For The Glory Of Sitia Empire

Chapter 20

Chapter 20

"Hiding? From whom?" Lennox asked.

With a tear hanging at the corner of her eye, Everly answered: "from lady Anna".

Lennox:" She caught you? Not wonder you look so........unsightly ".

Indeed, at that moment Everlys' appearance wasn't the best in her life. She was covered in heavy makeup, one barely would recognize her, flashy dress with lots of layers and a strange haircut.

Everly slowly nodded with a depressed face. Seems like she hardly escaped from Annasophy and decided to hid in Lennoxs' room, since no one would dare step inside it carelessly.

Lennox pushed the blankets aside and jumped off the bed, with a slight frown he said:" haa, whatever. Just stay here, I will wash up and come back ".

He pressed a button next to his bed, then left to the next room, which seemingly was a vast luxurious bathroom.

Everly laid on Lennoxs' bed staring at the ceiling, hugging or punching his pillows and feeling bored.

A minute passed when the door soundlessly opened. And the umbrella butler walked in slowly, he was startled after seeing Everly lazily laying on Lennoxs' bed, looking somehow heavy on the eyes.

However, he didn't stare long and followed to where Lennox just went to.


After properly washing and dressing, Lennox left his quarters, surely Everly tugged behind. The curtains were tightly shut all the way on the corridor, only flames and candles illuminating their way. Seems like, the servants had already known that Lennox was awake and took their precautions.

Lennox walked directly to the stairs, but suddenly his steps came to a halt. He turned to the umbrella butler asking:" where is the old man now?".

The umbrella butler bowed slightly, he answered in a firm but low voice:" I believe his majesty is resting in his chambers at the moment ".

Lennox idly said: "good. Tell them to bring my meal there. And call Rachel over".

"As you wish, your highness ".

Lennox grabbed Everlys' collar and heeded to Jennings quarters. He kicked the door open with a calm face as if he was doing something he used to.

Jennings, who was only one second apart from falling asleep, jolted up feeling alarmed but seeing that the invader was the troublesome son of his. He laid back in his bed, ignoring Lennox completely.

Being treated like empty air surely wouldn't please Lennox, he snatched a cushion from the long seat next to him and threw it on Jennings shouting:" GET YOUR ASS HERE YOU OLD GEEZER!!!".

Jennings pushed the blankets looking annoyed, he grabbed a red robe at the side of his bed.

Jennings said with fake anger:" Lennox, son, I might be easy as a father. But you should remember that I am an Emperor as well".

Lennox barked loudly: "you are the most terrible parent I have ever seen" he pulled Everly so Jennings can see her closer, Lennox continued: "look at how ugly she looks, and I had to see this the moment I woke up from my peaceful slumber".

It wasn't peaceful, but Everlys' appearance at that time was absolutely not something they could just wash it and forget about it. It's the same as to have someone slap you on the face for no reason, then you should just forget that it happened.

Jennings frowned slightly, he stared at her until he couldn't stare anymore. With a deep sigh, he said:" Anna did all of this?".

Lennox:" and who else besides that bitch would do it".

Lennox hadn't yet finished his sentence, when the door was knocked.

" pardon my Intrusion, your majesty. We have brought prince Lennoxs' breakfast ".

Lennox answered instead:" come in".

The footmen soundlessly organized the plates on the table.

Jennings:" why are you eating in my room?!".

Lennox said while walking to the small table:" isn't there something you wanted to say to me? Here I am ".

Jennings sat at the opposite sid to Lennox with Everly sitting on his lap, Jennings said:" what makes you think so?".

Lennox answered indifferently:" instinct".

Again, the door knocked. This time, the voice belonged to a woman.

Lennox answered:" come in, Rachel ".

That was Rachel indeed, she curtsied to both Lennox and Jennings. And the moment Rachel raised her head, she was paralyzed by the unexpected scene.

Only a few hours ago, she put the cute Everly in a little cute dress with cute flowers, and tied her cute hair in a cute ponytail, Making her looking exceptionally super cute.

Then what is this!!!!!!

Why does she look like a short ugly clown?!!!

Lennox pointed at Everly by his thumb, saying to Rachel:" come take this ball of bullshit and return her to normal ".

Even without him telling her, Rachel was already thinking of taking Everly to another painful bath, scrubbing that strange paint on her face. She immediately rushed outside after picking up Everly from Jennings lap.

Yet before Rachel steps out of the door, Lennox called for her:" and clothe her in something practical, I am taking her out for a ride ".

Rachel affirmed clearly, then instantly left the room.

Lennox waved to the footmen to leave as well, and so they did. Only after the room was empty did Lennox speak, he said before biting a mouthful of bread: "so~ what are we supposed to talk about?".

Jennings:" tell me the truth, Lennox. Are you doing something unreasonable like spreading spies in the nobles houses?".

"Huh?!!" Lennox said with one brow raised:" why would you think that so, if I wanted to know something, who and what can confuse me?".

Jennings took a sip of the tea that the servants poured before leaving, he said:" it's just that there are few things that sounds fishy".

Lennox said with a whole poached egg in his mouth:" ely? li wat? ( really? Like what?)".

Jennings, who has already given up on altering Lennoxs' behaviours and manners when there are no strangers around him, shook his head a couple of times.

He said:" like how did you know about the replica, or about lady Adelaides' affairs, or about mister Eleanors' actions at that night. To be frank, everything seems fishy".

Lennox:" why do you need to know that? I sorted it out, forget it".

Jennings:" yeah it's done, but I need to record the accident with whole details. In case it becomes a necessity for someone in future".

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