Feng Yu Jiu Tian

Chapter Volume 1 3.2


Everything that happened today was beyond Rong Wang’s expectations, the prisoner under his solid grip had not submitted to him or shiver with fear whilst choking back tears.

Instead, the Prince’s usual eyes that avoided contact with others, suddenly locked onto his own. There was no evasion in the set of eyes that appeared alit with angry flickering flames.

Feng Ming pushed the aggressive and physically superior male away, his eyes glowing with indignation, threatening Rong Wang.

"I’m warning you, though my hands, and legs are incapable and my body is weak and aches, If you dare do anything to me, tomorrow I will…Tomorrow I…” Feng Ming’s threat was unfinished as he felt himself slip into the emptiness, his vision darkening.

Bastard! I haven’t finished!

Damn time travel, damn the stupid Prince that let this abuse onto this weak pathetic body. I didn’t even have a chance to finish!

With numerous complaints and pains, Feng Ming allowed the darkness to swallow him, falling into a deep sleep.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Waking up his head was curtained with sleep, his eyes fluttered open to set upon the antique and luxurious roof above. His mind lingered there as he recalled what had actually happened.

It was tragic.

And the tragic thing was, the problem was still present and persistent.

Once the handsome face of the Regent King appeared hovering over his own the Feng Ming verified how incorrect his initial profiling of the Regent King was. What he discovered in this position of power was not a plump and balding old man. Instead from his estimates Rong Tian was probably around the same age as he was in his previous life.

The difference was the tremendous air of power that surrounded him. Rong Tian’s presence mustered up fear and made people shiver. Such a characteristic is befitting to play the villain on a television show right? Just the right type of handsome but sinister men…

"What is on His Royal Highness’s mind?" Rong Wang mocked him. This extremely contemptuous attitude only proved to further demonstrate how disrespectful the man was towards the Prince.

Feng Ming glanced around his surrounding; his personal attendants were standing quietly at the side of the room

Even Chiu Lan did not intervene, no one was willingly jumping into defend their master’s mistreatment.

It seemed that Rong Wang was un-officially the real ruler of Xi Rei.

The Prince that had been raised in the palace was merely a play thing; the harassment by Rong Wang most likely forced him to take the final option, as he willingly to jump into the river, whilst unknowingly giving Feng Ming a second chance.

"I'm asking you." Feng Ming’s chin was suddenly tilted upwards by Rong Wang who addressed him as if he was just a lowly servant.

Something inside cracked Feng Ming, he was infuriated not hiding his annoyance as he whipped his head away from the Regent King’s direction.

"Hmph! Cao Cao!"

"Cao Cao? What is Cao Cao?"

From the response of the treacherous King it was obvious that he has never read ‘Romance of the Three Kingdoms.’

Not even bothering with the duty of explaining what Cao Cao meant, Feng Ming realised a more important issue, he twisted suddenly to stare intently at Rong Wang.

"I ‘m going to ask you, yesterday…did you…do anything to me…?”



With an audience of attendants in the room, it was an embarrassing word he dare not say publicly.

The Prince was rather interesting today, the words he spouted were intriguing, and he no longer was the groveling coward that trembled in fear and sought safety.

Rong Wang bore his eyes into Feng Ming’s tense expression, a growing amusement by the events grew, he lent down close to Feng Ming’s neck, mimicking Feng Ming’s tone

“Gee, did I…or…didn’t I?” He teased.

"You, Idiot!"

Feng Ming set forth an attack, releasing a raging tiger behind his outburst.

Looks like the training he received from the guards at the orphanage paid off,

Like a flash of lightning, he landed a sweet one square onto Rong Wang’s face.

In a blink of an eye the arrogant and handsome sported a new fresh bruise.

No one could have anticipated this type of development of the fast paced action.

The collective response of their audience was of shock and nothing more.

Rong Wang was completely taken by surprise and this was clearly painted across his face, the whole room had immediately felled silent.

All the faces in the room paled, the attendants left in a silent flash gone before you could even notice the click of the doors shutting behind them.

The single blow was successful, and planted straight onto Rong Wang’s precious face,

Feng Ming knew his actions were out of line.

It wasn’t like he advocated the use of violence; growing up he was naturally stubborn, with a child like demeanor when it came to defending his pride or having the last word. He wasn’t the type to skimp out on payback just because of physical pain with scars and bruises instead he always ensured he evened the score.

Likewise his opponent today was the Cao Cao of this era, Rong Wang had dominance over him but he wasn’t going to sit back and submit to humiliation.

"You hit me?" Rong Wang exclaimed.

Rong Wang dumbstruck with the Feng Ming recalculated .perception of him.

"Yesterday, you bit me, and I haven’t even settled that account with you. And today you actually dared to raise your hand against me?" He spat in disbelief.

The hands that fumbled to hold a cup of tea, the Prince that would tremble just by his mere presence, was this even him?

Feng Ming shook his head aside before further demanding an answer.

"Enough! Tell me! In the end, yesterday..did you force me…did you do it?"

"It’s not like it was the first time, why should you care?"

It can’t be…

Feng Ming pupils contracted, his fists clenched he wanted nothing more to give Rong Wang another taste of his fists.

However, Rong Wang chimed in casually: “But I’ve never enjoyed a dead fish, frankly I have never been interested.”

The punch Feng Ming almost released needn’t take place to Feng Ming’s relief.

He bitterly replied, “Well, that was a wise choice.”

The Prince was astonished to the fact his rebuttal came without the cost of infuriating the man, instead the King actually laughed.

"If you have other questions, why don’t you ask them all now?” he offered suspiciously.

Feng Ming didn’t fall for the abrupt change of such goodwill. He, of course had countless questions he wanted to ask, but at the present, he just wanted to be far away from this abominable "Cao Cao."

The farther the better he would be.


"There is nothing to ask, you can leave." Feng Ming very consciously optioned to address himself as a Prince would.

Instead of retreating, Rong Wang leisurely declared, “You’ve finished with the questions, now it is my turn to ask.”

His tone was frivolous and so was his choice of words, an under tone of authority ensued as if he was setting a trap.

"Ask me? What is there to ask?"

"Firstly, who are you?" The voice wasn’t flippant anymore as it became icy.

Feng Ming was taken aback.


With no time to react, Rong Wang had him under his hold within a split second.

Feng Ming’s slender wrists were once again caught by a stronghold of larger hands that pinned them above his head, rendering him completely helpless.

Rong Wang whispered and his breathe rasped gently into Feng Ming’s ears.

"You're definitely not the Prince, who are you?”

"I am the Prince." Feng Ming desperately claimed.

In a situation like this, he had to keep his mouth shut and stick with his identity. It wasn’t like a farfetched story of his spirit taking up the Prince’s body would spare him from being executed.

"You are the Prince?"

Rong Wang sneered: "You are obviously unfamiliar with Prince, you are riddled with flaws! How could the Prince have enough courage to bit me or even daring to raise his hands against me?” He accused.

“Don’t say that a mere jump into a river would cause these major changes in one’s basic personality. I am the one who is most clear on what the Prince is like.”

“Confess! Who sent you?” the King demanded.

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