Fate Online: Shadow

Chapter 61: Finally Meeting Up!

"Don’t go there!" Michael yelled angrily at their Wizard.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

Small opening appeared at both sides of the tunnel, as multiple arrows came shooting out towards Alarint, which immediately turned him into a porcupine, but he at least survive with only a sliver of health left!

"I told you that, that is not the path but you still went there!" Michael yelled at him, and he had this urge to just charge up and kill the guy on the spot!

’Fuck this asshole! Can’t he even read? There were even signs! What reverse psychology!? Only dumb people like you would believe that there’s a treasure at the end of that tunnel!’

Michael really wanted to cursed him because of his stupidity, but at the same time, he can’t, because he also fell for that kind of thinking before and thought that there was a treasure beyond the tunnel but the only thing he discovered is a freaking dead end, full of hobgoblin monsters!

"This idiot!" Miya angrily stomped her feet on the ground and went over to heal him, immediately bringing his health back to thirty percent from a miniscule five percent earlier.

"Is he always like this?" asked Michael as he turned to Minerva, with a bit of frustration is his voice.

"No, but I think that he thinks that you took the spotlight from him. After all, he’s really very narrow minded, that’s why I don’t like him in the least" Minerva whispered to him.

"Why do you guys even associate yourselves with him?" Michael clearly sounded annoyed now by the antics that Alarint is making since they got here.

’Should I kill him then?’ Michael thought, as he really wanted to plunge his dagger on this bastard, but he was holding back because he needs them during the ore mining as he had received another quest from Farle when he visited him earlier.

"What can we do? At least he has some great skills as a Wizard, but when we find someone to replace him then we’ll immediately kick him out. After all, we don’t really like him" Minerva, now whispered to him through the use of the private chat as Miya and Alarint are already heading towards them.

"Next time, you make a blunder again, I’ll kick you out of this team"

Now that Michael is the team leader, he immediately told him off which he immediately received Alarint’s ire.

"Who the heck do you think you are to tell me that!? Just because you’re the current team leader!?"

"Because you don’t listen to orders, that’s why. Just remember this, if you make another blunder again, I would immediately kick you out of here then kill you myself" Michael snorted and immediately turned around as he walked, with the end of his cloak fluttering behind him.

"Are you guys seeing this!? He just joined us but he’s already so freaking arrogant! Just because he’s a bit famous, that gives him the authority to act like that!?" Alarint ranted angrily at his teammates, and not realizing that he’s even worse than Michael!


Miya and Minerva just snorted in displeasure before hurriedly following behind Michael.

"Come on, you don’t really have a choice, the monsters here are really strong even with the three of us fighting it together, and that’s only a single level difference, but you already witnessed it...that he could even take down two of his own without our help"

"You can already imagine how powerful he is"

Maverick said as he patted Alarint’s shoulder, before slowly walking away from him.

"Seriously, you guys!? You’re gonna choose him over me!?"

Alarint angrily yelled at them.

"You know what!? Fuck you all! I’m outta here!" Alarint yelled at them, and showed them the middle finger, as he suddenly turned into light and disappeared.

[Your team member, Alarint has left your team]

The same message window appeared in front of the three of them, the moment Alarint disappeared from the dungeon.

"Good grief he’s gone" Minerva sighed with relief, like Alarint’s departure lifted a huge burden from her shoulders.

"Why do I feel refreshed even though we just lost the Wizard in our team?" Miya said, as she is also feeling the same as Minerva, but only Maverick was concerned with the departure of Alarint, because they had just lost their only Wizard, and looking for someone like Alarint would hard for independent teams like them.

Suddenly, Michael felt bad, because even though they sounded like Alarint’s departure was nothing, but he knows that his departure would surely impede their gaming experience.

But then...from out of nowhere, he suddenly thought of Dylan, and his class being a Wizard.

’What a coincidence’ Michael chuckled in thought, as he really didn’t expect this event to happen.

’If Dylan joins them, that would be good as they are also a good team from what I’ve seen so far’ Michael thought, and so he took out the map that Farle gave him earlier.

"Can you guys give me a moment?" Michael turned to them and asked.

"Sure, but is that a map you’re holding?" Maverick asked when he saw Michael taking out something that looks like a map.

"Yeah, I feel bad with Alarint suddenly leaving your team, so I want to contact my friend if he wants to join you guys...but first, I should check if his beginner zone is just nearby" Michael replied, then he ignored them, and sent Dyla a message.

[Yo bro, got a minute there?] sent Michael.

[Not really busy right now, what’s up?] Dylan immediately replied after a couple of seconds.

[Are you still at you beginner zone?]

[Yep, why?]

[Look, I know that you are already a reserve member of War Angel, and I know you have a good team with you...but you see, I got a bit of a dilemma here. I’m in a team right now, and their Wizard suddenly left because of me, and I know that would be very detrimental for them]

[So you thought about me because I’m a Wizard too, and you want me to instead leave my current team and join the team that you’re with instead?]

[Yes! I mean no...its okay if you don’t want to though. I’m not forcing you man]

[Okay cool, I’m in! Where are you guys?]

[Wait, what!?]

[I said I’m in! I’m only doing this for you though!]

[But is that okay with you companions there?]

[Ohh~ they’ll do fine without me]

[Good, you won’t regret it! There’s two hot girls in this team!]

[Seriously!? That’s awesome!]

Then Dylan told Michael that he’s still at Black Rock Village, and so Michael checked where the village on the map is while MIya, Minerva and Maverick is peeking at the map at Michael’s end.

And Michael was shocked to find out that, Black Rock Village is actually also in Sharval Kingdom and just two mountains away from Timor Village!

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