For Sale. Fallen Lady. Never Used.

Chapter 181: For The Yet Unknown Tales (12)

Chapter 181: For The Yet Unknown Tales (12)

Since when were there six magicians floating behind Ayla?

Wearing robes and masks, they emanated a suspicious aura of oppression… Somehow, they looked familiar.


Did Iris arrive?

While I was lost in hallucinations, the Archbishop of Sloth must have died, lifting the barrier that blocked spatial movements.

Realizing this, she must have teleported immediately.

The other five must be Carla and Elisha, and the elf family that should have been at the mansion.

Seeing Ayla preparing something as soon as they arrived, it was natural that they were also preparing to intercept immediately.


From where Iris and her group were, an immense amount of mana surged up. Soon after, a barrage of magic followed.

Bang! Boom! Boom!

High-level, intermediate, and low-level. Regardless of type, they were all shot at Ayla simultaneously.

As if lightning struck from the sky, storms of ice swept through, and giant rocks fell.

In an instant, eyes that were proliferating over Ayla’s body ignited and burst.

Trying to resist, she wildly deployed her magical eye powers with green glowing eyes… but maybe because she was still transforming, the power and direction of the magical eyes were all over the place.

The magical eyes were emitting them in all directions. To anyone, Ayla looked like a bomb about to explode. Iona then gave a slightly bitter smile.

“I don’t know who they are, but they alone won’t be able to bring her down quickly. I’ll have to finish this.”

Muttering a high-speed incantation, a massive amount of mana roared like a trembling heart, and a large amount of blood flowed from Iona’s wrist.

Unlike before, the blood now didn’t just bulk up but clustered together, increasing its density.

That formed a sphere of black that was almost a deep red in color.

As Iona reached out, the sphere elongated as if someone had pulled it, becoming just the right size to grip.

Its shape was crude, resembling a spike or a spear, but the tip was terrifyingly sharp.

To call it a simple blood magic weapon would be an understatement, given the density of the blood. Moreover, the threatening aura that rose around the spear.

Even compared to the high-level magic that was freely thrown around at the start of the fight, it looked no less powerful.

As the magic Iris and her group had prepared seemed to be running out, the intervals between spells grew longer.

Having finished the incantation, Iona, holding me with one arm and the spiked spear in the other, recited the activation word.

“…Pierce. Chephesh.”

The view accelerated suddenly. The spear named Chephesh flew forward, and we were dragged along.

Some magical eyes hit me, but Iona stepped forward as if to protect me and continued to break through.

And a moment later.

Suddenly, we were in front of Ayla, whose body, except for the upper torso, was eroded.


Ayla, her heart pierced by Chephesh, spat out black blood.

Was that some kind of signal? Her green magical glow flickered wildly as if broken, and they went out one by one.

Watching her own magic extend a dark red aura from the wound, Iona slowly raised her head.

“Ayla. It’s over now.”

“Sister… my sister…”

“Got anything you want to say?”


After coughing up blood, Ayla pulled up the corners of her trembling lips.

That expression… strikingly resembled Iona.

“I wish… sister would die… like me… no, suffer even more than me…”


Over 300 years had passed, and even facing death, the younger sister’s curse naturally came out.

In front of that, Iona faintly smiled.

“Me too.”


The spike spear was embedded deeper. As if that were a signal, the dark red energy burrowing into Ayla’s body suddenly changed form.


Blood-red thorns sprouted from what remained of Ayla’s upper body.

Crushing the glowing eyes, tearing apart her upper body that was still intact, and finally covering her face that bore a similar expression to Iona’s.

All that remained was one sharp, giant thorn.

Only then did Iona release her grip on the spear and slowly descend to the ground.

The moment Iona’s feet touched the ground.


Ayla, who had been floating above, exploded.


Iona, standing blankly, looked up at the sky, hit by the rain of blood drops.

What was she thinking right now?

Was it simply that she couldn’t believe it? Perhaps she was recalling the faces of her dead clan members. Maybe she was mourning Ayla’s death.

I didn’t know the feelings after achieving revenge. I didn’t know the feelings after killing one’s own family.

But what was certain was that Iona’s story had come to a conclusion here.

