Femme Fatale: The King's Deadly Temptress

Chapter 666: Nowhere But Up

Chapter 666: Nowhere But Up

Damien nodded to her to let her keep talking. Katherine inhaled deeply and said, "I've thought long and hard and my thoughts always ended up with me killing off that woman and her uncle. For years, I've been imagining what I would do to those people when I finally catch them. I've probably killed them more times than I can count in my head in ways that would embarrass the most terrifying serial killers.

"But it's such an easy way for them to escape what they did to me and my family if I just put a bullet in their heads. I can't ever forgive them, Damien. I want them to suffer. So I decided to expose Deborah and Higgins. And I'll ask Director Hughes's help to settle this. I can't afford to let them escape. It's time to give them what they deserve."

He gave her an encouraging smile, lightly squeezing her arm in approval. "That's a great idea. In fact, I also thought about calling Hughes. Frederick needs to be handled the same. William and I agreed that he's much better locked behind bars." Earlier that day, Damien told William that he knew someone from the NIA who could better take care of the matter seamlessly, and William agreed.

She nodded. And they were silent for a moment until he noticed her wringing her hands together, looking evidently distressed. Damien moved closer to her, taking her hands in his and kissing them. He narrowed his eyes on her in concern. "Talk to me, Kitten."

She briefly closed her eyes and shook her head, blowing a long sigh as if she was trying to expel the bad energy inside her. "I'm just feeling anxious about what it means for Young Corporation. Grandpa still hasn't woken up, Damien. And when this news comes out, it'll affect the company. I'm not sure how to handle the backlash."

He totally understood her worries. Even though Deborah's crimes didn't represent Young Corporation, she was still the CEO of the company for years and the news could affect the company whether they liked it or not. The good thing was that Deborah hadn't been the face of the company for a while now since she ran, so that would soften the blow. But Damien still predicted that stocks would go down. He could only hope that it wouldn't be too much of a blow and that the company would bounce back fast.

"It's the same for Park Group, but William and I already anticipate that, so we're ready. So don't worry about it. I'll be with you every step of the way. You won't be alone in dealing with it. And I'll take care of the mediamake sure the news that comes out is only those we approve of. All that matters, Katherine, is that this is what we've been waiting for. Justice. We won't let this ruin us. Have faith in me, alright?"

This time, the smile that grew on Katherine lit up her whole face. She released a long sigh of relief. Her shoulders were less strained as if a heavy weight had been lifted off of them.

Leaning into him, she pressed a long, lingering kiss on his lips and snuggled against his chest. "You're right. My parents deserve their justice." She looked up and met his gaze. "And so does your father."

Damien pulled her closer to him, nuzzling against her hair as he let that day's events go to the back burner. They both had a rough day, and he decided to allow tonight to relax in her company. They also deserved to have some peace, even for just the night before tackling the next day's tumultuous events.

Before they went to bed, though, they called Director Hughes from NIA and arranged their plan with her.


The next morning, Katherine and Damien walked a long way toward the cemetery beside the church where they were just a few nights ago. She woke up that day and decided it was time to visit her parents' graves.

Katherine wore a black shift dress with a princess coat over it while Damien donned a black double-breasted suit. They brought with them some flowers they got from the garden, wrapped in a simple brown craft paper that the senior housekeeper Teresa arranged for them.

It was slightly chilly at seven in the morning, but Katherine wanted to start her day right because in just a couple of hours, they would need to face the inevitable.

Being that it was Katherine's first time going there, Teresa kindly showed them where her parents laid to rest. The older woman left soon after.

Katherine's hands were shaking. She stared at the two simple gravestones beside each other with the names Mason Young and Natalie Young. There was something next to their gravestones that looked like remnants of another gravestone but was removed. The soil on it also looked different compared to the ones around it.

She then remembered her grandfather telling her that because they thought she died along with her parents, they had buried three corpses six feet under. She figured it was a gravestone with her name on it that used to be there. And whoever's corpse was buried in it was then moved into the city's cemetery after she got reunited with Grandpa Theo.

A large, warm hand slid into hers and threaded their fingers together. She blew out a breath after realizing she was holding it. Damien kissed the side of her head, his warmth very much welcome in the cold morning. She was glad he came with her because she needed him there. He then lightly urged her to go closer to the stones.

Gathering some courage, she brushed off her nerves and took the remaining steps until she stood before her parents. Almost instantly, Katherine's eyelids burned hot. She bent down and laid the bouquet of fresh flowers between their graves, touching both the stones so longingly. Their graves were maintained well even during the winter. When she stood back up again, the first tear spilled free.

"Hi, mommy. Hi, daddy. I'mhome." Her voice cracked as she was overcome with heart-wrenching grief that seemed to crush her chest. Regret consumed her too and for some reason, guilt.

Damien wrapped an arm around her and she leaned against him for support. It was strange how she felt like she was twelve years old again. It was the age she had last been with her parents. Being there at their graves brought back that feeling.

Swallowing the massive lump in her throat, her voice was scratchy when she said, "I'm sorry it took me so long to come back. I swore I'd catch the person responsible for your deathsand I did. No, actually, we did." She glanced up at Damien, a small smile curling on her lips. "This is Damien, my fiancand the boy who saved me that night."

He wiped the tears from her face and planted a kiss on her forehead. And then he formally did a deep bow to their graves, both in respect and in apology for everything that happened. He knew a simple apology wouldn't bring them back, but he vowed to them that he would do everything in his power to take care of Katherine and be the best husband he could ever be to her until the day he dies.

That day, Katherine would finally bring justice to her parents' deathsand so would Damien. But just like Damien, Katherine also realized that learning the truth didn't exactly make her feel better. It still won't bring her parents back and she most definitely still grieved their deaths.

What they said about "the truth shall set you free" didn't apply to her. She didn't think it applied to those who are affected by the truth. She didn't feel free. Katherine thought that whoever made that quote might have been the one at fault and that it was to indicate relief after keeping the rotten truth to themselves.

But what about the ones who were wronged? What about them? No quotes for them?

When Katherine and Damien were done at the cemetery, the couple held hands as they walked back to the mansion. They headed toward the driveway where their cars had been waiting to take them to the city. That day marked a new day. From there on out, Katherine and Damien only had one way to gonowhere else but up.

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