First Stygian Diviner:Apocalypse

Chapter 247 There Must Be A Reason

Isiah was shocked by what Kevin Triton said to him, he just got closer to him to meet his eyes halfway as he was still gasping for air while his face had so much pain in them then said:" Even at a moment like this, you are just asking me to kill you, you are not even smart, mister "

The man was having tears in his eyes yet he just replied to Isiah :" They need to be killed, this is my work around here, and it is a direct order from the king himself"

Isiah got closer to him and cut his other leg to encourage him to speak again but the man was feeling so much pain and started to ask for mercy while Isiah was still mad because he didn't give him any worthy information.

" I am not going to play around with you, the next thing I am doing is to cut your head off" Isiah threatened him.

But Kevin was out of his mind already, he lost all his senses, and it appeared as if he was hallucinating.

He was useless already and for that Isiah said to him:" This is the last chance "

Kevin Triton said to him:" I am sorry, Kamile, my darling, I wanted to save you, I wanted to run away with you, I wanted to give another life but you…the bastard killed you " Kevin kept hallucinating while crying and when Isiah realized that he was not going to say a thing that would benefit him he just cut his head off .

He ended his life immediately and without hesitation only to leave him feeling very pissed .

" The fuc***er wasted my time" Isiah said as he leaned towards him feeling a lot of hunger .

This was the first time Isiah felt this way, he felt as if his hunger raised immediately .

' I think this is related to the way I killed him, if I killed him immediately and with no fuc**ing delay and dismembering I would have not felt this way'

Isiah bit his lower lip the moment he stood again and tried to move to the place where Ciel was standing in fear .

Eijar was very pissed because she felt the way his hunger raised immediately, and she knew that he is struggling even to move toward them.

" Did you have to do this ? You killed all of them and now you are just feeling like shit all over again" She was yelling at him.

Heigl was confused, however, Lexie knew exactly what they were talking about .

Ciel didn't even move to get closer to Isiah, the place was very cold and snow was covering all the ground and trees around them, Ciel sighed then started to look at Lexie and because there was something off about her .

She was looking at Isiah with a lot of fear, she didn't know the whole story about him, and she thought that in this state he would kill and eat even the living person so she stopped breathing for a moment anticipating the worst-case scenario.

" Isiah, stay away" Eiajr said to him as he was still moving toward them .

There were 3 corpses laying on the ground, and to him that was torture, he tried to avoid this whole time, even when he was in Summit and Xodura but the way he killed Kevin Triton awakened a huge desire inside of him to kill all those bodies that were there .

And even he got the temptation to kill more and eat more, he was starving and that is why he stopped moving after a while just to listen to the thoughts in his mind.

He looked at Ciel briefly then looked at the ground with frustration, at this state even though he was not in a safe place.

' At this rate, I am going to snap and kill everyone, even Ciel, I could feel that I really want to kill him right now, and this feeling is not out of any feeling, it is not out of hatred or revenge or even madness, I just want to kill him and ….and …eat him …this is stupid …is this how animals and monsters think '

The blood fell from Isiah's lip and at that moment he realized that if this continue for long it will be his own reality .

" Come here, Eijar" Isiah whispered .

In a short time, Eijar got closer to Isiah, she saw him trembling while having a war inside of him, she talked to him several times about the this matter but he refused to listen, and now he was putting everyone in danger but her .

" Master, you should have thought of this before killing them, and you killed 3 on top of that, and messed with that body, this is why you are feeling terrible, next time you better kill people fast to avoid this mess" Eijar said as she was crawling slowly towards his neck .

Isiah closed his eyes in pain, the struggle was real and he couldn't know whether he was going to be in control or not .

" Distract me " He said, Isiah was very pissed and he said that impatently but she just made her face get closer to his face, then she opened her mouth widely as he was closing his eyes then started to lick his injured lip .

Because he was feeling hungry and they were connected she was to feel hungry .

Isiah felt what she was doing and surprisingly he just stayed like that not moving while she was licking his injured lip.

He said while grounding:" I fuc****ing hate that, you know that, I told you , I told you …that I would finish you if you do this "

Eijar moved for a second then said:" That's good, it only means that it is working, keep hating it , it will eventually distract you from your thoughts "

" At this rate, I will kill them too " Isiah said to her as he started moving this time.

He just threw dark fireballs toward the corpses to burn them, when he did that he felt a bit at ease and he stopped from craving to kill that badly.

At that point, Isiah pushed Eijar's head with his hand and then said:" Enough"

Eiajr looked inti his eyes immediately then said:" If you do this again, we are doomed and you know that "

" Stay with him now, it is better if I walked alone for now "

Eijar nodded her head then crawled towards Ciel and asked them to follow Isiah when he started moving again .

" Is he okay ? " Lexie asked .

" He is okay now, you just have to stay away from him, Isiah is not in a good state now " Eijar explained .

" He is definitly in a good state , he killed three of Rmeperium's mages, the last one of them was very strong yet he didn't stand a chance against him, Isiah is definitely in a good shape" Heigl said to Eijar sarcastically then started moving around .

" Of course he is stronger, but that comes with a burden, you know, master, master is holding on to the last shreds of his humanity, and that is nearly impossible, but he is doing it anyway " Eijar said as she put her whole body in Ciel's neck .

Only Ciel who kept silent all that time after all that happened .

It was not the first time for him to seen Isiah having troubles that way however he just couldn't stand the fact that Isiah is not having any emotions regarding killing .

' He could kill easily ' He thought as he was looking at him moving in front of him.

The institution was there, and there was no guarantee that they would have any information regarding everything however Isiah kept moving because it was the only choice.

' The fuc****er was working here, I could meet a lot of his mages, that's not the problem, the problem is that this useless companions are not that strong, Ciel was almost dead because they were weak, if things go wrong, they are not going to bring any help to me ' After a while, Isiah returned to his senses, they way he killed that person was the reason for triggering all those desires inside of him.

' Next time, I will kill fast and avoid all this troubles '

The institution was closed just like in Delwias Island and Isiah couldn't think of the reason behind that, there were no people moving there and he thought that it might be their day off or anything until he sensed a huge spell cast around that place.

He smirked as he looked carefully around him then said:" This place is protected by this spell, they try to make it look as if it was abandoned, hmmm such a weak spell like this is nothing to me , but this only means that there at least hundreds of people inside of this place, I have to kill all of them , I have to know why they were killing us there, there must be a reason , and I want to know it before I kill the entire regions "

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