For The Glory Of Sitia Empire

Chapter 11

Chapter 11

Bertha:" it can not be, your highness. There must have been a mistake ".

'Nervous '

Roosevelt:" that is right your highness, we all had an alibi at that time".

'Confused '

Eleanor:" I believe your grace might have misunderstood something, we all respected our father and meant no harm to him".


Adelaide:" yes, yes! We would never hurt him ".

'Guilty '

Ajiad:" I agree with them, your highness ".

'Confident '

Lennox closed his eyes and placed the teacup on the small table in front of him. When he reopened them everyone sensed cold sweat run down their spine as if blood-thirsty monster's eyes were staring at their souls. The feeling of something sharp shoving inside their chests and ripping their hearts like a piece of paper by one glance from him was no joke, at the end of every word Lennox said, someone would shudder.

"So, are you saying that I am wrong?".

It has always been like that, some might think of it as a skill or a kind of magic. But no one would have thought it was only a natural reaction of humans towards the actual being of Lennox. Although Lennox would suppress his pheromones most of the time, there had been occasions when he was in rage or pissed off, which caused it to leak out.

At the time everyone was paralyzed by the overwhelming aura Lennox was flowing, Ajiad took the initiative to compose him. He bowed earnestly and said in a loud, yet respectful tone:" your highness please calm your anger, these lowly ones were foolish. And dare not oppose your grace ".

Back to his sense, Roosevelt felt ashamed of himself for shivering in fear while the young man bravely stood for them. He bowed formally, his right hand on his left chest and said solemnly:" we bid your forgiveness, these fellows shall accept your punishment. But if your highness would be generous upon us and look at the matter again".

After realizing that he had wasted his precious sleeping time for playing this shitty detective-murderer game Lennox rolled his eyes and formed an obviously disgusted expression.

He clicked his tongue before saying:" just whatever, I will end this quickly ".

Usually, Lennox would need 12 hours of sleeping daily, although in winter he sleeps for 18 hours, the usual is 12. However today Lennox woke up after only 6 hours. He is tired, sleepy, annoyed, bored, and kinda lacking in sugar 'cause a certain zombie forgot to bring some. Thus dark circles began to appear under his eyes, looking like two abundant old wells. Yet his face still appeared delicate and noble.

Lennox leaned his back on the cushion heavily, he supported his leg with the other and said indifferently:" you see people, in your situation you got a killer, a thief, and the real target ".

" What does your highness mean by 'real target '?" Bertha asked.

"Just as it means" Lennox answered, "the killer better say his commander, mistook the previous Earl with the person he wanted to kill".

Hearing this, the suspiciouslyunsuspicious maid flinched. She managed to keep her face calm, yet her eyes shrank slightly.

He continued:" they were supposed to assassin that whore but they seem to have mixed between them," Lennox said while pointing at Adelaide by raising his eyebrows.

After conforming who Lennox meant by 'whore', Roosevelt jumped in rage, to call his sister in that insulting word and in front of him. He had just offended the whole family.

Lennox easily read the thoughts that are showing on the man's face. And before he could say anything Lennox loudly said in a threatening tone: "Roosevelt. I don't like being interrupted ".

Roosevelt bit his lower lip and crossed his brow, trying to restrain himself.

"However " Lennox continued:" I do understand that you are offended, so I will explain things to you since you are that much ignorant ".

Lennox sighed and murmured under his breath: "no wonder you don't know about the child ".

His voice was low, yet could be heard. Roosevelt quickly raised his head looking at Lennox with confusion mixed with hope and a hidden layer of sorrow.

" Your highness, what did you just say?!" Roosevelt asked.

Now that he had accidentally butted in an annoying family matter with a long ass story, Lennox couldn't help but silently cry in his heart.

Lennox:" I did not say that in purpose, this matter does not concern me".

Roosevelt desperately called:" but your highness ".

Lennox cut him off saying:" Roosevelt, are you aware that this is a sensitive topic of your family? An outsider can not interfere, you should discuss it with Bertha, I believe she knows about it better ".

Bertha flinched once she heard her name. She traded a glance with Roosevelt, her eyes trembled not in fear but in guilt and pity.

Henry Raj took that paused moment and Whispered by Lennox's' side.

Henry Raj:" your grace, it has been quite a while since lady Everly went searching. Maybe I should go".

Lennox quickly said:" you stay here and hold that glass, don't think the old man can save you from me ".

Lennox stood leisurely:" back to our original subject ".

He walked towards the umbrella butler, and the latter extended his hand that carried a long violette sword designed by golden leaves. Lennox unsheathed the sword and swung it around while saying.

"The one who sinned shall be executed, the one who followed the orders of their master shall be held captive, the one who hid the truth shall be looked over by the Emperor ".

In a blink of an eye, Lennox turned and pointed his sword at Adelaide.

" second daughter of the Alphonsus, if you confess now, I may grant you a painless death".

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