Femme Fatale: The King's Deadly Temptress

Chapter 69: Her Peaceful Heart

Chapter 69: Her Peaceful Heart

Crown Resort, Esmea

Damien and Katherine stood outside the event hall as they waited for the event organizer's signal for him to enter.

Damien was talking to Markus when he noticed Katherine standing a few steps behind him. When Markus left, he walked towards her and said, "Walk beside me when I go inside."

Shaking her head, Katherine gave him a gentle smile, "I shouldn't, President Park. It's not appropriate for me to do that." 

"Who cares about what people think?" 

"I do," she answered right away. "But it's not me who I'm concerned about because I could care less about what they say about me. However, I won't let them say or think anything bad about you, Boss. You are the Chairman and CEO of Crown Resort Group. I don't want to give them the chance to talk bad things about you. Regardless of whether I'm involved or not, I wish to keep your reputation as clean as possible while I work under you."

Hearing her words, Damien felt so proud of her and he couldn't help but also smile. His little minx actually wanted to protect him. "Fine. But make sure to walk right behind me where I can easily pull you in case someone wants to hurt me."

Katherine chuckled and rolled her eyes. "You'll be fine, Boss. You're Damien Park, after all." 

"President Park, we're ready for you," said the staff.

The double door opened and Damien entered the lavish hall filled with influential people. Katherine walked behind him, giving him all the spotlight that he deserved. However, there were still a few people who noticed her.

"Who is that woman?"

"I think that's President Park's new secretary."

"Ah She's really pretty. Do you think something's going on between them?"

"Who knows? Everybody's dating everybody nowadays."

"Maybe not, it doesn't look like it."

Similar conversations were heard even while Katherine acted very professional and behaved. She shook her head inconspicuously and wanted to roll her eyes; People really loved to gossip.

The host welcomed everyone and the two of them stood on stage until Damien had to deliver his speech. The entire time that he was on stage, Katherine was in awe to see how all of the guests' attention were all on him. 

He was indeed a powerful and impressive man because he had proven a lot at such a young age. But the world is scary and Katherine realized this especially when she learned that a lot of the guests in the party were actually two-faced opportunists who were only waiting for him to fail.

It couldn't be helped because of his status. It was natural to have enemies in the business world who couldn't wait for his downfall so that they could rise and replace him at the top.

When his speech ended, they walked down the stage and started greeting the guests. They stopped from one group to another as they talked to his business partners while enjoying the party.

Katherine remained quiet unless there was a need for her to engage in the conversation but for Damien, just having her next to him was enough for him to feel sane while listening to some bunch who were there to curry favors.

There were tables of food and desserts on the side, a live band that entertained the guests with classical and standard songs, and servers with a tray of drinks roaming around the room. With such a lovely party, guests were definitely happy. They began to enjoy the party by dancing to the songs.

However, Katherine had already been standing for a long time in high-heeled shoes and she felt her feet started getting sore. 

Noticing how she had been shifting her weight several times in the past few minutes, Damien excused himself and whispered to Katherine to follow him. They went out of the hall and entered a private waiting room where Damien immediately slumped on the sofa and said, "Let's rest here for a bit, it's so tiring."

Katherine nodded, handed him a bottle of water before she sat on the opposite end of the sofa she sighed and leaned back, she could feel a headache coming.

"Why are you sitting so far?" Damien asked after drinking water. "No one's going to come barging in here."

Katherine chuckled, "I don't want to take any chances," she said with a light tone and made Damien chuckle with her. "If I hadn't known any better, I'd start thinking that you're only avoiding me. Come here," he told her as he extended his palm out for her.

Smiling, Katherine gave in and placed her hand on his before she moved closer. When she sat beside him, he let her rest her head on his shoulder and held her hand. 

Sitting beside each other like this, Katherine's heart was at peace. She couldn't wait until the party ends.

"You don't like events like this, do you?" he asked.

"Not really It's tiring to keep smiling even to those people I don't want to smile to. You're so good at it though," she commented, making him chortle.

"Yeah, I sort of developed the skill. It's necessary." 

The two of them talked for a bit more before a knock was heard on the door. Markus Lee came in and informed, "Boss, your Uncle Fred has arrived."

Katherine noticed Damien breathe in deeply before he nodded, "I'll be right out."

When Markus left, Katherine and Damien got up from the sofa and was about to go out of the room when Damien turned to face her. "Listen You're going to see my Uncle and his family. They could get oppressive, so as much as possible, just stick with me. I don't want them harming my people and they wouldn't dare to do it if I'm around."

"I don't have anything to lose except for my job, Boss. So as long as you don't fire me, I don't have anything to be concerned about," Katherine responded resolutely.

Damien felt a bit at ease hearing her say that but even so, he couldn't help but feel worried for her. 

When they got back inside the hall, Damien headed towards his uncle and gave him a bow. Katherine remained standing on the side and casually looked around while the two men talked. However, she noticed that the old man gave her a different kind of look. She didn't know why but she could feel a sense of danger and darkness around this person. 

She only knew about who this person was a couple of days ago when Markus Lee gave her a folder and told her to study the guests' identities so that she would know how to address them or talk to them if ever the need arises. And knowing that this man was someone influential she only thought that it was because of that. 

Feeling the urge to pee, she found the chance to excuse herself and told Damien that she was going to the restroom located just right outside the hall.

After a few minutes, she went out and was thankful that she could breathe fresh air since they were facing the beach. Wanting to stay there for a while, she leaned on the railings and closed her eyes.

"What's a beauty like you doing here alone?" A man's voice said, making Katherine turn to the side only to see William approaching her. "Why aren't you inside enjoying the party?"

"I just came out for some fresh air." 

"Hmmm You look beautiful in that dress, Ms. Miller." He had a cocky smile on his face as he studied her figure. He was proud that he learned about her name. When Katherine did not respond, he added, "I hope you don't mind me asking but I am actually also looking for a new secretary. Are you perhaps looking for a better opportunity? Park Group takes 'great care' of their people." 

'What an ass,' she thought. "I'm sorry, Mr. Park, but I'm not interested. Excuse me." Katherine walked past him and did not look back when she heard him say: "It's a pleasure to see you again, Ms. Katherine."

She rolled her eyes and got inside the hall. She was about to go back where Damien was but he was not there when she saw the area. She scanned the place but she still did not see him. Thinking that he may have stepped out for a bit, she decided to wait and stood there as she observed the other guests mingle with each other.

"Ms. Miller, right?" Frederick Park asked as soon as he arrived at her side. 

"Good evening, Chairman Park." Katherine bowed to give respect to the elder. 

"Hmmm How is it working for my nephew?" 

"It's been an honor to work alongside the President, Sir. He's an exceptional leader," she answered resolutely.

"Indeed, he is. And how's the penthouse?" Frederick Park questioned without hesitation.

This was one of Katherine's fear. She didn't want for that time to come, yet there she was, being questioned by Damien's uncle. How was she to answer him? "I It's"

Frederick Park laughed but his laugh made Katherine feel great fear. "I'm a frank person, Ms. Miller. I don't like pretenses. So I'm going to tell it to you straight. I don't like you for my nephew."

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