First Stygian Diviner:Apocalypse

Chapter 318 Nothing to me

Chapter 318 Nothing to me

Isiah remained aloof and avoided any attempts at conversation or emotional connection. He stood there in silence, his gaze fixated on the ground, lost in his own thoughts and emotions. 

Lexie, on the other hand, sat quietly on a chair next to the table, struggling to come to terms with the horrific experiences she had been subjected to.

Despite her exhaustion and pain, Lexie couldn't help but notice that her arm still twitched uncontrollably, a constant reminder of the cruelty she had suffered at the hands of her captors.

 Isiah's lack of response only added to her feelings of isolation and hopelessness, leaving her feeling lost and alone.

" I get it …you don't want to talk, " she muttered to herself .

Lexie sighed, realizing that Isiah didn't want to talk to her. She watched him as he stood there, silently staring at the ground, lost in his thoughts.

As she finished her glass of water, Lexie couldn't help but reflect on the changes that had come with her leveling up to Afan. 

Her body had stayed the same, but her features had matured, and her hair had grown so long it reached the middle of her back.

Isiah noticed her glance and looked at her for a moment, feeling bothered by the uncontrollable movements of her arm. 

He couldn't explain why, but the sight of it made him uneasy. It was as if the injury she had sustained in the factory had unleashed some kind of powerful force that was now beyond her control.

In that moment, Lexie spoke up, breaking the silence. 

"Isiah, I'm just happy that we've finally reunited," she said softly, hoping to ease the tension between them.

Isiah didn't respond, but he couldn't help but feel a sense of relief that Lexie was still alive. 

Despite everything, he was glad that she had made it through the ordeal and had somehow managed to level up to Afan.

" This place is so different, so complicated, I could tell that it will be difficult for us to navigate around it " 

Isiah's eyes were fixed on the view outside the window as he tried to ignore Lexie's presence completely.

 He didn't want to talk to her, but he had no choice but to endure her company due to the lack of available rooms in the area.

 It was clear that his anger was getting the best of him as he responded to Lexie's comment about the complexity of the plac

"Of course it will not be difficult for us to navigate around here," he retorted in frustration. 

As Lexie gazed at Isiah, she couldn't help but admire his sharp features and muscular physique. Without thinking, she let out a compliment, " look much more handsome now. You've changed into a much cooler version of yourself."

Isiah's expression remained unchanged, and he continued to stare out the window, unresponsive to Lexie's words. 

It was clear that he didn't appreciate her flirting, even if it was unintentional.

Lexie's voice faltered as she spoke, "I just...just thought you should know," she said, avoiding his gaze. 

She could feel his intense glare burning into her, and she didn't want to face it. She was too insecure around him, feeling as if she didn't belong in his world.

 She couldn't help but feel emotional at the thought of growing older while looking like this.

"I bet you would have wanted Ethyl here with you," she muttered, her voice barely above a whisper. 

She regretted the words as soon as they left her mouth, but it was too late to take them back. 

Lexie couldn't help but feel envious of Ethyl, although she knew it was wrong. Ethyl was stunningly beautiful and seemed to have a natural allure that drew everyone towards her. 

Lexie, on the other hand, was self-conscious about her body. Her flat chest and unremarkable curves made her feel inferior, especially when compared to Ethyl's feminine and alluring figure.

The thought of him longing for someone else filled her with a deep sense of insecurity. Her mind raced with negative thoughts, and she began to feel like she was not deserving of his attention.

Lexie's emotions were overwhelming, and she struggled to keep them under control. She knew that her jealousy was irrational, but she couldn't help the way she felt.

Isiah's anger flared up when he heard Lexie's words. The mention of Ethyl made his blood boil and he couldn't believe that she had the audacity to bring up such a sensitive topic. He looked at her with a burning intensity, as if his eyes could pierce through her soul.

"What are you saying?" he asked, trying to keep his voice level despite the anger simmering inside of him.

Lexie, who was now panicking, continued to speak without realizing the severity of her words. "I just think that she is so beautiful to the point where you both would make an incredible couple," she said, her voice shaking slightly.

Isiah couldn't believe what he was hearing. He felt a mix of emotions - anger, frustration, and disbelief. "Who do you think you are?"he asked, his voice rising with each word. "I told you before, and I am not going to repeat it again. Never talk to me so lightly like this."

Isiah had had enough. He couldn't stand her presence anymore, and all he wanted to do was to leave that room .

 But as he was about to take a step, Lexie quickly blocked his path, shaking and fearful.

"Isiah, please don't go," she begged. "I promise I won't say anything like that to you again. Just please, don't leave me here alone."

Isiah looked at her, his eyes cold and filled with anger. He didn't want to touch her or even be near her, but he found himself grabbing her trembling hand.

As he held her palm in his, she winced in pain, but he didn't let go. He wanted her to remember every single thing she had done to him.

"Remember the night I left you to die in that dark, empty, and cold house?" he said, his voice low and menacing. "Remember that I only came back to you when I needed you the most? And remember that I was planning to leave you again after using you that night?"

Lexie's body shook with fear and her heart was pounding in her chest as Isiah deliberately hurt her with his grip. 

She struggled to maintain her composure and balance as she desperately tried to comprehend why he was being so cruel to her.

Suddenly, she leaned into him, resting her head on his broad chest. Despite his harsh words, she couldn't help but seek comfort in his strong arms. 

But as she hoped for some sort of solace, Isiah's hold on her hand tightened even further.

"You are nothing to me," he said coldly, his voice devoid of any emotion. "And you will never be anything more than a tool."

Lexie's voice was trembling with fear and regret as she desperately tried to explain herself to Isiah.

 She knew she had crossed a line by bringing up Ethyl, but she couldn't help the jealousy that consumed her whenever she saw the two of them together.

Isiah stopped in his tracks and slowly turned to face her. His eyes were cold and hard as he towered over her. "Close? What are you insinuating?" he spat out the words as if they were poison.

Lexie flinched at his tone, but she refused to back down. "I just meant that you and Ethyl seem to have a strong connection. I didn't mean anything by it."

Isiah's voice was icy as he said:" That bitch was the reason of Ciel's sickness...and she even dared to run away"

Lexie gasped as Isiah's words hit her like a ton of bricks. She had never seen him so angry before, and the venom in his voice sent shivers down her spine. 

She had no idea that Ethyl was connected to Ciel's illness in any way.

"I had no idea...I'm sorry," she stammered, feeling guilty for bringing up Ethyl's name.

Isiah didn't respond, and Lexie took a step closer to him.

 She could see the anger still simmering in his eyes, but she couldn't bear the thought of him walking away from her again.

"Isiah, please," she begged, reaching out to touch his arm. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. I just...I just wanted to talk to you."

Isiah looked down at her hand on his arm, then slowly met her gaze.

 Lexie felt a shiver run down her spine as their eyes locked, and she could feel the intensity of his emotions.

"I don't want to talk to you," he said finally, his voice cold and distant. "Not about this. Not about anything."

Lexie felt her heart sink at his words, but she refused to give up. She took a deep breath and squared her shoulders, determined to make him listen.

" Isiah…please" 

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