Filthy Gamer in Narutoverse

Chapter 12: Vigor (3)

Chapter 12: Vigor (3)

The entire council was in heavy silence as many had already set their scrolls on the table. It was good. Really. Tsunade's methods are beneficial to the clans and the village. At this point, there is no reason to set this matter aside ESPECIALLY because the war was almost upon them and they needed more measures to preserve their forces, an opportunity for which Tsunade provided.

So, if someone, for whatever reason, wanted to reject the motion then they better have a damn good reason and in this room, all the clans felt that the only one who would have the notion to reject the idea could be the three elders Danzo Shimura, Homura Mitokado, and Koharu Utatane. After all, these three stood to gain nothing but instead, they may just have to sacrifice some political strength to the Senju Princess who surprised everyone today.

Besides them, Hokage also stood to gain nothing for his clan but if he actually decided to speak against the motion, even if his will be iron clad given how ninjas must have a strict chain of command, every clan leader would have a healthy doubt if Hiruzen Sarutobi was fit to rule the village any longer.

Not to mention the fact that the three elders and Tsunade have been at the cross with one another for opposing views.

"Hmm," Danzo let out a thoughtful hum, "I still remember Lord First when I was a child. The village was at peace and we have maintained that peace because we followed traditions."

Homura saw a chance and nodded quietly, his slightly aged face showing a bit of peaceful expression, "I believe Elder Shimura is making a good point. Reforming our policies this close to a war... may have unpredictable reactions."

Koharu kept her silence and knew that milking the same fact may not be so good. But she was clearly opposed to these reforms especially when they gave others more power than the elders.

"Peace? Tradition?" Mito smiled, "My late husband wanted peace but he was a man of war. Stagnate pool collects filth and poisons the surrounding. Konoha does not need to stagnate because time is eternally moving and so are our enemies. I believe the reforms will reduce casualties of the war and may just allow the clan's heir who enters the war... to return."

The expression of every clan leader was slightly grim. War just happens to be a good opportunity to collect contributions and any worthy heir will not fear the cruelty of war. They will surely risk their lives.

"I approve of these reforms and suggest the council to apply them as quickly as possible. But since these reforms are brought by none other than Tsunade, I also advise the council that she be barred from taking any mission and be allowed to stay in the village to find prospective talents to nurture under her apprenticeship and form her three-men cell in the same way that is expected from the other talented disciples of the Third Hokage."

Mito knew better than to just slap the cheeks of all elders and Hokage. Third's expression visibly grew relieved. Tsunade's skills are too important to not be passed down and since she was clearly unwilling to settle down maritally, apprenticeship was good, too. In fact, Hiruzen wanted all three of his disciples to form their three-men cell. Others are appointed their members but his students are quirky and would need their own consideration on the matter.

Besides, he was extremely happy. Tsunade is the toughest nut to crack from the trio so with her down despite the unwilling look and glare she shot her grandmother, the other two will follow the suit soon.

"I agree with the reforms and Elder Uzumaki's suggestion." Nara nodded.

Yata Uchiha and all other clans nodded in agreement before Hokage, too. Even if the three elders chose not to vote, their resignation was clear.

But now was the hard part... war preparations. They unfurled other scrolls and dove into the information.

'Ah... that's why I decided to step here once again,' Mito smiled at Tsunade, 'I wanted to play around with the political buffoons... what days those were...'


It was dusk and Tsunade gulped the entire bottle of sake before growling, "Now I'll seriously stop talking with you for months!"

"Calm down girl and watch your tone," Mito chuckled pleasantly but the threat was evident in her glare. The granny won't be disrespected by any drunk!

Tsunade quietened down and mutters under her breath while Mito chided, "I wanted you to stay here for me. Kushina needs a backer in this village... and even if she doesn't end up being my successor, she would need a family's support. Besides, I think that your Guardian would make a fine medic-nin."

While Tsunade didn't understand the implications of Mito's word about her succession and didn't seem to notice the reignited vigor in her grandma's gaze, she did have her attention attracted to the topic she liked.

"Really? You know how hard it is cause you helped me build the entire Iryo Ninjutsu system," Tsunade slurred somewhat as alcohol kicked in and questioned.

"Why else would I be sure he would make good use of your teaching?"

"But... ain't you fussing over the boy too much?" Tsunade blinked as she picked it on, " First seals and now iryo nin..."

"Grahahahahaha! The old bitch is grooming a stud!" The voice within her roared in laughter as Mito paid it no heed and smiled, "Of course, I am. He can learn it better than me and he is already Kushina's guardian. Maybe when you're an old hag, you'll need a guardian, too, so consider him for the job."

Tsunade scoffed, "When I get that mark" she pointed at the diamond-shaped purple mark on Mito's forehead and grumbled, "I'll never be old!"

Mito smiled and shook her head. Being old was more about experiences and losses than age anyway. To them, at least.

"Then keep on storing your chakra. You're almost there. In fact, staying in the village and focusing on this technique will let you form the seal by the end of the year."

"Tch... fine. And you've already given me two brats to teach next year. Why not give me another one?"

Mito shrugged, "Find one yourself. The best I can do is two brats!"

"And sagging tits!" The voice laughed maniacally once again.

"Besides all that," Mito spoke seriously, "If I hadn't decided to return to the council meeting today, I would never have noticed... that the Senju and Uzumaki are being targeted."

Tsunade's drunken stupor faded the next second as she looked at the grandmother in a daze.


