First Stygian Diviner:Apocalypse

Chapter 271 Her Bloody Kiss..

Lexie didn't know what Isiah was going to test, he just warned her that she had to run for her life if the thing he was expecting didn't happen.

She kept wishing inside of her for anything to happen, in fact she only wanted what he wanted to happen .

The man whom he killed was laying on the floor and Isiah just started to feel the hunger , it was not that strong like when he made the people suffer before dying but still it was a huge hunger .

Lexie just stood there as if she had an actual death wish, since she lost her family , the only reason for her life was Ciel and Isiah , but then Ciel got a person who was much stronger than her to protect him and also Isiah got a girl who was much beautiful and smart and stronger then her to love him .

' I am alone …so …if it is going to happen then it better happen right here and right now '

All her life she was not this defeated person like she is right now after she acknowledged her feelings towards Isiah .

She hated herself and ended up hurting herself even more .

Isiah was breathing heavily especially when the corpse was still there right in front of him .

" Isiah, are you okay ? " She asked very gently without even touching him .

However,  Isiah didn't say a thing to her , he just kept battling the urge that was inside of him, at this point he was not even sure if he was going to stop drinking her disgusting blood .

He turned around very slowly while looking at her very seriously, Lexie didn't move away , she knew then that he wanted her blood, and she realized that he came here to do an experiment on her blood.

He didn't ask for it , he just looked at it with her injured hand from afar with hesitation .

At that moment, she just had to force the blood to come out of that wound with her fingers.

Isiah didn't get closer to her, she knew how he felt about all these sorts of things, and she knew that he was struggling just because he wanted to stay human therefore just doing this was messing with his head .

Lexie walked toward him very slowly, she was very hesitant herself, she was not loved or even liked by him to get closer to him that way.

She only survived being next to him this whole damned period because of Ciel .

" Stay away " Isiah struggled to say .

The hunger was there and the disgust also .

" Isiah , you are …you are the person that I love the most in this entire pathetic existence of mine " She said it as gently as possible while looking into his eyes as if she was testing whether he was still tolerating her being there next to him or not .

He was still looking at her intermittently, sometimes he was looking into her eyes , and sometimes at the wound that was in her hand .

Lexie thought that if she died right now she was not going to regret being dead at his hands .

She had so many regrets but at that moment she only wanted to be the closest person to him in his whole life .

Lexie walked without backing off , Isiah didn't stop her either, his mind was twisted by the scent of the corpse that was laying on the ground and also by  the scent of The blood in her hand .

When she finally was right so close to him, there were only a few centimeters between them, she looked him in the eyes, he was much taller and stronger than her physically , and he was a lot more handsome in her eyes than anyone she ever met .

Her perception of anything around her deteriorated because when she looked into his eyes for the last time she said :" I love you, Isiah Duncan "

She lowered her face and raised her hand towards her face .

Isiah didn't know what she was going to do until he saw her sucking the blood that was dripping from that wound that she messed with .

The cut was very wide and the blood was falling heavily because she messed with it .

She sucked a lot of blood and then raised her body while standing on the tips of her toes.

Isiah was stunned when he saw her doing that in front of him.

She just leaned towards him as she pulled his head gently and then got very close to him, she closed her eyes all that time because she didn't want to see the look that was in his eyes .

Also, she wanted to trick herself that this was consensual .

she pressed her lips against Isiah's while moving her hands from the back of his head to his cheeks , she was wiping his cheeks with her hands as she dropped the blood she sucked a few seconds before .

Isiah was looking at her with his wide eyes, very amazed by what she did .

His surprise was immeasurable to the point where he just couldn't control his body and he ended up swallowing that blood .

He swallowed the whole quantity she put in his mouth, and right when she assured that he did, she just moved away then whispered while her lips were so close to his :" You are not an animal, Isiah , you are not an animal…and it was just ….a kiss "

When she said the last word, Lexie kissed his chin very fast then she returned to her same height after releasing his body .

He just started to feel strangely like the other time , his heart raised and he felt like there was fire inside of him, he felt disgusted by her blood and he ended up pushing her away from him while vomiting right on the corpse that was next to him .

Lexie just swallowed what was the rest of her blood and then moved away from him, this was not a kiss in fact, she just wanted to make him  drink that blood but she felt like Isiah was crushing her pride the more he vomited on the floor .

As a girl this was very humiliating, to have a kiss with the person she loves the most only to end up being crushed under concrete . Isiah was throwing his heart out and she expected that, in fact he only brought her here so that something like this would happen .

she leaned towards the wall while crossing her arms in front of her .

She didn't want to get closer to him because his reaction was not known after all that happened .

She never kissed another person, no one ever thought of her as a girl to begin with and just having a kiss with Isiah like that made her feel an enormous heat inside of her that Isiah had nothing to do with it .

Isiah threw up multiple times before he just stood on his feet feeling a bit tired of that .

He spat on the floor very disgusted then said while looking at her :" This ….."

He stopped talking after that as he looked at the corpse next to him while feeling that immersive hunger fading away .

He accidentally found a cure to his hunger , therefore he felt very delighted about it , still the blood was an issue to him too .

Isiah was still smelling that disgusting smell of her blood as it kept dripping in her purple dress .

He just cursed and then said while he was walking towards her with impatience :" Fuc****, this scent is very disgusting "

When Isiah was walking towards her with a blank face Lexie just stood without moving while resting her arms next to her, she just couldn't be strong around him .

she closed her eyes immediately, she tried to think of the sensation of his lips when she kissed him just to divert her thought but when he stood next to her Isiah said to her firmly:" Look at me  "

She opened her eyes right away, he was so close to her so she just trembled as he just took her injured hand then said while exercising his force on her wrist:" Take care of this right now, I don't want to smell this thing after this "

She just remembered that her wound was still bleeding so just ripped her dress from its lower edges to get enough sheets to cover the wound .

She hated the fact that she had to destroy a beautiful dress like that, a dress that Isiah thought that it would fit her .

When she started to cover it , she just didn't do it right so Isiah took her hand in front of him then said:" You better not move"

He took those sheets and made sure to cover that wound correctly and very tightly so that it wouldn't bleed anymore then pushed her hand away .

He looked into her eyes , then he just got closer to her as she thought that he was about to kiss her when in fact he just wiped the corners of her lips from the blood

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