First Stygian Diviner:Apocalypse

Chapter 311 The factory

Chapter 311 The factory

Isiah couldn't believe what he was seeing. The footage before him had shaken him to his core, and he was struggling to make sense of what had happened.

"When was this taken?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

The man hesitated for a moment before answering. "By now, I'm sure you already know that something went wrong with your leveling," he said, his tone solemn.

Isiah nodded slowly. He had suspected as much, but hearing it confirmed was still a blow.

"The kid's body had grown up so fast, and so did the girl," the man continued. "The amount of growing up was equal to five years compared to the time in Emperium."

Isiah's heart sank. Five years. That was a long time, especially for Ciel. The only thing he recognized was his blue eyes and golden hair that had grown long.

Lexie, too, had changed. Her hair was longer now, and her features more defined. Isiah couldn't help but wonder how they were going to accept this .

As Isiah processed the information he had just learned, he suddenly became acutely aware of his own physical changes. He looked down at himself, examining his body closely.

To his surprise, he noticed that his body was much stronger and more muscular than it had been before. His hair, which had once been long and unruly, now reached down to his neck in a neat, trimmed style. And his skin tone was lighter than he remembered, which confused him even further.

It wasn't until that moment that Isiah realized that this transformation had happened to him as well. For some reason, he had assumed that he was different, that he had somehow escaped the effects of the strange time dilation that had affected Ciel and Lexie.

But now, as he looked at himself, he knew that he had been wrong. He, too, had been affected by this mysterious force, and he couldn't help but wonder why.

As he thought about it more, Isiah realized that he had been so focused on finding Ciel and Lexie that he had neglected to consider his own well-being. He had thrown himself into this mission without thinking about the potential consequences, and now he was paying the price.

But he didn't regret it. He would do anything to find Ciel and Lexie, even if it meant sacrificing his own safety and well-being. He knew that he was the only one who could help them, and he wouldn't rest until they were safe and sound.

With a newfound determination, Isiah turned his attention back to Eijar, who was still lying on the ground. He realized that he couldn't waste any more time pondering his own changes - he had work to do. He would help Eijar, and then he would continue on his journey to find Ciel and Lexie.

The man was still looking at him scared of him yet he just said with a blank face :" It is either you tell us your secret or we are going to end your companions , it is that simple "

Isiah could feel the old man's fear radiating off of him in waves, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at the power he held over this stranger.

But at the same time, he knew that he couldn't let his guard down. This man was clearly dangerous, and he had made it clear that he was willing to do whatever it took to get the information he wanted.

" Huh, threatening me ! " Isiah smirked ," I am sure you know what I am capable of right now "

" It is either you tell us the source of your energy and the method you took it with , or they are going to die " The man had the most serious look in his eyes .

Isiah tightened his grip on the man's collar, his dark magic crackling around him. He could sense the fear in the man's eyes, but he refused to show any weakness. Instead, he stared back at Isiah with a look of cold determination.

"If you kill me, you are never going to see them," the man said, his voice steady and unwavering.

Isiah knew that he was telling the truth. He needed this man to lead him to Ciel and Lexie, and if he killed him, he would be throwing away his only chance of finding them.

He hesitated for a moment, weighing his options. But then, he just spit on the side then said :" I don't mind killing you "

Isiah stood there, his heart pounding with the knowledge that he was about to commit a heinous act. He knew that once he hurt the old man, he would be surrounded by guards, all eager to take him down. But even so, he couldn't resist the dark impulses that had taken hold of him.

With a deep breath, he summoned his dark energy and focused it into a circle in his hand. The power crackled and hummed, pulsing with a malevolent energy that he could barely contain.

Without hesitation, Isiah activated his magic, directing the energy towards the man's neck. The moment the magic made contact, the old man let out a blood-curdling scream, his body convulsing in pain.

The magic burned with an intensity, an unrelenting force that he could control from afar. He released the man, but it was too late. The damage had been done, and the man fell to the ground, struggling to breathe.

"Where the f****ck are they!"

Isiah knew that he had to act quickly. He had to find out where the guards were, or he would be captured and executed. He demanded to know their location, shouting at the man as he writhed on the ground. But the man refused to speak, his lips sealed tightly.

In a fit of rage, Isiah raised the temperature, causing the man to scream and writhe in agony. He begged for mercy, pleading with Isiah to stop, but the young man was relentless. He knew that he had to get the information he needed, no matter the cost.

As the minutes ticked by, the man's resistance began to wane. His eyes rolled back in his head, and he gasped for air. Finally, he could take no more, and he croaked out the location of the guards. "The factory!" he gasped, before slipping into unconsciousness.

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