Fate in Bleach: Unlimited Blade Works [Isekai]

Chapter 142 – The Arrest

Chapter 142 – The Arrest

Early the next morning, as usual, Ailin arrived at the Kuchiki Manor grounds and began his training regimen.

Focusing his mind within his innate barrier, Ailin went to the unidentified side of the Sword Forest and continued on his path of drawing blades.

In truth, to recognize these unidentified Zanpakutō, he only needed to encounter their owners - the Shinigami themselves. By analyzing a Shinigami's essence, the corresponding Zanpakutō within Ailin's innate realm would instantly become identified, granting him an increase in power.

However, the Zanpakutō contained in this barrier encompassed all the "blades" of the Shinigami world, past, present and future - even including the Kasumiōji Family's Bakkōtō Blade.

Many of these Zanpakutō belonged to Shinigami lost to Soul Society's history, while others had yet to be born in times still to come.

Under such circumstances, for Ailin to identify them all required his own direct effort. Each time he grasped a Zanpakutō's hilt, Ailin felt like he was pulling randomized cards in a game.

This blade, not even a Zanpakutō - trash, just an N-rank card.

This one, hmm? A vaguely sentient asauchi, not bad - an R-rank.

Nice, this blade is a Bakkōtō! A solid SR-rank card.

This Zanpakutō belongs to a seated officer, a decent SR as well.

Wait, this one...not bad, my luck today! A captain-level Zanpakutō!

A prime SSR card for sure.

And this blade?

Whoa, a jackpot - one of the most powerful Zanpakutō of all?

No need to wash my hands today, a definite UR pull.

Yet, much like a certain infamous gacha game company, the odds of Ailin landing such a rare card were abysmally low.

Of course, all the cards in this realm belonged solely to him. If he persisted in flipping them over diligently, the day would come when he obtained every last UR.

Relying on simple luck to pull a UR? Well...it wasn't impossible.

After all, apart from the Zanpakutō he had replicated or forged himself, Ailin had indeed drawn one captain-level UR already.


Suddenly, Ailin sensed something and withdrew his consciousness from the barrier.

A Shinigami clad in black burial garb appeared before him and knelt down on one knee.

"Captain Ailin, Central 46 has issued a mandatory arrest warrant demanding you lead Squad 11 members to apprehend Squad 12 Captain Kisuke Urahara and Grand Kidō Chief Tessai Tsukabishi.

The elders of Central 46 stated that if the 12th Squad captain or Kidō Chief resist, you are permitted to kill them directly."

"Oh?" Hearing this order, Ailin raised an eyebrow.

He never expected that even from this distance, that bastard Sōsuke Aizen would still try to draw him into his schemes.

Didn't he fear crashing and burning?

"Understood, we'll depart immediately."

After nodding to the messenger Shinigami, Ailin's form vanished from the manor grounds in an instant.

Arriving at the 11th Division barracks, Ailin sensed that only around thirty Shinigami were currently present.

It couldn't be helped - Squad 11 was a combat division. If not engaged in battle, they were always headed that way. Thus, ordinarily, very few would linger at the barracks itself.

However, as the 11th's headquarters, it couldn't be completely unmanned. At regular intervals, new batches would rotate in to guard the compound.

Ailin raised his right hand, extending his index finger as he murmured an incantation.

"Bakudō #77 - Tenteikūra!"

Instantly, a large volume of Kidō script propagated from Ailin's fingertip, coalescing into a solid black rectangular frame hovering above his head. Channeling his reiatsu through this frame allowed Ailin to connect with the thirty-four Shinigami stationed at the barracks.

"All Squad 11 members present at headquarters, assemble at the training grounds immediately. We have an urgent mission."

"All Squad 11 members present at headquarters, assemble at the training grounds immediately. We have an urgent mission."

After repeating the order twice, Ailin dissipated the Bakudō and awaited them at the 11th Division's training field.

"That was Captain Ailin's voice?"

"An urgent mission?"

"Hurry, hurry..."

Upon hearing Ailin's words through the Tenteikūra, every Shinigami in the 11th sprang into action at their utmost speed, racing toward the training grounds.

According to the century-old veterans of Squad 11, their most lasting impression of Captain Ailin was this: whenever accompanying him on missions, speed was paramount.

Otherwise, by the time they arrived, Ailin would have already slain most of the targets himself, leaving only scraps for the swifter members.

