For Sale. Fallen Lady. Never Used.

Chapter 23: This Entrance Exam Is Safe (1)

Chapter 23: This Entrance Exam Is Safe (1)


【You have mastered Low-Level Magic: Wind Cutter (E)】

【You have mastered your first low-level magic. Your Clumsy Magic (F) characteristic has been upgraded to a Low-Level Mage (E)】

【Low-Level Mage (E)】

You are a mage who has just stepped beyond the basics.

While still not enough to be considered a full-fledged mage, you have some potential.

Learn more magic and increase the proficiency of the magic you have mastered.

- > The effectiveness of magic increases by 5%.

- > The casting speed increases slightly.

Mastered Magic: Tinder, Water, Wind, Terra, Shock, Force, Wind Cutter

“So, it worked.”

I never thought I’d manage to master low-level magic while traveling in a carriage.

Now I understand how the protagonist in the game was able to learn magic all by himself.

But wasn’t this status window adjustment a lot?

Carla, who was staring blankly at the sharp blade of wind hanging in the air, suddenly turned to look at me.

“This isn’t something you can just brush off with a ‘so it worked,’ Master! Three days? You learned low-level magic in just three days?!”

“I guess I timed it perfectly for the Academy’s arrival date?”

Beyond the carriage window, I saw large spires and a uniquely modern atmosphere blended into the city.

It seemed like we were outside the human-populated Levantin Empire since I could see many different races in this place.

As I proudly nodded, looking at the scenery, Carla shook her head as if she couldn’t believe it.

“Master, just because it’s called ‘low-level’ magic doesn’t mean it’s trivial.”

“I know.”

Basic magic focused solely on invoking phenomena.

Tinder created a flame the size of a matchstick, water produced about a cupful of water, and Shock generated an electric current just a bit more painful than static electricity.

That was all there was to it. You could only invoke these phenomena.

But low-level magic was different.

You could manipulate the phenomena you conjure according to your will and produce meaningful results such as attacks or defenses.

That was why mastering low-level magic was the first step toward being recognized as a mage.

The problem was that you couldn’t make do with just low-level magic for what lay ahead.

I chuckled and patted Carla’s nose.

“In a way, isn’t it to be expected? Not only did you teach me every little detail, but you also directly demonstrated how to channel magical power. Add my own talent to that, and it’s only natural that things would turn out this way.”

“You’re right, but still, how could you…?”

Carla blinked her ruby-colored eyes, still bewildered.

She eventually let out a sigh and nodded.

“No, you’re right, Master. Given that it’s you, this is only natural. You’re destined to become an even greater mage.”

Her response came from her belief that I was an Awakened of Dragon’s Blood, like her ancestors.

Instead of answering, I simply shrugged my shoulders and turned to look out the window again.

The city, with its multiple spires lined up in the center, was getting closer.

We were nearing the Academy.

The Academy was established more than 300 years ago, and it followed the legacy of the hero Rahim, who ended the fight between the good and evil Gods.

It was the first and foremost educational institution on the Eurelia Continent, gathering all the talents in one place.

If you had the talent, it didn’t matter what your background was. You would be accepted. Not to mention, your career after graduation was almost guaranteed, so the number of applicants was staggeringly high.

However, the actual number of people who could enter the Academy was not that great.

What the Academy desired was nothing less than the best talent.

It wasn’t an easy feat.

“Damn it!”

Cursing, someone resembling a wolf beast man roughly stepped out of the exam hall. With only an awkward level of talent, they couldn’t even cross the threshold.

It was a sight you could often see while standing in line for the entrance exam.

“Well, I’m not concerned. Right, Carla?”

“Of course. Master, you have more than enough magical power to qualify, and you’ve also learned low-level magic this time. By the way, Master, are you really planning to bring me into the dormitory?”

“Obviously. Who else will attend to me if you’re not there?”

“Don’t they assign a servant to students who don’t have one at the Academy?”

I leaned close to Carla’s ear, making sure no one around could hear, and whispered,

“I was talking about nighttime attendance.”


The Academy was a place for learning.

It was unlikely that they’d burden students, who had been handpicked from across the continent, with menial tasks.

Up to two servants could accompany students to ensure a comfortable lifestyle. If you didn’t have a servant, the Academy would assign one to you.

It was a kind of consideration to allow students to focus solely on their studies.

Of course, laying a hand on a servant assigned by the Academy was off-limits.

Which was why I wasn’t referring to the servant they would send.


Carla showed a subtle expression, as if uncertain whether to like or dislike what I’d just said.

Well, it was understandable. After all, Carla was originally an Academy student, and not just any student but a 4th-year top scholar in the Magical Studies Department.

I’ve heard whispers about Carla’s existence inside the Academy in the early chapters of H&A. Conversations among extras, such as ‘That beautiful and talented senior has fallen into slavery… Social circles can be scary!’

In other words, there were quite a few people in the Academy who still remembered Carla.

