Fate: A Dragon's Journey

Chapter 43: Medea (R-18)

Chapter 43: Medea (R-18)

4 chapters, and I disappear for another week.


[author] 4 chapters for this week. I don't need to say anything else. *Inserts Spongebob Imma head out meme*[/author]

Haruki headed to the bath after dinner. His mother had put extra money into carving a rather small pool on the floor. It could fit more than five people. Though he only used the pool when he was in the mood to relax.

'Mom is really modest.'

As a magus, a lavish lifestyle was easy to get for her, but she chose to settle with a small house.

'Why was she doing two jobs for me?'

He couldn't understand her reason to put herself through so much.

'Another question to ask her.'

"What's your plan now?" Arch asked. "I'm curious about your mindset after suffering a loss."

'I'm over it now. Getting to the Land of the Dead is a priority. I need to find a way to get the Hanging Garden's materials faster.'

His previous plan will take too much time. Time was a luxury he wouldn't be able to afford once Kirei and Gilgamesh came to know about his number of servants.

'Rin can't lend me that amount.'

He had the option of asking his mother. Perhaps she amassed some wealth for emergencies. He doubted it could fund the cost of the materials for the fortress.

"Stressed? You will feel better after pushing down the woman who beat you."

'The make-her-submit strategy. Did you try it?'

He expected no less from a dragon.

"Huh, no. I don't have any mates. Nobody is stronger than me."

'Did you forget to see your doctor this month?'


'There goes the tsundere goddess'

"Haruki-sama, can I wash your back?" Medea asked as she appeared. "I'll also wash after you."

Servants produced sweat just like normal humans. The creation of the mystic code, then a tense flight through the cityall made her sweat a lot. The upcoming event needed her to be at best if she wanted to be more loved.

'I'll show him heaven!'

She pumped her fists.

Haruki chuckled at her enthusiasm. "I'll gladly offer my back then."

Medea gulped in anticipation as he pulled up his shirt. She finally got a decent look at the chiseled body that belonged to her man. He tossed his shirt and pants before he took off his boxers in one fell swoop.

Medea's eyes widened.

'B-Big too big. A dragon is hiding another dragon down there!'

Her confidence to show him heaven crumbled into dust. She was more worried if she could even take the entire thing inside her.

'I-I'll do my best.'

An air of determination flowed around her.

Haruki stretched his muscles which were still brimming with energy. The first awakening made him tougher than ever.

Noticing Medea's surprise, he smiled. His looks might have changed after death, but his penis was the same as beforea machine made to conquer women. Well, he only used it to vent his lust. Today will be the first day to make love to a woman he loved.

'Can't wait for it.'

Medea followed him into the shower cubicle. She was too diligent in rubbing his back, giving him the feeling of a spoiled husband. He picked an important topic to distract himself from the graceful movements of her hands.

"What can we do about Sakura?"

"Nothing I haven't found a way to extract the worms from her blood. I need to be quick and precise before they eat away at her body."

She could create potions for limited immortality, but they won't work when a body is being eaten from inside. To make a different potion to kill them within a short time without harming Sakura would take a lot of time. After all, most of the materials she used wouldn't be available in this era, where the mystery was on the verge of disappearing. Creating a mystic code would again consume time. She felt incredibly incompetent to lack the ability to fulfill his request.

"We need someone who could kill the worms in Sakura's bloodstream in seconds. Right?"

"Yes, Haruki-sama."

"Someone who knows in and out of the human body"

Haruki knew one person. She was closer than he could ever imagine.

"Semiramis. Her poison can help."

Medea's eyes widened. She hung her head, accepting that the Queen had a far higher chance of accomplishing the task without much preparation.

"I don't want us to owe her a favor," Medea muttered. "She will use it against us."

Haruki turned around and hugged Medea. "She will do it."

A word from his mouth or six command spells; it was easier to guess which one carried more might.

Once he calmed down his boiling emotions, he came to realize the soft body held within his arms. The scent wafting from her hair captivated him.

"H-Haruki, I need to wash"

Seducing him here wasn't the best idea. Anyone could walk in and ruin the mood.


He exited the shower. Medea grabbed his clothes and helped him dress. She had taken the 'wife' role in a matter of an hour.

Haruki was used to servants doing things for him in his previous life, so he didn't fuss over it.

'As expected of Nasuverse, the servants are natural at acting the role of a wife.'

Nero, the UMU Empress, even had the Bride alignment to boot.

"Did you bring the spear?"

He was going to test it while she took her time washing.

Medea pulled the spear out of her robe and handed it to him. Haruki nodded and made his way out of the bath. He stumbled into a wandering Archer, who was searching for him.

