For The Glory Of Sitia Empire

Chapter 26

Chapter 26

At morning, after carefully and soundlessly snatching Everly from Lennoxs' bed, Rachel spent half an hour firmly scolding Everly for staying with Lennox for too long. Be it his sister or his granddaughter, Lennox would never show favour for someone just because they were related by blood.

If Lennoxs' theory was right, it doesn't necessarily mean that Everly is his sister. Even if she was his sister it can not guarantee her safety, and Rachel very much understood this.

After all, she was the only one who agreed to take care of Lennox since his birth, and the one who stayed the longest by his side.

The moment Rachel was done feeding and dressing her, Everly launched to the throne hall where Jennings was supposed to be at this time of the day. As expected, Jennings was there sitting on his throne looking shiny and graceful, but the crowd of unfamiliar faces was out of the normal.

It was obvious that they were aristocrat and generals.

Everly hesitated whether she should break through these people or return to her room when a gentle hand rested on her head.

" Everly? What are doing here?".

The first thing that caught Everlys' eyes was the copper shimmering long silky hair, then the familiar handsome face.

It was Carson.

Everly pointed at the crowd and said in a depressed tone:" I want to go to his majesty ".

It was sure that Jennings at the moment had no time to play around and babysit Everly, however, Carson pretty much knew that whenever Everly would approach Jennings, he never sent her away no matter how busy he was. Besides, the girl is way too easy to distract, just give her a pen and she will play with it for half an hour.

Carson said after a pause:" fine, I will take you there. But you have to promise me not to make troubles for his majesty, there is already enough crazy things happening there".

Even though Everly was trying to make a solemn expression, she was still looking loveable while saying:" I promise not to make any".

Carson held Everly on his arms and quietly walked closer to the throne, the hall was already in uproar thus no one actually noticed them.

" so you suggest we leave them be?".

" It can not be helped, we have sent over a hundred one elites knights, and none survived, even magicians could not break the mist formation ".

" I agree, pouring water into a bottomless well is useless".

" then what shall we do if that thing decided to move to another location? Are we supposed to throw every city it evades?".

" if only we could reach to general Egerton".

"Silence", his voice wasn't loud, yet clear and commanding.

With one word from Jennings, the whole hall fell in deep silence. He spoke in a dignified tone:" general Egerton whereabouts are unknown for the meantime, in addition, he will not return to the capital any soon".

Whispers exploded in the long hall, if general Egerton, the strongest in Sitia Empire and the most experienced with the beasts and monsters, then what are they supposed to do.

Jennings continued:" for now, focus on sorting the monsters' species ".

He was yet to finish his words when the sounds of whispers could be heard faintly from the side.

" come on, it looks pretty. Please don't take them off".

" I can't appear like this in front of his majesty and the nobles ".

It looks that while they were having a solemn conversation, Everly managed to snatch few flowers off the decoration and warped them on Carsons' long hair.

Jennings called softly:" Everly? Ah, dear, come to here".

Hearing her name, Everly fiercely flinched before slowly turning her head towards Jennings with a guilty expression.

She shook her head twice saying in a low voice:" it's fine, I promised not to make troubles ".

Jennings knotted his brows and extended his hand, saying gently:" What troubles? You never made any. Come here, dear ".

Carson carefully put Everly down, then she rushed to Jennings hopping.

The knights and nobles were blankly staring at Jennings who was ignoring them to cuddle with a dinky little girl.

Everly said while comfortably sitting on Jennings lap:" ah, your majesty. You said something about a monster, do you want me to help?".

Jennings slowly stroke Everlys' hair saying:" will you help?".

Under her master's teaching, Everly became quite well educated when it comes to beasts and monsters. At the beginning of her life she travelled around the continent with her master and brother, they worked as hunters and faced numerous types of monsters, and naturally, Everly gained some of their knowledge and skills.

Everly nodded quickly and energetically, Jennings chuckled fairly, he turned to one of the knights saying: "go ahead and tell her".

The knight jolted in confusion:" huh?".

Jennings raised a brow and coldly said:" should I repeat myself?".

The knight startled, he quickly said:" not at all, your majesty. Please forgive this lowly one for his foolishness ", he bowed in 90 then inhaled deeply before saying:" a 200 feets beast appeared in the southern border, it invaded Yusfin city and branded it as his nest. Seemingly the beast is at least A class monster. However we could not confirm it's race due to the mist formation it casted, we even sent several groups of high-class knights but none returned ".

Everly blinked twice, then asked with dumb expression:" mist? Is it red and smells like two months old salted fish?".

The knight hesitated to answer, how could he know how two months old salted fish is supposed to smell like? He gathered some courage and cleared his throat saying:" indeed as the young lady said the mist is red, however, I am not sure about how it smells like. Please pardon my ill-knowledged self ".

Everly said as if she lost her interest:" well, if it was red then that's mean a single-eyed Shol laid it's eggs there, and casted the formation to protect it. If it smells strange then the Shol died, and they usually die after laying eggs ".

One of the nobles responded with a fake smile:" my lady is quite knowledged. unfortunately, we can not depend solely on a mere guess. You see, if the monster was dead, then what explains our precious knight's disappearance".

Everly said pouting:" ha? Mister, are you perhaps marquis Ruess?".

Baxter Ruess was taken aback first, but then he bowed with the same fake smile saying:" I am honoured that my lady recognized me".

Everly quickly exclaimed innocently:" ah, I see now why you are asking, don't worry, Lennox told me yesterday that you have a disability and can't understand very well. It's fine, I will explain, I will explain".

Baxter Ruess face instantly changed from white to blue to green, all sorts of colours, until finely it settled on red

Jennings quickly hid his laughter under a cough, while Carson turned to face the wall, laughing silently making his body shakes like an old washing machine.

Jennings somehow managed to put on a calm face, he fixed Everlys' seat, he said:" Everly, honey. This is wrong you must not say this about people, and Lennox is just a child like you, he doesn't know a lot".

Everly angrily said while pointing at Baxter Ruess:" then why he is not understanding, it can't be because he is an idiot ".

In a second, both Jennings and Carson burst out in laughter.

Such an unsightly act of an imperial member to do in public.

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