For Sale. Fallen Lady. Never Used.

Chapter 170: For The Yet Unknown Tales

Chapter 170: For The Yet Unknown Tales

And there, I saw a giant thorn bush made of blood that hardened like stone and crumbled.


I realized as I saw Iona staggering and falling from the crumbling bush.

The battle with Sophia had lasted too long.

At this rate… Iona wouldn’t last until reinforcements arrived.


Blood dripped from my bitten lip.

Blood as red as her falling hair.

Falling from that height wouldn’t kill Iona. Even if she was attacked by the cultists while defenseless, it would be the same.

A vampire’s vitality was astonishing.

Especially a vampire like Iona could fight even with her head cut off, holding her severed head.

But a vampire’s life force was not infinite. I knew it well because I had hunted them several times.

How long could Iona last?

30 minutes? 1 hour? Maybe she could easily last a few hours.

If we were lucky, she might even defeat our enemy, Ayla, in the meantime.

The problem was what would come after.

Iona wasn’t just facing Ayla.

Since I killed Sophia, Iona must be facing six archbishops by now.

Could the exhausted Iona win against them?

Especially since they were from different orders, they might have synergy among themselves.

Honestly, I think it would impossible.

At this rate, Iona would die.

It was just a matter of whether she died in vain or died gloriously after completing her revenge.

The outcome wouldn’t change much either way. So, what should I do?

…I already knew the answer.

As Iona said, all we had to do was run away.

Not only would Carla, Elisha, and I survive, but by the time Iris and the reinforcements arrive, they would sweep away the weakened cultists.

Killing seven archbishops and one cardinal in one go?

Not only would it be an incredible achievement, but it would also greatly weaken the cultists’ power.

Especially since we would be taking out one of the only two cardinals, one archbishop, and even their undead arsenal, the Intolerant Plunder would see its power reduced by more than half.

On the other hand, the only loss we would have to bear would be Iona.

When weighed on the scales, the outcome was crystal clear.

Even considering the contributions in the latter half, running away here would be far more beneficial.


The bitter taste of blood rising from my chewed lips.

This unpleasant taste kept reminding me of what happened just a while ago.

Iona’s trembling voice at the last moment. Her playful smile. The clearly visible lie. And her dark red hair falling.

All of those things were sharply embedded in my heart like thorns.

If I turn my back and flee now… these thorns would never leave me for the rest of my life.

And that’s because I had the exceptional ability to vividly remember everything.

I might become numb to the pain, but I would never be able to forget today’s choice.

It was just too much… I had come to know Iona too well.


I stopped in my tracks.

“Just a moment.”

“…Master? You can’t be serious.”

“Carla. Elisha. You guys go ahead. I have some business to take care of.”

“What are you saying, Master?! Let’s hurry! Hurry!”

“Right. You. I don’t know what you’re thinking, but did you really expect us to just nod along?”

Well… I expected as much.

I even ignored Iona’s advice to flee and try to go back.

Carla pulled me with more force despite my silence, and Elisha, arms crossed, stood firm.

I gently released Carla’s trembling wrist.


“It’s okay. I’m not going to die, Carla. In fact, I’m going to save myself. Think about it. If we can get Professor Iona on our side, how reassuring would it be when we face the Evil God?”

“That’s a problem for later! It means nothing if you die now!”

“I said I wouldn’t die….”

Scratching my head sheepishly for a moment, Elisha spoke up with a pointed tone.

“It took all three of us to face a single archbishop. And you’re going to dive into that hell alone?”

“I might not win. But I can make it through without dying.”

“That’s supposed to reassure me…?!”

I lightly stroked the angry Elisha’s cheek.

“You know it, right? If it’s anyone else, maybe not, but I can do it.”


Remembering my capabilities, Elisha hesitated for a moment, then tightly grasped my hand that was caressing her face.

“Ah! Forget it! If you’re going, I’m going too! If you’re not going, I’ll stay here! That’s what I’ve decided, so do as you please!”

“I feel the same, Master! We are your slaves, aren’t we? If Master dies, we won’t be free; we’ll just belong to someone else… I cannot accept any master other than you!”