His gray eyes flickered toward the spear in Haruki's hand. "A Mystic Code."

As expected of the Wrought Iron Hero, he had a keen eye for weapons.

"Wanna try?"

Emiya held the spear in his hands and closed his eyes. The reinforcement magecraft spell allowed him to grasp the structure of the spear in a mere second.

"A Specialized Mystic Code. It's set to invoke a reinforcement spell to strengthen the wielder when supplied with magic energy." Archer returned the spear and held his chin. "It's impressive craftsmanship. You're skilled with a spear?"

"A novice at best."

Even though he was the best among normal humans, his skills with the spear couldn't be compared to any servant out there.

"Rin told me we're allies now. I don't have much to do here. Do you want to learn from me?"

Emiya didn't have the best skills with a spear, but he had battled the greatest spear users throughout his life. He quite liked the selfishness Haruki's wish carried, even if he knew that wish would fall flat in front of the Greater Grail. The concept of resurrecting a family member was nothing but false hope to bunch up his crumbling life. At least those ideals were born out of his selfishness, unlike Shirou's ideals to become a hero of justice who could save everyone. Such fake ideals only existed in fairy tales, not in real life.

'Let's hope he learns more with Sakura and Rin and moves on from his impossible wish.'

Haruki blinked his eyes in surprise. The offer immensely helped him in every way.

"Let's start tomorrow morning."


Was this the start of a new friendship? Haruki hoped it was. After all, Emiya was a reliable guy. Even so, he was always sacrificed just so his younger self could get laid and have threesomes. The Counter Guardian had his work out for him in every route.


Haruki returned to his room and tried swinging the spear. The weight behind each swing generated a sharp sound. Unlike the wooden spear he was used to, it was rather hefty and more solid to grip.

'Perfectly balanced as all things should be.'

Haruki filled the spear with mana. The silver runes on the shaft gained a faint glow. A deep purple sea surrounded him. Ripples ran along its surface, creating a rhythmic symphony to his ears. Each ripple snapped something inside him as though he was breaking free of a shell. It lasted for several seconds, but it carved a deep impression on his heart.

As he came to himself, the silver runes gained a violet glow. Sizzling violet magical energy trailed his movements. He didn't dare swing the spear, knowing all too well the magical energy will burst forth to crush even the stone wall. He felt like the spear could absorb more magical energy.

'How high is the reinforcement?'

He checked his status to find nothing. The status showed his base stats, nothing more, nothing less.

"Do you want to see the weapon's stats?" Arch offered in a tempting voice. "I can help you."

'You're so helpful Arch. I don't deserve this kindness'

"I'll analyze it when you come here for your Noble Phantasm."


Haruki waited for the magecraft spell to die on its own. It lasted nearly five minutes, an impressive amount for the magical energy he spent.

'Not even a tenth.'

He practiced with the unnamed spear until someone knocked on his door. He opened the door to find Sakura. The blush on her cheeks was prominent due to her pale skin.

"Senpai, can we talk inside?"

Rin also climbed the stairs at that moment. "Wait. Let me join."

That's how he found himself seated between the sisters. Coming straight from the bath, the aroma of soap enveloped him from both sides.

Rin was nervous to be inside a boy's room late at night. Countless possibilities played in her mind; each one giving her a rush of embarrassment. She noticed a spear leaning against the wall and approached it.

"This is?" She stopped herself from touching the elegant spear. "A Mystic Code?"

She recalled the man sitting close to Sakura was offered to represent nationals half a year ago. His refusal and reason stirred the school for days to come.

'I can't go because of my mom.'

She couldn't help but think of Sakura's statement about his affection for his mother. Was Sakura right about this? She gulped her dry saliva. If it was, what would Sakura do?

"Caster made this?"

"Yup. A masterpiece."

"It'll sell for a million for its beauty alone" Rin muttered under her breath.

Her family had gone from one of the richest Fuyuki to an upper-class family in the span of a decade. The culprit was Kirei's trash management of her family assets. Good thing she gained money for her patents yearly, otherwise, her Jewel Magecraft would force her to take loans.

"Crap. I'm not here for this," Rin cursed under her breath and crossed her arms under her chest. "We're going to stay here today. You could get attacked while I'm not here. It's better to take care of those what-ifs."

Haruki couldn't help but smile when she drew weird gestures while going to great lengths to explain why it was vital for her to stay here.

"You can stay in mom's room with Sakura. Or sleep in the living room. Options are limited here."

"I'm also staying here?" Sakura asked.

