First Stygian Diviner:Apocalypse

Chapter 308 The Sound Of Cars

As Isiah emerged from the device that had transported him and his companion Eiajr to their destination, he was overcome with a wave of intense pain.

  He collapsed onto the ground, his serpent friend draped across his lap. The pain was all-consuming, and for a few moments, he couldn't think of anything else.

Eventually, he managed to open his eyes, but all he could hear was a cacophony of noise that filled the air around him. It was loud and disorienting, and he felt a sense of fear rising within him.

  As he tried to make sense of his surroundings, he realized that there were people all around him.

He felt a surge of panic as he struggled to understand where he was and what was happening. He forced his eyes to focus, and after a few attempts, he managed to get a clear view of his surroundings. To his relief, he saw that he was still in the same place where he had been transported.

The noise of the people around him began to fade away, and he could feel his heartbeat slowing down.

  As he tried to move, he felt the weight of Eiajr on his lap, and he realized that she was also experiencing the same pain as him.

He looked around again and saw that the people were staring at him with a mixture of curiosity and concern. He felt like he was in a strange and unfamiliar place, and he didn't know what to do next.

  But one thing he did know for sure was that he had to keep Eiajr safe.

As he looked around, he noticed that there was no sign of Lexie or Ciel. He assumed that they had also been transported to this strange place, but he couldn't see them anywhere.

  Isiah assumed that the people around him were workers at the transportation center, but something seemed off. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but there was something different about them.

It wasn't until he looked at their clothing that he realized what it was. The clothes these people were wearing were nothing like what he was used to seeing in Delwia's Island or even in Emperium. 

They looked modern, similar to the clothing that was worn on Earth when he had died.

  It was as if he had been transported to the same era that he had lived in before he was reincarnated.

As Isiah tried to make sense of his surroundings, he heard someone in front of him accusing him of committing one of the worst crimes in history. 

They were threatening him with punishment by the government for what he had done in Emperium. He was taken aback by the accusation, wondering how they could have known about his actions in a different region.

As Isiah processed the man's words, he realized that this new region he found himself in was much more advanced than the others he had seen before. 

He wondered how much time had passed since his last memory before he arrived in Afan. Despite the unfamiliarity of his surroundings, the man's use of administrative language that was similar to what Isiah remembered from his time on Earth made him feel a bit more at ease.

But the man's words about the others being in jail for committing some of the worst crimes in history caused Isiah's stomach to sink. 

He couldn't bear the thought of being separated from Lexie and Ciel, especially since he had said that he was going to meet them here. He had to find a way to get them out of there.

Isiah studied the man's face and body language, trying to gather as much information as he could. 

He noticed that the man's eyes kept darting around, as if he was nervous or looking for someone. And when he spoke, his voice sounded firm and authoritative, but there was a hint of uncertainty in it.

But he had to stay focused. Isiah locked eyes with the man and asked calmly, "Why are we being accused of such a crime? What proof do you have?"

The man stood up straight and cleared his throat before responding, "We have been watching you, Mr. Isiah. We saw what you did in Emperium. We saw how involved you were with the deaths of those mages. We have been observing you from here, and we know everything."

Isiah felt a chill run down his spine at the man's words. He knew he had been reckless, but he never imagined that someone was watching his every move. 

He looked down at Eijar, who was still resting on top of him, and felt her breathing steadily. He knew he had to find a way out of this situation and save everyone, including Eijar, who was clearly in pain.

With determination, Isiah asked, "Can you at least tell me where the jail is? I want to see my friends and make sure they are safe."

The man hesitated for a moment before responding, "It's not that simple. You'll have to go through a trial first. And even then, I'm not sure you'll be allowed to see them."

Isiah felt his anger rise at the man's words. He knew he had to stay calm, though. He didn't want to cause any more trouble than he already had. He took a deep breath and looked up at the man.

"I understand. Can you at least help me get Eijar some medical attention? She's hurt and needs help."


Isiah felt a sharp taste in his mouth as he listened to the man's accusations. 

He knew he was being watched, but what he didn't understand was how these people were able to monitor him outside of the transportation center. He pondered the possibility of there being some kind of channeling system in place, a theory he couldn't confirm or deny at the moment.

As he tried to get his bearings, Isiah found himself feeling dizzy and disoriented. He struggled to adjust to the atmosphere of this new place, which was vastly different from the familiar surroundings of Emperium. 

The energy of Afan felt foreign and heavy, weighing down on him like a physical burden.

Despite feeling weak and vulnerable, Isiah knew he had to comply with the orders of his captors. He made no attempt to resist as they cast a spell on him and whisked him away to a secret jail in the heart of the city. 

His vision was obscured by a blindfold, but even in his confused state, Isiah was able to leave a trail of dark energy behind him, like a breadcrumb trail. He did this to ensure that he could find his way back, should he need to escape.

As he was being transported to the jail, Isiah heard the familiar sound of an engine, and for a moment, he felt a sense of nostalgia wash over him. 

He couldn't believe that the same evolution that had led to cars and other modern technologies in his previous life had also taken place in this world.

"Wow, people had cars here too!" he thought to himself, momentarily distracted from the dire situation he found himself in.

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