For The Glory Of Sitia Empire

Chapter 44

Chapter 44

" Are you sure of the way?" Jennings asked for the third time.

Annoyed, Bernard answered:" how many times do you think I have been here?! I pretty much know every tree in this forest, so just shut up".

' I shouldn't have brought this punk with me, what if he annoys my baby girl?!!'

Jennings said in a warry tone:" it's getting darker by time.... you are not planning on burying me here then flee, are you?".

Bernard threatened:" I will really consider it if you don't seal that trap of yours ".

" fine, fine" Jennings said after a pause:" I guess it can't be helped, it's my first time going out without any guards, I mean, I did wander around the capital in disguise, but I always had few knights secretly following me".

Bernard:" what guards? I, myself, am a whole ass army, so just be quiet for a while will you ".

Suppressing a laugh, Jennings said as he turned his face the other side:" yeah, you are right, but I still have my worries. So don't go too far away from me, you know for security, I trust you wholeheartedly, Bernard. No, actually I love you".

Frustrated, Bernard could no more endure the humiliating way Jennings was behaving, he barked at the man:" WHY THE HELL ARE YOU ACTING OUT OF YOUR CHARACTER?!!!!! Don't even think I would believe that you are scared witless because it's dark!!! Are you perhaps doing this to provoke me!! You damned old man!!".

At that moment, Jennings bursted in laughter, he has been spitting nonsense from the second they entered the forest. He very much knew that Bernard hated the coward and cheesy people, and since his friend was giving him the cold shoulder all the way since leaving Alara city, Jennings decided to annoy this bearded man a bit.

Bernard tightened his grip on the reins as he said:" enough bullshitting, we have arrived ".

Hearing that, Jennings excitedly focused on the way ahead of them, they had already reached the end of the forest. Flickering lights could be seen from behind the leaves, the closer they walked, the brighter they became.

And when they finally exited the woods, both of them were greeted by the immense numbers of lanterns that illuminated the whole town as if it was a bright day.

Seeing the familiar sight, Bernard warmly smiled.

' I am home...'

He dismounted from his horse and walked towards the gate, Jennings followed his actions and tailed behind him.

" Bernard!!! Welcome back ".

" Welcome back, big brother ".

The two guards at the gate greeted the arriving man with smiles, Bernard casually responded:" I am home, thanks for your hard work ".

As Bernard walked through the streets, greeting the ones he knew either with waving his hand or simple words, Jennings had a rough time trying not to gasp at anyone passing by him.

He already knew about the exceptional case of Saka town, but witnessing it himself was a whole another level of astonishment.

Humans, Elves, dwarves, half beasts, orcs, Goblins and many strange creatures he could not verify.

Jennings kept following Bernard while looking at the crowded streets, the town was small but surely filled with various types of people and goods, no wonder he could see few well known and wealthy merchants around there.

'Seems like the incomes of the town trade are pretty much incredible, Bernard's master did well, managing everything '

After fifteen minutes that felt like years, Jennings and Bernard reached to a quieter neighbourhood and Jennings could finally breathe peacefully.

'Wow, that pressure is no joke'

Bernard slowed his pace so Jennings could catch up with him, and walked side by side.

Jennings:" by the way, Bernard, is there a celebration or something today? Things are quite crazy down the centre ".

Wearing a helpless smile, Bernard answered:" actually...this is how things usually look like, celebrations and festivals are more like a war here".

After exiting that neighbourhood, both of them climbed up a hill, on the top of the hill was a simple two-storey house, the design itself was old, but the building looked as if it was finished days ago.

Bernard tied the horses to the fence before fixing his clothes and standing at the doorstep. He grabbed the doorknob but turned to Jennings saying before opening it:" I swear if you do or say something weird, I will kill you ".

He said this then quickly opened the door with a smile, saying loudly:" master, I am home".



" brother Ba!!!".

A little girl by the height of their waists popped out of nowhere and jumped to Bernard's embrace.

" little Ma, I missed you so much ".

The girl giggled silvery as she said:" I missed brother too".

Maitea smiled brightly and energetically until she noticed the blonde man standing next to her brother.

There is a stranger in the house!!!

Bernard did not notice the stiff expression of his little sister as he put her down to greet his master properly.

" Welcome back home, Bernard. How was your travel ".

A man seemed to be in his twenties walked into the room, his lips were curved up forming a heart-warming smile, as his red eyes were focused on Bernard, his soft arched brows slightly raised up in delight, but strangely, this man had a small branch on his right side growing from beneath his long-long pinkish hair, with a couple of full-bloomed peach flowers.

"It was was nothing, a piece of cake" Bernard answered.

Hearing that answer, the master extended his arm, putting his hand at the back of Bernard's head, pushing him gently towards himself until their foreheads touched each other's.

"That's my boy".

However, Jennings wasn't able to see any of that, his eyes were stuck, from the moment he entered the house, at the tiny ball of cuteness.

A fluffy caramel hair, soft pinchable cheeks, pearls-like teeth, pink small nose and emerald eyes that shined even more than all the lanterns outside.

Jennings blurted in disbelief:"...a deity".

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