"You aren't going anywhere," he said, wrapping his arm around her shoulder. "I met Shinji earlier. He has gone mad. I don't want you anywhere near him."

Shinji would most likely violate Sakura if she returned to Matou's mansion now.

Sakura became tense from the hug. More so when Rin's inquisitive eyes said, "You said you two weren't dating, then what's this?"

Haruki pulled her to lean against his shoulder and stroked her hair. She closed her eyes and loosened up.

"We'll manage in your mom's room," Sakura said. "Senpai, when will you strike Shinji?"

She couldn't wait to remove the thorn that stuck with her ever since she was little. If Haruki wasn't here, he might have done something horrible.

'He always looked out for me. If only he could solve one more issue'

She trailed her thoughts with a deep sigh. She couldn't ask for him to help out with worm crests when he was busy with the Holy Grail War. Someone out there must have the power to help her. A miracle to help her become normal again.

"Goodnight, you two."

Rin wasn't going to become a third wheel here. Despite all her ferocity, her heart belonged to a teenage girl. She also longed for a thrilling romance, one that rocked her world with sweetness. This feeling got stronger the more time she spent around this couple. So escaping this was a way to her freedom!

Haruki let Sakura go, even though the girl really wanted to stay longer.

"Night," Rin gave a brief farewell and walked out of the room.

Haruki stopped Sakura by her hand. "Wait."

Sakura turned around, only to feel his strong hands holding her face.

'He is going to'

He gently pressed his lips against hers. Sakura always dreamed of her first kiss to be taken by him. She wanted to share her every first with him, but she repressed her feelings. She didn't feel worthy to become his, and she was afraid to ask for more.

Yet, the abrupt kiss stirred the demons in her heart. More desires grew in her heart. The feelings she suppressed until now burst forth like a tornado.

'He wants me.'

The thought alone gave her the strength to clutch his shirt, lean back her head, and stuck her tongue out.

Haruki was a little surprised to see her boldness. He just wanted to reassure her that he didn't treat her as a little girl. Even in surprise, his reaction was licking back her little tongue.

The fierce clash of tongue and intimate exchange of saliva left Sakura breathless.

Haruki pulled back, leaving a trail of silver string attached to Sakura's lips. Her untangled, sweaty violet hair stuck to her face. Her face was a blushing mess as she panted hot sighs in his face.

"S-Senpai" She covered her lewd expression with her hands. "Why did you?"

Her adorable act filled his heart with sugar. He had to stop himself from prying open those hands and kissing her again.

"I have to say it then I guess. Sakura, I want you to be mine."

Sakura peered through a gap in her hands and saw his serious expression. He wasn't lying.

'He really does'

"Don't get so excited now. Medea and I found a way to get rid of your worm crests. You just need to wait for a day or two."

She uncovered her face and tried to say something, but her throat refused to let out any word. Her eyes blurred before heaps of tears gushed forth.

"I told you. Don't get emotional."

"I am not emotional." She rubbed her sleeve on her eyes as though trying to hide her tears. "I'm happy"

She always worried over her feelings for Haruki, whether he liked her or not. Getting a straight answer from him relieved her. Her last problem that gnawed at her soul was going to be fixed soon.

"Senpai's servant is Medea, the Witch of Betrayal" Sakura said, attempting to change the topic. She had to warn him even if he knew about her.

"Don't call her witch in front of her. And no, she is a sweet woman. Her legends don't do her justice."

The way he praised Medea made Sakura suspicious. Medea had helped him with Shinji and Rider, otherwise, he wouldn't have survived an encounter with a hostile Shinji. She was on their side, helping them out.

'I shouldn't be jealous'

She whispered numerous times, pushing back the ugly feelings trying to reared its ugly head.

Haruki didn't dare tell her about his relationship with Medea and his mother. He already risked it by confessing to her right now. However, Sakura wandering around with an inferiority complex was also a ticking bomb.

Haruki solved her remaining doubts with a crushing hug. Her soft body melted in his embrace, and her breath slowly hiked up in arousal. "I'm sorry for not telling you earlier."

"No, Senpai It's not your fault."

His scent was only making her lust stronger. If she stayed any longer, things might go extreme. She pushed him back. "Goodnight, Senpai... I'll see you tomorrow."

She dashed out of the room and returned to Kaede's room. Locking the door behind her, she slumped down. Her hands slowly crept down while she cupped her breast with her other hand. The act that came after relieved her oppressive sexual desires for the night.


Medea entered the room and shut the lock. A wind swept behind Haruki and casually brushed his cheeks.

"Haru, I know what you're up to here," Kaede whispered emotionlessly in his ears as a wind traced the back of his neck. "I won't interfere if you plan on making a harem."