There was no story beyond this point in H&A.

After Iona’s revenge, the protagonist’s group immediately defeats the final boss and reaches the ending.

So even though I knew the staff roll, I had no idea what kind of life Iona would lead from now on.

…A sudden anxiety surged.

Now that she had taken revenge, was there no reason for her to hold her academy professorship anymore?

There was nothing left to bind Iona. Whether for her clan’s revival or to settle her own heart. She could leave the academy whenever she wanted.

With that thought, my mouth moved on its own.



“Shall we kiss?”


Iona, taken aback, laughed.

“Just kidding.”

“Ah, haha… Yandel, that’s a problematic joke.”

“Instead, please drink my blood.”

“What? Now?”

“Yes. Now. You’ve expended a lot from the magic just now, haven’t you?”

“Well, that’s true, but…”


Wrapping her trembling arm, I pulled Iona towards me.

Then, I tilted my head on Iona’s shoulder, positioning my neck in a convenient spot for her.

“Um, Yandel? This might be because of the charms or side effects of vampirism I picked up in the fight…”

“Just do it quickly.”


Iona fumbled with her lips, not knowing what to do, but then suddenly flinched and stared blankly at my neck.

As if she had made up her mind, Iona opened her mouth wide.


The sensation of fangs burrowing into my skin. Another session of bloodsucking ensued. How many times was it today? I couldn’t count.

From the bitten spot, a hot sensation bloomed.

Her soft lips, ticklish breath, and cool body temperature couldn’t hide the pleasure that reasonably melted my mind.

Thus, we became one.

Even as I was deluded by hallucinations, I felt Iona’s presence strongly.

Likely, Iona was feeling my presence just as strongly.

After achieving revenge, the thrill and the emptiness that followed. Plans for the future. Mourning for the dead.

All of these would fade into the background, and only I would fill her thoughts.

“Huu… haah…”

Iona’s nasal breath echoed in my ears.

We mixed together, softly stirring each other’s senses.

This would surely imprint me deeply in Iona’s mind.

There was also the justification of repaying a life debt, so she couldn’t just easily leave. Surely, she would be a great help in my journey ahead…

…No, forget such excuses.

I just wished that Iona wouldn’t die. I hoped that Iona would always be by my side.

I wished to be part of the unknown stories yet to come.

Maybe, as I had said a moment ago, she was weakened and enchanted.

But what did it matter?

I wanted Iona. And Iona wanted me.

Wasn’t that enough?

With my mind pleasantly fuzzy, I tightened my arms around Iona.

I won’t let go…

“Aaaaah!! Step away from my master, you despicable vampire! Get off, I say…!”

A familiar voice snapped me back to reality.

Right, there are other people here now.

I glanced down slyly, and there was Iris, urgently prodding Iona’s side.

It seemed she couldn’t hit hard since I was still attached.

…Did I go too far?

Feeling it was about time, I lightly patted Iona on the back.

“Uh, Professor? Could you stop now, please?”


With a nasal sound as her response, Iona nodded and slowly withdrew her fangs.

Something tepid trickled down my neck.

It was either my blood or Iona’s saliva.

While I was slightly dazed from being drained a bit.



Iona began to gently lick my neck as if she were a cat.

“Th-this is unreasonable! Step away! I refuse to acknowledge a master of the master!

Iris jumped up, trying to cast an attack spell.

Faced with an unexpectedly violent reaction, Iona hastily gestured with her hands and pushed me away.

“It’s just to stop the bleeding! I didn’t even try to turn him, so don’t worry!”

“Ugh… if that’s the case… it’s alright.”

Puffing up her cheeks as if not convinced, Iris, seeing that I was safe, canceled the spell she was casting.

Amid this familiar scene, I couldn’t help but burst out laughing.


Iona, who had stolen a kiss, playfully whispered.

“That’s the punishment for trying to tease the professor.”

“Ah, um…”

As Iona stepped back, she beamed a bright smile.

“With that, we’ll call today’s events even!”


It was indeed a surprise, but it was then that I realized what I had done to Iona.

And there, beside me, were Iris, Carla, and Elisha, all with their mouths agape in shock.

…It would be fine, right?

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