Femme Fatale: The King's Deadly Temptress

Chapter 100: Swim in Cash

Chapter 100: Swim in Cash

Katherine's train of thought was interrupted by Damien's uncle when he decided to confront her about whatever it was that he found worthy of his criticism.

"Excuse me?" she asked as politely as she could.

"Ms. Miller, how shameless can you be? You truly have caught my attention." 

"I apologize, Chairman Park, but I don't understand what you mean."

"You don't? You have certainly wrapped my nephew around your finger. Just because he is willing to spend so much money on you you have already become so confident," he said in a low voice.

Raising a brow, Katherine had enough of this old man who kept on finding faults with her. 

After sighing, she replied, "Are you talking about the auction? You must be mistaken, Chairman Park, the money that your nephew spent was all for a good cause. The proceeds will go to a cancer foundation and not in my pocket. I'm sure you are aware of that since you are the host of this event."

Frederick Park scoffed. "Don't get smart with me, woman. You and I both know that you are only after his money, isn't that right?"

"That is not true. I would never"

"Save your words. Why don't you tell me how much it is that you want so that we can be over and done with this?" Chairman Park retrieved something from the inner pocket of his coat.

Katherine narrowed her eyes. "Are you saying that you are going to give me money and in return, I leave Damien?" She asked, shocked when she saw the checkbook and pen in his hands.

"Name your price." Frederick Park hovered his pen over the paper, waiting for her to say a number.

'Unbelievable.' Katherine could not believe that Damien's uncle was willing to stoop to this level. 'Did he think that he can buy me out of Damien's life?' She crossed her arms.

Seeing that Katherine was only staring at him, he added, "What? You can't decide? I can help you. How about a hundred thousand? Half a million? Or millions You sure are cunning." Frederick Park started writing on his checkbook.

'How insulting.' Katherine wanted to laugh. Breathing in deeply, she brushed her fingers on her chin and remarked, "Hmmm Now that I think about it"

Frederick Park stopped writing and looked up to her, waiting for what she had to say.

"If I really am after his money, I don't think I should leave him." She shrugged her shoulder, looking so innocent.

His brows furrowed upon hearing her words. "What are you saying?"

"Why would I accept your money? If I leave with your offer, that's the only wealth I will have. But if I stay with Damien, I can have more So why should I?"

"I can offer you millions! You're still not going to leave him?" Frederick Park thought that Katherine was incomprehensible.

"Millions but Uncle Fred" Katherine started in a gentle voice, "...if I accept your money, I would spend it quickly and the money is only going to last me for a few years But your nephew Damien He is a billionaire. If I stay with him, I would get more from him, so much more than what I would get from you. Isn't that more logical? It would take me many years to enjoy his money. I would probably have enough money to spend until I die of old age by staying with him That's so much money to spend, you know!" she said as-a-matter-of-factly. 

Frederick Park felt like he just heard the most ridiculous response since he was born! Is this woman for real? How ridiculous! How shameless!

"You are a vixen! How brazen can you"

"Uncle Fred." Damien's voice came from the side, startling Katherine and Frederick.

Damien stood next to Katherine and held her hand. He had been waiting for her in the dressing room until he got anxious and decided that he should go and get her. Just in time that his uncle whipped out the checkbook, he heard their conversation. How laughable.

"Damien" he heard her say.

Damien stroked his thumb on Katherine's hand. "Please stop insulting my woman. It's an insult to me as well." He looked at his uncle in the eye and told him in a firm tone.

"Damien, didn't you hear what this woman said? She said she is after your money! She's a gold digger!" 

"Uncle Fred, I really wish you would stop calling her anything. I heard what she said and I don't care. If money is what she wants, then that's what I'm going to give her. I will give her plenty of it enough for her to swim in it until she dies of old age." 

Damien didn't stutter. His words not only shocked his uncle but also the woman beside him. Is this guy nuts? 'I just said that to spite his uncle and he's taking me seriously?' Katherine could only gape at him.

With widened eyes, Frederick Park looked at the pair in front of him. He must be having a nightmare right now. "Damien, you can't be serious!" He looked at Katherine. "This woman How could you"

"If you keep questioning and insulting her, you're also questioning and insulting my judgment. Is that what you're really trying to do?" Damien's voice became cold.

Feeling defeated, Frederick Park fumed in resignation. "I hope you don't regret this, Damien. That woman will be your downfall," he bit out before he walked past them.

Damien closed his eyes and breathed in deeply. He could feel a headache creeping up. How could one night be so eventful like this?

He slowly opened his eyes and turned to the side when he noticed that Katherine was staring at him. "What?" he asked.

Katherine knew that she had to tell him something important but his words just now sent her to shock.

Seeing her state, Damien pulled her with him inside the dressing room. And as soon as they got inside, he locked the door and drew her in for a hug. "You must have been scared, I'm sorry he did that to you." He stroked the back of her head.

Katherine snapped out of her trance and pulled away from him. "What's wrong?" she heard him ask. "Are you okay?" He cupped her face in his hands as he got worried.

"Damien" She held his hands and lowered them as she tried to recall her memories again. "The auction" 

"You must have been surprised with that too. I hope you're not mad, I was"

"No! Not tonight's auction!" Katherine squeezed his hands with hers. "The auction that one night You were on stage. and and I was I was there" She lowered her gaze as she tried to concentrate.

"2 1 8 What does that mean? Why was I...  Why was I bidding on you?"

Damien's expression was unreadable as he listened to her mumble. He placed both of his hands back to cup her face again. "Katherine, slow down. What are you trying to say? Did you remember something?"

"I'm not sure I don't know what I"

"Katherine, breathe."

Breathing deeply, Katherine tried again, "You were on stage and there were many people. You were smiling at me while I was among the crowd. There was an auctioneer beside you and it looked as if I was bidding on you Did something like that happen years ago?"

Damien's heart throbbed. He was so overwhelmed that he couldn't control his feelings. He swiftly pulled her face towards him and crushed his lips to hers, kissing her deeply with need before releasing her.

"Yes Katherine. Yes that was six years ago." Damien pressed his forehead to hers as he was panting. 

Katherine was still trying to wrap her head around what he just confirmed. 'So that wasn't just an imagination that really happened.'

Caressing her cheek, Damien felt like one thorn among many that were stuck in his heart was removed. "You don't know how happy I am that you remembered that."

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