For the sluggish stragglers...they could sweep up the battlefield remnants at best. The truly slow had no place even doing that.

Back then, Squad 11's new recruitment criteria for Shunpo were higher than even the Stealth Force's standards.

Ailin didn't wait long - within three minutes, all thirty-four Shinigami had assembled before him.

"Captain Ailin."


After they greeted him, Ailin gave a slight nod in acknowledgment. Scanning the group, he recognized a few familiar faces among them. The strongest was likely Gosuke.

"Let's go. We're headed for Squad 12 now." With that, Ailin took the lead, the others swiftly following behind.

What puzzled Gosuke was that this time, rather than force-marching at top speed, Ailin maintained a relatively brisk but manageable pace alongside them.

Curious, Gosuke accelerated slightly to draw near Ailin from behind. "Captain Ailin, what is the target of our mission this time?"

"To apprehend Squad 12 Captain Kisuke Urahara and the Grand Kidō Chief, Tessai Tsukabishi. If they resist in any way, we are permitted to kill them directly."


Hearing Ailin's words, Gosuke and the Shinigami behind him couldn't help but suck in a sharp breath.

Apprehending a fellow Captain? Could they really succeed with just their numbers?

They had heard some rumors about the Grand Kidō Chief as well. On par with the Gotei 13 itself, he commanded a force that answered directly to the Captain-Commander.

Unlike the Zanpakutō-wielding Shinigami, the Kidō Corps consisted entirely of Kidō Masters specializing in spell-casting arts.

Within their ranks, the Grand Chief held a standing equal to a Gotei Captain. Which meant their opposition this time consisted of two Captain-class powerhouses?

Although Captain Ailin was immensely strong, could they stall one of the Captains long enough before Ailin defeated the other?

If only 3rd Seat Kiganjo or Captain Zaraki were here...

Kiganjo had already attained Bankai, placing him among the Gotei's mightiest. With a Captain's recommendation and passing the audit, he could likely become a Captain himself if any division had an opening.

As for Zaraki...against him, even Kiganjo would only last a few strikes. Among captains, Zaraki was renowned as a monster.

Though aware of the mission's danger, not one of Squad 11's members showed any signs of retreating. After joining the 11th, none were craven cowards!


Upon reaching the Squad 12 compound, rather than beeline toward Urahara's reiatsu, Ailin strode directly through the front gates.

Lacking any prior notification, the 12th Division Shinigami had no idea Ailin had come to apprehend their captain. Seeing the intrusion, several moved to intercept them.

"Captain Ailin, may I ask your business with our division?"

"3rd Seat Akon, this is a mandatory arrest warrant issued by Central 46 for your cooperation. Otherwise, I will consider you an accomplice of Captain Urahara and detain you as well."

"This is..." Seeing the warrant for Urahara's arrest in Ailin's hand, Akon was dumbstruck. In this situation, what should he do? Obey Central 46's orders or defend his own captain?

"What's all this commotion? Don't you know I require silence for my experiments?" As Akon hesitated, an irate voice erupted from the labs - a voice that made him inwardly rejoice.

"Lieutenant Mayuri...”

"Captain Ailin has a warrant from Central 46 to arrest Captain Urahara..."

"Ah? Central 46? Those fools actually did something amusing for once."

To Akon's surprise, upon learning of the arrest warrant, Mayuri sounded almost gleefully schadenfreude.

"However, no matter what, he is still our Squad 12 captain. If we simply let you take him, how can the 12th Division maintain our standing among the Gotei?"

"Oh? Lieutenant Mayuri, your words suggest you intend to obstruct this lawful arrest?"


Mayuri huffed dismissively. "Captain Ailin, I won't interfere with apprehending that bastard Urahara elsewhere. But here in our own division grounds, I cannot allow it."

"Lieutenant Mayuri..."

Hearing his words, including Akon, the 12th Division members were filled with immense approval toward their lieutenant.

They all knew of the intense animosity between Mayuri and Captain Urahara, the two frequently arguing until Mayuri outright stated his intent to replace him as captain.

Yet when faced with a captain from another division bearing Central 46's arrest order, Mayuri set aside his grievances to defend Urahara's honor.

What subordinate wouldn't love a lieutenant like that?

"Is that so?" Rather than take offense at Mayuri’s obstruction, Ailin merely smiled.

This was exactly what he had hoped for.

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