For The Glory Of Sitia Empire

Chapter 64

Chapter 64

" ah. Lenny, your temperature ring isn't fixed yet, right? "

" Hn "

Lennox nodded at Jennings's question. They were a few minutes away from the main temple of Dalia. Jennings continued with an anxious expression.

" then you don't have to shake hands or let anyone touch you if it's uncomfortable "

As he said that, Jennings subconsciously took a glance at the street outside the window, before quickly rechecking it again. Lennox decided to ignore his old man's behaviour and carry on their conversation.

" don't treat me like a child, old man "

Jennings who was wearing a confused expression while looking outside the carriage's window became even more confused at Lennox's words.

" you are literally a child "

" I am not a normal one, so don't put me in the same range as your typical kids "

While frequently glancing outside his window, Jennings responded firmly to his son's unreasonable statement.

" no matter how smart and adult-like you behave, Lenny, you are still my 10 years old child that makes me worried all the time "

" Excuse me?!!! I am the one worried here. Da hell do ya keep look'n outside? Ya broke ya neck? "

With a helpless sigh, Jennings spoke wearing a troubled expression as he massaged his forehead.

" it's nothing. I just feel something is not going right, probably my imagination. And stop talking like a vulgar countryside bandit "

Ignoring the last part, Lennox inwardly admired his old man's sixth sense. There was indeed something about to smash.

' well, I know about it thanks to yesterday's reports, but an Emperor's sense surely can't be underestimated '

According to the reports Kai gathered from Lennox's secret informants, a terror attack will happen where the grand wedding was held. Although the culprits were local block-head justice seekers, Lennox could clearly see an invisible hand supporting their plans from the shadows.

' Can't be a noble. Maybe a rich Marchant? '

If one of the nobles was actually helping these terrorists, then, they are pretty much doomed. This is the imperial family we are talking about. The culprits' motives, as the informants' reports claimed, was to create a slight uproar at a grand event. With the Emperor involved, the investigation will comprehend every detail of the temple and people within it, gradually uncovering the temple's wrongdoings.

Well, yeah. It's more like they are planting rice in desert...

If disobeying an imperial member is considered a serious crime, what do they think will happen to them after attempting to harm the Emperor himself? Dying peacefully would be the less they might get.

" Then just check it out. There is no harm in being overly cautious "

" well said, Lenny "

As he said that, the carriage slowly came to a halt. A few seconds after, a clear voice sounded from the window next to Jennings.

" your majesty, we have arrived "

Jennings responded with a cheerful beam:" ah, is that so? I wonder if Bernard and little Eve had arrived "


At the spacious gleaming hall of the main temple of Dalia, many aristocrats gathered in order to offer their sincere congrats to the pair who will perform their vow towards the goddess of fate. And of course, that bullshit was only on the surface, most of the old farts and hags were here either for their own benefits or to just gossip with other nobles.

Gossiper 1:" you heard? that child that said to be his majesty's daughter is actually general Egerton's younger sister "

Gossiper 2: "really?!! That's totally news to me"

Gossiper 3: "utter nonsense! We all know how close the general and his majesty are. I think they are just trying to hide the girl's origin"

Gossiper 2:" that is possible. They say that child has gained the crown prince's favour and now he keeps her around him all the time"

Gossiper 4:" Indeed, how could a mere child walk freely around the crown prince if not related by blood. Even us adults barely manage to stay in the same room as him"

Gossiper 1:" speak of the devil. There they come "

The moment Bernard stepped into the hall, all kind of murmurs and sounds suddenly stopped. It was quite unusual to see him dressed in neatly fancy outfits with his dark red hair brushed to the back, but the more shocking scene was the small thing peeking its head from behind Bernard.

" ooh, general! You have arrived"

" good day, captain Hesse"

After shaking hand with Bernard, the man crouched down as he greeted the fluff ball behind Bernard.