This was troublesome.

Carla was strong but a traditional artillery magician.

Which meant that without someone to protect her, she couldn’t utilize her full strength.

Elisha was a competent battle magician, but it was still too much for her to break through that cultist group alone.

So, I had to go alone.

“There’s no other way.”

Sighing deeply, I focused my mind on the connection between us.

“[Carla. Elisha. Run away to a safe place now. And wait for Iris.]”

“Wait, Master…!”

“You! To go this far!”

Even as they protested, they obediently started running forward.

Glancing back at me and shouting something, they only turned away after I waved my hand lightly.


Had Iona regained consciousness for a moment? A fountain of blood erupted from the ground.

The blood that dyed the battlefield red soon turned into blood flames, fervently burning the blood-stained enemies.


-Guh, uh, uh, uh….

-Moto! Kimbia!

From ordinary skeletons to skeletons in armor that looked special at first glance, undead banshees, and fishermen of various outfits and sizes that came ashore.

Monsters below a certain level were instantly burned to death, and those who could withstand it spewed their anger at Iona’s massacre.

However, in this hellish scene, there were those who moved unaffected.

A transparent beast that swallowed space with its teeth marks in the air.

A strangely captivating pink beam that forcibly caught one’s gaze.

A woman wielding a dagger that seemed to melt into the air.

A muscular brute, stripped to the waist, thrashing and smashing everything within reach.

And many more displayed all sorts of divine powers of evil gods on the blood flames.

Among these, the most noticeable in the circus-like scene was Cardinal Ayla, who was watching.

Something was growing from her severed, empty shoulder; upon closer inspection, it was countless eyes sprouting and intertwining into the form of an arm.

Each one of them seemed to be an evil eye.

While using various abilities simultaneously seemed to lower the output somewhat, the eyes that formed as her arm were shooting lasers or emitting a murky aura.

All kinds of powers were being used at the same time.

I wondered how we could possibly win, but fortunately, Iona, befitting the name of a lord-level vampire, was holding her own impressively.

Launching weapons made of blood, causing blood clots to explode, and reducing mobility with a mist of blood.

She was employing all sorts of blood magic to engulf the surroundings in a dark red hue.

Demonstrating short-range teleportation, simple elemental magic, and even engaging in physical combat, it seemed like she was holding up well.

For now, that is.

The moment either her vitality or mana runs out would mark Iona’s end.

…So, was I supposed to go in there now?

Of course, I wasn’t planning to reverse the course of the battle directly.

I just needed to break through a field crawling with monsters, defeat not one but six formidable archbishops, and then avoid the attacks of Cardinal Ayla to reach Iona.

I quickly surveyed the battlefield to estimate my approach.

“It’s worth a shot.”

I pulled various support items from my inventory.

Elixirs that temporarily increased strength, agility, and magic power. A potion to eliminate scent and potions for continuous recovery of health and mana.

Additionally, mental elevation, pain alleviation, physical defense, magical defense, haste, sharp mind, silence, and so on.

I applied as many buffs as possible using various scrolls, and adorned myself with various resistance and defense magic tools.

Effects from the potions I had consumed while facing Sophia, such as undead assimilation, detoxification, and mental defense, still lingered, so those were covered.

To anyone looking, I might appear extravagantly prepared, but this was the best I could do under the circumstances.

Lastly, I donned the robe and mask that came as a set, and gripped the dagger and staff firmly in my hands.


The robe, absorbing my magic, turned transparent and blended my figure into the surroundings.

Due to the numerous buffs, the robe’s concealment wasn’t perfect, but… it didn’t matter.

It was practically a melee, anyway. This level of disguise wouldn’t even be noticed.


I took a deep breath and kicked off the ground.


Thanks to the increased agility stat and various buffs, I quickly approached the battlefield.

Amidst the curses, screams, and bloodthirsty howls, I plunged into the fray.

Hadn’t I said I wasn’t sure what to say to Iona or what I wanted to say?

Now, I think I’m beginning to understand.

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