power is reckless and ancient, like a great terror that came out of the ancient years, which makes people's soul throbbing.

"The sea of stars is the foundation, the gods are the guide, the Tao veins are the cause, the soul of the sky is the fruit, and it connects to the nine heavens, and it is the same as the netherworld below. In my name, I call the gods back...!"

An eternal and ancient voice resounded in the entire vast starry sky out of thin air. Even if Wang Feng and others tried their best to pursue it, they still could not find out the source of this voice.


As the ancient heavenly sound fell, the mysterious picture book floating on the supreme corpse suddenly trembled, and dense rays of light intertwined and entangled in it, like blood vessels, extremely strange and terrifying.

Immediately afterwards, a blood-red beam of light shot up from the catalog, shot straight into the sky, and penetrated the entire vast sea of stars. The bright blood color dyed the entire vast starry sky red, and countless stars also began to vibrate violently. It seems to resonate with this mysterious picture!

At this moment, everyone present felt an unimaginable rhythm, like the beating of a heart full of vitality, which caused a drastic change in the expressions of everyone present, and a strong sense of uneasiness suddenly rose in their hearts.

This day's corpse won't really want to live, will it?

Even Wang Feng couldn't detect how far this celestial corpse had been cultivated before he was alive. No one could have imagined that if this celestial corpse really came back to life, would everyone present be able to stop it?


Under the eyes of everyone, endless blood-colored runes emerged from the beam of light, gradually converging into an exquisite and graceful figure, this figure was so solid that it was almost the same as a real person, wearing a long blood-red dress, with **** hair all over his head. Dancing wildly in the void, like a witch walking out of a sea of blood.

A terrifying and cold aura emanated from her devil-like delicate body, sweeping across the entire star field, causing everyone present to tremble uncontrollably.

Everyone looked at this witch in a daze. Even though her face was unparalleled, no one was in the mood to appreciate it. They were all apprehensive and kept running the power in their bodies.

Wang Feng really wanted to find out the real details of this woman, but under his perception, this woman was extremely hazy, and it was difficult to get a glimpse of it. The only thing to be thankful for was that this woman was not the Supreme Corpse.

"Son, come here."

When everyone was on guard, an old voice suddenly resounded in the entire starry sky. No one expected that the words spoken by this charming woman would be so vicissitudes.

What made Wang Feng and the others tense up was that the object this woman was looking at was Si Lingyun, the goddess of the ancient Shenxu clan, who possessed the Dao veins of Shenxu?

The rest of the people present also looked at Si Lingyun one after another, with an inexplicable look in their eyes. Who would have thought that this existence, which made more than a hundred powerful people in the heavenly realm dare not act rashly, would treat a mere group of people so kindly? Ants in the Dao Realm?

Everyone is speculating, what is the relationship between this mysterious existence and the woman in the Dao Realm? At the same time, they were also thinking about why this mysterious woman appeared in the final place where the gods kept hidden, and whether she had some kind of relationship with the **** god ancestor?

If there is no relationship, how could this person appear in the final place of the hidden treasure of the gods?

Except for Wang Feng and the others who were secretly anxious, the rest of the people just watched quietly, even if the woman hadn't shown the slightest ~ But the big **** hand gave them a terrifying feeling just now, so that , They didn't dare to act rashly when they didn't know the origin and even strength of this woman.

Wang Feng felt extremely bitter in his heart. Unexpectedly, even though he tried his best to avoid it, he would eventually become enemies with this group of people.

"Son, come here."

Xu Shi saw that Si Lingyun hadn't moved, and the woman in the blood skirt spoke again, with a touch of anxiety and sternness in her words.

Surrounded by Wang Feng and others, Si Lingyun's delicate body trembled, and she was a little at a loss. Although the woman in the blood skirt seemed unusually kind and kind, Si Lingyun felt an inexplicable fear, and she strongly rejected her. This mysterious woman.

She even had a sudden premonition that once she walked over, she might be completely wiped out, and even life would be worse than death.

It was precisely because of this premonition that she hesitated to move. She subconsciously looked at Wang Feng with a look in her eyes asking for help.

Wang Feng's face was solemn, he stared at the woman in the blood skirt, and asked coldly: "Who is your Excellency?"

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