"What is it, Danzo?" Hiruzen looked up from the stack of papers and noticed his old war companion silently staring at him with that one eye of his. Resisting the urge to sigh, Hiruzen let the man brood for another few minutes. Honestly, Hiruzen hoped that this was just a phase since the documents threatened him worse than a battlefield and he couldn't have a Danzo hovering over his head.

"Were you not in the same meeting as I was?" Danzo inquired quietly.

"I was. And a whole lot it did," Hiruzen scoffed, seeing three neat stacks of paper he must go through thoroughly and then form decisions. Oh, and these stacks were set beside the table on the floor and were as high as the surface of the table!

Danzo scoffed at the light-hearted demeanor of his friend and grumble, "I have sent men from my organization everywhere to instigate internal conflicts and delay this inevitable war! But we cannot be blind to the threat and hold... someone from within the village has."

Ah, it wouldn't be a personal meeting with Danzo if he didn't speak something forbidden as Hiruzen sighed and replied with a somber expression, "Mito-san will pass the beast she is holding to little Kushina, alright? And aside from giving you, Koharu, and Homura the title of elders for your efforts. But Mito-san is not only politically well-rooted but she is a war deterrent to others."

"And what about the major clans? Do you think it was the right move to let your disciple give them such a headstart?" Danzo rebuked.

"That..." Hiruzen frowned. In a perfect world, he would have wanted to introduce these reforms the moment Tsunade showed them to him but to make these reforms, he had to think of a way that didn't give the already boisterous clans more advantage. In reality, there are a few more clans but they are quite weak and even his own Sarutobi clan is in dire need at the moment. It was clear who was the one behind Tsunade's maneuver but... Hiruzen could do nothing.

He couldn't, in good conscience, stop this motion just because Danzo and others got nothing.

"It's helpful to the village," Hiruzen concluded and Danzo snorted.

"And? Why are you here?" Sarutobi questioned.

"To make plans for war, of course, and the one that is suited for my organization... my network detected that envoys of Kumo and Iwa have met with Hanzo of Ame... the quicker we move, the better."

"Hmm," Hiruzen nodded but faltered under Danzo's intense gaze and finally sighed, "And what is it that you require?"

"Men. Trained and talented"

"You will force none from the Academy," Hiruzen stated in a tone that left no room for argument, and Danzo's eye widened while he gritted his jaws, "Fine... I want to take over these orphanages and train them for Root missions."

He set the scroll on the table as the Hokage looked through it and nodded with a heavy heart.


"Ah, you're back," Mito smiled as she lay peacefully on her bed as if she wasn't out changing the very base of the village.

"Yes, did you enjoy your trip with your granddaughter?" Kai smiled and climbed up the bed before starting to massage her legs without needing to be asked for it.

Mito smiled and nodded.

"And your trip into the Uchiha compound, did you have fun?"

"A little... they are kind of bland if I have to be honest. But good. They all like to... display their clan sign a bit too much..."

Mito chuckled at that and hummed, "Well, I'm in good mood today, Kai-kun. Let's say you and me..."

Her eyes glinted as she stared at the talented boy that seemingly just fell in her lap out of sheer dumb luck, "Learn the next step of seals?"

Kai's gaze glinted instantly!

"Gladly!" He chimed.


There has been a shift in the air, Kai could sense it.

"Did you fart?" He frowned and looked at the most obvious candidate who sat next to him, Tsume who scowled and had her nose twitching before barking, "That's Kushina!"

"Hmph," Kushina blushed, "And why would we believe you?!"

"Inuzuka clan members have a great sense of smell... so I do," Mikoto smiled and made Kushina shuffle in embarrassment as she lowered her head.

'Damn... tomato...' Kai scoffed but looked at the next skill he had gained yesterday.

[Uzumaki Style Chakra Matrix (1/50): Forms seals and matrix through molding chakra. The consumption of chakra is dependent on the seal formed. Each level increases the formation of a seal by 2. Each level reduces the chakra consumed by 1. Chakra Consumed: 10~???

Next Level: Consume 295/3000 Chakra or 5 SP]

He could sincerely say... Mito was high last night. Just the information he received from the first level of the skill made the basic jutsu in the basic Uzumaki skill tree obsolete. Worst of all, the Uzumaki Guardian Title didn't reduce the level requirements because this stupidly dangerous skill wasn't even present in the basic skill tree and the title only affected the skills from this particular skill tree... well, one thing was clear, Mito was willing to invest in him fully and groom him as a proper guardian.

And one thing was clear... Kai was ready to invest his SP in the remaining levels of chakra sensing. Their Sensei just came and revealed that their curriculum is being shifted entirely! Everything was forced to be made somewhat fast-paced. The time needed to learn skills were being reduced but the expectations were being made higher and for some reason... they were about to have their sex ed in the first year itself when it is the last year course, at least, for those who don't graduate early.

Indeed... for some reason... five years of the curriculum was being crammed into one year... and subsequently, the time duration of the academy was increased, cutting on his grind.

Something was going on and Kai realized that he couldn't be going around and spreading his chakra to familiarize himself with thousands upon thousands of chakra signatures. It wasn't about the grind anymore but impractical because if he did do this, he would be found out and he couldn't think of a reason why others would not look at him unkindly for noting their chakra signature in a village full of paranoid murderers...

He felt that it was a good thing he saved his SP till now.


Shoutout to Wesley Tebbens~!

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