For The Glory Of Sitia Empire

Chapter 34

Chapter 34

Now that the preparations were completed, was there a reason for him to slack off?

With both his palms, Lennox slammed the edge of the magical circle causing it to instantly glow and burst in heat.

The flames speedily circled around Lennox and dramatically grew larger, generating a forceful fire cyclone. Seeing the burning flames advancing towards him at full speed, Sandro dashed away like a bat out of hell.

'Heavens!!! that was too close, the bastard doesn't even care if he killed us accidentally'

Now that things tensed out, Kai assumed that he really need to get Everly out of that beast before Lennox burn them all together. As Everly told him, with activating the power cristal to boost the magic on his arrows, kai aimed at the Shols' head, exactly at the empty hole that Everly left.

As Sandro has long since released the chain, the beast has been swinging his long neck randomly hitting anything reachable, which gave Kai quiet hard time, however, he is an elite knight, few seconds of concentration would provide him with a perfect opportunity.

And once the opportunity arrived, Kai directed three arrows in a row, piercing its head through the large empty space. The moment the Shols' body dropped dead, Kai immediately ran to it.

"Milady!!!! Milady!!!!".

After calling for her few times, Everly finally responded by piercing her sword from the inside so Kai could locate her. Immediately after seeing the swords' tip, Kai pulled a long knife from his belt, stabbing and slashing the monsters' abdomen. At last, he managed to open a path enough for Everly to crawl from, she barley pulled her leg out when a sudden stream burst out of nowhere, too strong that it sent her flying couples of feet away.


Seems like by the time Lennox was done with the eggs and parasites, he turned to hurriedly finish the Shol off but was struck with the scene of Everly covered in guts and purple sticky fluids. Instantly, waves of goosebumps raised in his back, without even reconsidering her physical condition, Lennox pulled a card and used all that has left of his mana to generate a stream of clean water.


When the waves pouring on her stopped, the Shols' corpse has already been turned to ashes not even leaving the spilt blood on the ground.

Everly jumped on her feet, frustrated, she said:" why did you do that?!!, you dog Lennox!!! ".

Annoyed, Lennox answered with raised brows:" this is my line, dumbass Everly. Is it fun swimming in guts? Or did your brain lost its last two cells?".

Everly chewed her words, and again after a pause, she said pouting:" master said that the Shols' eye is poisonous for humans, even little drops can kill them. It will be fine if they were covered, but mister Kai isn't wearing armour and I don't want him to die".

At first, Lennox was nonplussed by her answer, but he soon regained his composure. Shifting his gaze to Kai saying dryly:" which reminds me. Kai, you were about to cry when I said I didn't need an armour, but look at you, not wearing one and causing troubles. What a shameless fellow you are".

Now that the pressure suddenly fell on him, Kai glanced at Sandro hoping that he might help, but as soon as he saw the dumb expression Sandro wore Kai gave up immediately, seems like the guy was still processing the events and can't be reached.

Kai would never tell these kids that he is not wearing armour because if he does then his flat chest won't be seen, and men will roam around him thinking he is a woman.

He surely doesn't want them to know, however, Kai can't just ignore a direct question from an imperial member, a crown prince of them all.

With a cold sweat hanging on his temple, kai awkwardly smiled saying:" ah, you see, your highness, I am an Archer, I fight from far distant which does not require me to be full armour. Overall, my lowly life is nothing to compare with your highness's".

" is that so?", Lennox said with a cunning smirk hidden behind the red ribbon.

' he figured it out!!!!! How can he see right through me?!!!'

Kai did not answer, but silently staring at the ground. Seeing him tense like that, Lennox decided not to bully him and pull things further, sighing, he said:" never mind, for now, take her to change before that smell sticks on her skin".

Everly exclaimed: "ah, I didn't bring any extra clothes".

Lennox:" it's fine, just use mine. I have to deal with the formation and ensure the safety of the inhabitants, you go first ".

As Kai warped Everly with his coat and carried her away, Everly never averted her gaze from Lennox, staring at him until he disappeared from her sight.

' .......I want to be like him'


When Kai and Everly arrived at the camp, they were faced by the scene of Ethan and Noah leaning on each other, deeply in sleep that they were snoring.

' this is not the type of (keeping watch) that the prince meant'

Irritated by their carelessness, Kai threw his heavy quiver on their faces causing them to jolt awake.

Startled, Ethan blurted:" you are back, that was too soon, aah, we were just pretending to sleep, you know like a prank, hahaha".

Kai scanned the two knights from head to toe, his expression seemed as if he was looking at two garbage cans, however, he kept his silence.

Being stared at in that way sobered the two men, and made them realize that one of the main characters was missing.

Noah:" what about the crown prince?".

Kai placed Everly down on her legs, rummaging through the luggage he answered:" he said to leave first since he needed to take care of other things ".

Once he finished his sentence, Noah suddenly exclaimed:" hey look, the must is fading ".

Ethan said in awe:" Oh god, this kid is giving me new reasons to fear him every day. Isn't that formation made by an A-class monster?!!".

Ignoring them, Kai pulled a black sit of clothes and handed them to Everly. He subconsciously said:" you know how to change outfits right? Here".

He didn't expect an answer to that, but he also did not expect that Everly would just stand stiff with a troubled expression.

Ethan blurted:" are serious?!!!".

Noah:" for real? Even five years old toddlers know how to put on some clothes ".

The more they talked the more Everlys' face crumbled, Kai assumed that she might cry at this rate, and if she did, then these two idiots are as good as dead. Kai, carried Everly and sat her on his arm, patting her back, he scolded both Ethan and Noah:" of course she wouldn't know, you stupid punks, she is a lady, and is supposed to be pampered ".

After a pause, he changed his tone and gently said to Everly:" it's okay milady, I will help you".

While watching him walk away with Everly in his arms, Ethan Whispered:" is it alright to let a man assist a lady dressing?".

Noah answered, also whispering:" well, Kai is more a woman than a man he is more suited for the mission than us, and I guess it's fine since she is a kid".

Kai took her behind the carriage and carefully unbuttoned her shirt. with a towel covering her head, Kai couldn't see her face but the little drops falling on his hand told him she was crying.

Quickly, Kai grabbed her cheeks, exclaiming in worry:" milady!! What's wrong?!".

Everly said sobbing:" I am sorry ".

Kai:" for what? Milady never did anything bad".

Everly:" I caused troubles for Kai.... if I was as reliable as Lennox..... then I, I won't cause troubles.... I would be useful ".

Kai brushed her tears away soothing her, he said:" what trouble? It's my honour to serve milady. And milady is already this amazing, you are as reliable as the crown prince, there is no need to feel imperfect ".

Kai comforted her until she finally stopped crying, and after dressing, Everly decided to take a nap until Lennox returns since he had to handle many complicated things to her at the city.

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