"Hello, lady Everly. You look as adorable as always"

" Hello, Oliver "

Oliver Hesse, the youngest son of Hesse noble household, holds the title of a Captain in the Imperial Knights' order. Oliver was known for his carefree manners and popularity with women- Frankly speaking, he was just a womanizer.

After receiving Everly's almost un-hear-able greeting, Oliver stood up again, directing his question at Bernard.

" I believe young lady Everly is extremely shy around strangers, bringing her to such a toxic environment isn't considerate from you"

Bernard helplessly sighed over Oliver's question. Apparently, two women pressured Bernard to bring Everly with him, one her name starts with the letter (Catherine), who threatened to throw him at the deepest spot of the ocean. While the other's name starts with the letter (Annasophy), simply gave a formal command as an imperial member.

While Bernard was pondering on his little sister's cuteness that overwhelmed everyone, a group of noble ladies approached them. By the sight of these people walking towards them, Bernard's defence mood instantly activated.

He picked Everly on his arm, then faced the coming individuals with a glibly smile.

" General Egerton, good to see you. It's been a while "

"Good to see you too, lady Ruess "

Dorothea Ruess, wife of Marquess Baxter Ruess. Although the Marquess is known for his block-head and hot temper, everyone else in his family are sly foxes. Including, of course, his wife that has come straight to Bernard with hidden intention to observe this so-called ' sister ' of an esteemed general.

" oh, this must be your rumoured sibling. Such a pretty young girl "

Another woman commented as she leaned a bit closer to Everly.

" Indeed, this child will grow to be a fascinating beauty. I can see that "

' she neither looks like his majesty nor the general, it's hard to tell who is the real relative '

With all these eyes inspecting her, Everly buried her face in Bernard's shoulder. Recalling what he told her last night.

' if something happened and we got separated, don't talk to strangers. And if anyone tried to touch you, beat the shit out of them '

Everly warped her arms around Bernard's neck, consoling herself that even if the master and her other brother aren't here to protect her from those scary people, she still had Bernard and Jennings. After all, Everly has been with Jennings for months throughout the sublime tour ceremony. Naturally, she grew fond of his warmth and considered him to be part of her family.

It was as the women's chatters started to resemble tweeting birds, a voice calling for Bernard came from a distance.

" ah, General! Over here"

Seeing the young man waving towards him, Bernard almost cried tears of joy. According to his master, women like Dorothea Ruess must never be underestimated. Usually, Yoon, the second brother was the one to deal with such situations in the absence of their master.

Now that neither any of them were around, Bernard and Everly could only sneak out with glibly tricks.

' and who knows, maybe that woman is giving private lessons for devils! '

" please excuse us, ladies. Seems like young master Franklin has a matter to discuss with me "

He said that then instantly fled towards Franklin.

"Damn, Thanks for that "

"Don't mention it "

Bernard sighed in relief, but still couldn't let his gourd down. Although no one approached them after, he still could feel the gazes of many people at him. Everly probably could also feel their eyes continuously landing at her, since she was tightening her grip on Bernard's clothes.

"By the way, why are you not with your brother? Today is his wedding day, aren't you supposed to stand next to him?"

"Worry not, Erwin is with him. Brother Fletcher sent me to greet his majesty"

By mentioning Jennings, Everly who has been ignoring Franklin's attempts to draw her attention, quickly asked.

" When will he come?"

Hearing Everly's bunny-like voice, made the young mn clench on his chest, filling his heart with joy. And before he could answer, the gourds at the entrance shouted to the people inside the hall.

" Attention! His majesty, the Emperor and the sun of Sitia. With, his highness, the crown prince and the pride of our Empire had arrived"

As the gourds' voice faded, the crowd instantly split into two sides, creating a path for the imperial family to walk towards their high-placed seats. When the sound of footsteps started to get closer, all the individuals bowed their heads deeply.



Jennings stepped inside the hall spreading his majestic aura. His blond hair blended too well with his violet attire and sky-like blue eyes that smoothly scanned everyone at the hall.

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