So Carla was coming back to the Academy, serving as a freshman’s servant, with a slave mark plainly visible around her neck?

She would attract enormous attention. It would be awkward for Carla if she ran into anyone she knew. But still…

“If you’re worried about what people will think, you shouldn’t be.”


Carla seemed bewildered by my sudden comment.

I stroked her platinum-colored hair and whispered into her exposed ear again,

“Carla, you are my slave, not anyone else’s. The only person you need to obey, consider, or impress is me. And who else would I learn magic from without you?”


Carla clasped her hands in front of her chest, her face flushed. Her chest was unintentionally emphasized by her arms, and her eyes were moist.

She appeared quite moved, but it didn’t last long.

With Carla’s level of beauty, she would stand out just by being there, let alone posing like that. We attracted even more attention from the people around us.

Maybe that was why a group of people who were in line for the entrance exam approached us.

Her sky-blue hair, not just wavy but curled, reminded one of a clear sky.

Similarly, her light blue eyes evoked pure ice.

Her somewhat revealing dress emphasized her superior innate magical power, but the high-quality robe-like cape she wore over it ensured she wouldn’t appear vulgar.

However, the most noticeable feature was her elongated, distinctively exposed ears.

It wasn’t just that the tips were pointed. Such elongated ears were a feature of High Elves, indicating a special lineage among elves.

A woman who looked like a young lady from a distinguished family, leading two maids, stopped right in front of us.


Her voice had a tone more exquisite than most musical instruments.

However, the words that followed were a waste of her tone, resembling simple provocation.

“It’s been a while, Lindelheit’s Young Mistress. Or should I call you just Carla now?”


Elisha unfolded her fan with a flourish and hid her lips behind it, speaking in a mocking tone.

“Oh, my? Slaves these days seem to lack manners. To think you’d casually call me by name when I’m the heir to the Sylvan Magic Tower and carry the blood of high elves.”

Carla stood rigid, unable to speak.


Wow, to run into her here. Unlike Carla, whom you could only meet as a boss in the game, Elisha Sylvan Glenchiel could become a formal companion if you met a few conditions. Not only were the recruitment conditions not particularly stringent, but she was also considered essential for newbies due to her significant magical prowess.

However, it seemed like there was some connection between Carla and Elisha, although it didn’t appear to be a good one. The two never met in the game, so the backstory intrigued me. But there was something else to be dealt with first.

I bowed my head respectfully towards Elisha and started speaking.

“I sincerely apologize if my slave has offended you, Lady Glenchiel. She still doesn’t quite understand her position, so I beg your leniency.”

After entering the Academy, it might be okay to rely on the regulations and be a little bold, but we haven’t even taken the entrance exams yet. Causing unnecessary trouble that could get me expelled from the exam would be problematic.

I wondered if my immediate apology pleased her.

Elisha’s sky-blue eyes curled into crescent shapes. She folded her fan and gently placed it on my shoulder as she whispered,

“I think I heard something about night service…”

“You truly are Lady Glenchiel. I thought it was just a small whisper, but you heard it.”

“Hehe, high elves have senses that exceed what is commonly known.”

Elisha’s ears twitched as if pleased. Then, she spoke loud enough that those who were around us could hear.

“I don’t know from which noble family you hail, but you seem to lack the skills to manage slaves. These lowly beings should be strictly disciplined.”

Was it my appearance and clean-cut outfit? She seemed to mistake me for the child of some noble family.

Even though her attitude seemed to belittle me, I had to admit that Elisha was in a position that allowed her that kind of behavior. After bringing up the term ‘night service,’ she suggested that slaves should be ‘strictly disciplined.’ It seemed she was hinting at some form of punishment. The last part she said aloud was probably to indicate that she had graciously forgiven me.

Thinking how exhausting nobility could be, I managed to put on my best ingratiating smile.

“Thank you for your concern. I’ll take this opportunity to educate her and correct her behavior.”

At the word ‘educate,’ Carla, who seemed to recall something from her past, visibly trembled like a rabbit in front of a predator.

Seeing this, Elisha looked satisfied and patted my shoulder.

“If you say so, I can’t complain. Everyone makes mistakes, but remember, I won’t tolerate them twice. I’ll be watching.”

Without waiting for my response, Elisha moved away. Judging by how she was leaving the line, it appeared she had already completed her exam.

I slowly looked up, and Carla was restlessly bowing her head towards me.

“I’m sorry. Because of me, you had to apologize to Elisha… I mean, Lady Glenchiel. Whatever punishment is waiting, I’ll take it courageously. So after you’ve vented your anger on me, please, Master, forgive me…”

“What? You were worried about that? Don’t worry about it.”

“Master, it’s not that simple. Being on Lady Glenchiel’s radar means…”

Carla went on to explain how much influence and talent Elisha had and what she could do if she wanted to. But the odds of what Carla was talking about actually happening seemed slim.

After all, Elisha would soon fall from grace herself.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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