She came at the right time to answer his long-awaited questionhis harem.

"But, don't expect me to get along with every woman. I can tolerate Medea, and I love Sakura-chan. I don't like Semiramis at all. Her greed for power gets on my nerves."

Kaede was a woman without ambitions. Joining Clocktower was a means to provide safety to Haruki, otherwise, Mage Association would have never seen her face nor known her abilities. She could squash her pride if it meant keeping her son happy.

"I'm not sure about Semiramis myself."

"Great. I wanted Haru's first time, but it's not possible anymore."

Medea took form in front of him. "Haruki-sama, it's your first time?"

Medea was going to flip a table if Haruki nodded right now. How could a man sweet talk like this without having real experience? It frightened her to imagine his growth.

Haruki gave a nod at her question. "Kind of."

He wasn't counting his previous life's experience here. That life had long become dust.

Kaede chuckled. "Medea-chan, can I borrow your body? It's a mother's duty to guide their son. I can't do it without your help."


Medea's instant rejection crushed Kaede's hopes. This mother-in-law of hers better be joking because she wasn't going to back out. Her weak and timid self had faced betrayals after betrayals, even from the ones she loved so much. She had every bit of desire to squeeze the most out of this life, with the man she loved.

'Master's first timehow can I give up on this opportunity?'

She licked her lips, her predatory eyes concealed behind her hood.

"F-Fine I'll cry in the corner."

Kaede's presence disappeared from the room. Was her rejection too cold?

"Kaa-san, I love you," Haruki said as he plopped down on the bed. "You don't have to borrow someone else's body. I'll give you one soon. We'll make plenty of love then."

"Haru, you're making me blush," she whispered. "Medea-chan, I'm calling dibs on the day I'm resurrected. Haru will be mine and mine alone that day and night."

"Understandable." Medea agreed with the notion. "Please go now. I don't want to make you more envious."


She just didn't wish to be seen as a selfish woman in his eyes.

Haruki took Medea's hand and pulled her to sit beside him. Medea felt her heartbeat rising for good. Her previous experience couldn't help her anxious heart at this moment.

"Nervous?" he smirked. "I'm too."

He had his share of sex throughout his previous life. None of them had any love involved. Well, most were his attendants from his family or his secretaries who were more than happy to warm his bed.

The sinking unease of holding Medea's fragile hand couldn't be helped.

Medea giggled as she pulled back her hood and dematerialized her cloak. Her smirk was playful and mischievous, and her azure eyes were filled with affection. The loveliness of a woman in love radiated from her, giving rise to a wave of anticipation.

Medea was about to close in for a kiss when Haruki raised his hands and grabbed ahold of her face. Medea pressed her palms on his chest, and hurriedly slipped onto his lap. Her passion burned brighter than ever when their lips met. Her hands flew for his clothes and hastily unbuttoned his shirt. His craving for her lips softened her grip halfway, stopping her conquest on his clothes. Her cunt clenched in anticipation, getting her slightly wet with just the kiss.

'This is his first time?!'

His movements had no sloppiness whatsoever. She chalked his wild kissing techniques to his desire for her.

The sweet aroma of her saliva fueled his primal desires. His hands reached down and cupped her breasts over her velvet robe. The silk robe got in his way more than he liked. He almost used his flames to burn the robe stopping him.

'Dragons are too emotional.'

Pulling back his lips, he took a look at Medea's misty-eyed face. Her violet lips quivered, prompting another playful peck from him.

A stunning blush tinted Medea's long ears. He leaned and playfully bit her ears. "You look incredibly cute."

His compliment hit her weak point. As a lover of cute things, being cute in her man's eyes was the best thing ever! The sense of achievement made her giddy, even more when he toyed with her elf-like ears. Haruki's hand trailed down her neck, and he gently pinched her nipple poking a hole through her robe. She squirmed under his gentle-yet-rough caress of her breast. Once he had enough taste of her ears, he released her and pinched the slits of her dress.

He haphazardly undressed her, impatience apparent in his movements. She was left in nothing but a lovely pink bra. Her flawless body was laid out before him. Seductive tight thighs, lovely long legs, and an alluring butt that couldn't be more perfect.

His hands reached to attack her breasts, but she escaped with a playful giggle and slid down his lap.

"Let me do this first."

It was Haruki's turn to help her in lowering his shorts. His half-erect cock sprang free before her face, filling her nostrils with its musky scent. As she kneeled before him, her ever so revealing warm cleavage sucked his gaze.

A woman so strong kneeling before him elated his pride to another level. The feeling ended when her flexible fingers wrapped around his shaft. She gazed up at him with a smirk as though saying, "Watch this closely."

He indeed did what she wanted. She smacked her lips and opened her mouth, taking the crown in her mouth. Her nimble fingers held the base of his shaft as she worked her warm mouth to swallow his cock. She didn't have the best blowjob techniques, but damn her warm mouth felt good.

Slowly but surely the pressure increased, and his breathing heavily from pleasure. As she bobbed her head up and down his lap, he pinched her ears while stroking her hair. The head swelled in her mouth, and he released his mana-filled seed.

Medea swore she would have choked on the massive load if she wasn't a servant. Still, the lust of seventeen years clogged her throat. It took several gulps to swallow everything. But when she did, her entire body felt rejuvenated. It was better than drinking her immortality potions, better than any source of magical energy in existence.

'By the gods, he is truly a dragon.'

Haruki panted for a couple of seconds before he regained himself and gazed down at her. His lustful grin made her shudder.

"It's my turn now."

He pulled her up. With one graceful movement, he flipped her around and forced her to sit on his lap. His hardened cock was pressed between her closed thighs, a couple of inches below her hole.

He pressed his lips on the creamy skin of her nape. His fingers left a blazing trail on her waist before stopping at the bridge of her bra. He pulled at it with a little force. A loud snap was heard inside the room. Her tits bounced to show gratitude. Nothing was in his way of touching those tits. They weren't the biggest, but they weren't small eitherher B-Cup breasts fit perfectly within his big palms. The pink nipples became more erect under his hand.

His red eyes flickered with primal lust as he mauled at her breasts like a starved man leaping at a plate of food.

Jolts of pleasure ran through her veins as moans. His frenzied worship forced moans of ecstasy out of the sorceress.

'H-He is like a wild beast.'

Medea should have thought so before giving herself to a dragon. Now he was the evil dragon, and she was a helpless princess at his mercy.

He slipped a hand into her panties and fiddled with her puffy mound. A nip or two at her clit, he shoved two fingers inside. The folds of her depths tightened around his fingers. Several careful probes made her moan louder than ever.

'Found it.'

Massaging her breast and scratching her weak spots at the same time was too much for the sorceress. A violent gush of feminine juices gushed from the depths of her juices as she shook and squirted, leathering his fingers and her panties with her love nectar.

Azure orbs rolled to the back of her head.

This was her first orgasm after a long time. It was also the biggest orgasm of her life.

"So wet. I'm skipping the foreplay."

His voice was commanding, and she obeyed with a nod.

He lifted her body and lowered her beside him. She pulled back legs in an M position, giving him easy access to remove her panties.

Medea's teary eyes gazed at him as he disrobed her. She never thought her first time with her master would be like this.

She forced her body up and wrapped his arms around his neck. Sitting on his lap, she gripped his leathery cock and probed her opening with it. She moved the crown back and forth inside without letting it fully enter her.

She couldn't help a pleasing shiver from his warmth. She released her grip on him and pressed her forehead against him. Her sticky hair clung to his face, her feminine scent deepening his desire to push up his hips.

"Haruki-sama, let's win this war."

She gave an utterly confident declaration.

"We will."

Haruki gripped her butt. She arched her back at the unexpected roughness. A single, firm pull on her butt parted her insides, and he reached all the way to her womb.

The tightness made him groan.

Medea gasped at the sensation of being filled to the brim. "O-Oh fuck Haruki-sama."

If she hadn't climaxed just now, she swore this would be another climax. She clung to his neck and pumped her hips. His hands never left her butt, violently forcing her up and down his lap. Despite the fact she moved, he was the one under control of everything. Her weak spots were scraped again and again until her mind went blank, and she squirted on the bed.

Haruki smirked and forced her to keep moving even when she just came!

The squelching sounds were made as he pumped into her pussy brimming with her juices. For a couple of minutes, he kept giving the pleasure she hadn't felt for a long time.

"Medea" he grunted as he lifted her in the air and pushed her down. He took her leg and raised it in the air, forcing her to twist her body. "I'm close."

He slid back in and increased the tempo further.

"Give it to me," Medea squeezed out the words between moans.

Haruki shut his eyes tight and rammed inside, giving her a painful yet stunning creampie. She once again felt her insides coiling around him, squeezing him for all his worth. His seed was spilled at that moment.

Haruki pulled back. Instantly, a mix of their love juices spilled forth from her hole.

She took a pillow and rested her head, relishing in the burst of pleasure and shivering ecstasy.

'It was insane'

Haruki was about to lay beside her when a series of notifications blocked his vision.

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